The canine estrus cycle (commonly referred to as the dog heat cycle) occurs every 6 to 12 months. They can answer questions with authority and help you breed your dog safely. Therefore, dogs in their later years will have longer periods between their periods. So, that means no doggie menopause for your four legged female friend. Before we find out how often you should breed dogs, it is important to know when female dogs reach their maturity first. During estrus, your female dog may appear nervous, easily distracted and more alert than usual. She has kept many pets over the years and has intimate knowledge of their needs both emotionally and physically. Each heat generally lasts several days with the average length being six days. Female dogs go into heat twice a year. Your dog will be in heat for 2-4 weeks. At this time, estrogen levels first increase and then sharply decrease, and mature eggs are released from the ovaries. Most female dogs come into heat two times per year, although that can vary depending on the breed and even each dog individually. I’m kidding. 5. WebMD Veterinary Reference from ASPCA Virtual Pet Behaviorist. The average length of the heat period in cats is around six days. Young dogs that come into heat … The time during which male dogs are attracted to a female dog is variable, approximately 18 days. In fact, the rigors of giving birth and raising pups can lead to premature aging and, in some cases, death. For more information, please read our privacy policy. First, intact female dogs can develop a condition called pyometra. The estrous cycle in dogs on average happens twice a year once a dog reaches sexual maturity. Your bitch may go through all the dog pregnancy stages without ever having a puppy. Estrus, or heat, is the stage in a female dog's reproductive cycle during which she becomes receptive to mating with males. Kitten Care -- From Adoption to Kitty-Proofing Your Home, Top 10 Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Pet, Helping Stray and Feral Cats: What You Should Know. It will appear bloody, much like a woman’s period. However, if your dog has been spayed or you know it is not time for your intact dog to go into heat, the bleeding could be a … Most dogs have two cycles per year, and the season is irrelevant. A Veterinary Guide to Cat Spaying Procedure. As the fertile period continues, the discharge will turn more clear. If you are going to breed your dog, please talk with your vet about this and consult an experienced breeder who is willing to help you. This happens because your dog is driven by nature to deposit urine rich in pheromones near her location. The blood comes off of hard floors with a quick swiffer cleaning. Although menstruation isn’t a “health problem,” it’s messy, and it can cause headaches for owners. We groom her often and I can smell the blood a couple of days before. This is called Ovarian Remnant Syndrome and is caused by some remaining ovarian tissues still functioning. When your dog is 6 months old, she is old enough to go into heat. If a dog is scrupulously clean and licks away the discharge, it can … I want to hear from you about how often dogs go into heat in your house if you live with intact female dogs! Some of these descriptions are a bit graphic, but it is important to discuss this with maturity so you understand what to look for to tell how often dogs go into heat. I’ve never had a female dog before and she was never suppose to be our dog, but her owner abandoned her with us. If your dog was, however, spayed at less than 2 years old, it’s highly unlikely that she will develop malignant tumors. Dogs tend to go into their first heat anywhere between 6 months and 1 year or more, depending on breed. When the female is receptive to males, vaginal discharge decreases in amount and is straw-colored. It is not ok to become frustrated with your dog for being a dog. The first time she went into heat was about 7.5 months. This, of course, is also known as spaying your dog. Her vulva may also swell. Ideally, your dog should be spayed before she enters her first heat cycle. How often do dogs go into heat? Being in heat is also known as coming into season, and most female dogs will come into season twice a year throughout their lives unless they are spayed. Unfortunately, nature does not do usually, when it comes to seasons you cannot class all dogs alike. Most vets and research available recommends you spay your dog around 6 months old. Your vet has the best advice about this subject! An unspayed female dog can usually be expected to come into heat twice yearly and normally lasts three weeks. What I want you to understand is that your dog will cycle two times every year until or unless you have her fixed. My dogs are little Chihuahua mixes and they seemed to be in heat all the time lol! Just because nature says it is time doesn’t mean you should breed your dog so young. A healthy dog of any breed can be spayed after her Rabies Vaccine without it having any effect on her personality or some people worry about there dog getting enough “hormones” I’m Registered Veterinary Technician and by spaying your pet before she goes into her first heat cycle is recc. Some breeds go into heat more often. A bloody discharge from the vulva is a normal part of a female dog’s heat cycle. It tends to occur earlier for small-breed dogs and later for large-breed dogs. Personally, I recommend that you do have your dog fixed. Without some advice and examination from your vet, it is difficult to pinpoint this exactly. 6. Your dog’s cycles will regulate by the time they are around two years old. Lauren is a young woman with a true passion for animals. The quality of dog food you buy also makes a difference--the better the dog food, the further it will go toward nourishing your dog and the less of it you'll need to shake into your dog's bowl. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. How Often Do Dogs Go Into Heat- 7 Ways To Tell, Fact 2: Female Dogs Go Into Heat For The First Time At 6 Months Old. Conversely, however, some female dogs are receptive to breeding right away as they enter their heat. The cycle slows down, however. If you’ve enjoyed this article, check out some of the other recent posts on the website. Generally, it is thought that an un-spayed or entire female dog will have more balanced hormone levels, higher energy levels and less chance of developing obesity when compared to a spayed dog. It will also protect your dog from unwanted advances from male dogs in the neighborhood. However, it is best to consult with your veterinarian for specific recommendations regarding the best time to spay your dog. I have 7 facts about female dogs in heat so you’ll know the warning signs.​. If the queen (an unspayed female cat) is not mated during estrus, she will go out of heat for a short period of time. Although it varies with different breeds and individual dogs, an unspayed female usually goes into heat twice yearly, about every six months. If he gets loose, he will try to track down the scent. However, spaying your dog can make your dog more prone to other health issues such as an increased risk of developing urinary incontinence. Some people believe this surgery prevents cancer. If you are concerned about the cost of veterinary care, please read our resources on finding financial help. Once she's had kittens and had weaned them, it's best to get a female cat spayed. For example, small breed dogs can have three cycles a year. 2. When a female dog is ready to be bred, she may initiate sexual interactions with other dogs, elevate her hind quarters toward males when they approach, deflect her tail to one side and tense her rear legs. Sharing Is Caring and Commenting Is Even Better! Additionally, young dogs may have irregular cycles. Watch for the following signs to identify if your dog is in heat. Your dog will urinate frequently during walks when she is in heat. Discharge emerges from your dog when she is in heat. That is a specialized subject that has its own pros and cons to consider. The vet removes the dog’s ovaries and uterus to prevent heat and pregnancy. Vaginal bleeding is a sign that your dog will soon be going into heat. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts, Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter. Our German Shepherd was born with 2 very serious heart defects. On the upside, if your dog isn’t spayed, your family will have lots of stories to tell after Thanksgiving at your house this year. She became very needy and we gave her extra attention and cuddles. The spay surgery is like a hysterectomy in humans. It is a little like male dogs marking their territory. How Can I Prevent My Dog From Going Into Heat? Remember that cats will continue to go into heat until they mate. It is serious and life threatening. Overall not really a big issue. In some cases, the discharge will not be apparent until several days after heat has begun. Spayed females will no longer experience a heat cycle or menstruate. If you don’t feel that your vet is knowledgeable about how often dogs go into heat or when to spay dogs, interview other vets and choose a new one right away. This is why she is peeing so much! Schedule a spay for your dog unless you are a breeder! When Does A Dog Experience Her First Estrus? The average female cat will first go into heat (or cycle) between 6-9 months of age, but heat cycles can start as early as 4 months of age and as late as 12 months. Estrus, or heat, is the stage in a female dog's reproductive cycle during which she becomes receptive to mating with males. In an effort to advertise for mates, they'll yowl and urinate more frequently-sometimes all over the house! Your male dog … You’ll most probably notice changes in her behavior; this is caused by a shift in her hormone balance. When Does A Dog Experience Her First Estrus? At first, vaginal discharge is blood-tinged and the vulva is swollen. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. This can be dangerous and requires emergency surgery. Flirting for dogs involves the female dog presenting her rear end to the male. It has also been shown that dogs who are spayed prior to their first heat cycle have a much reduced risk for mammary gland tumors. Your female dog will go into the heat or estrus phase for approximately three weeks once or twice a year. Finally, you may see your dog ‘flirting’ with male dogs. Fact 6: Why You Should Have Your Dog Spayed Or Fixed, How Often Do Goes Go Into Heat And What You Should Do. 1. You must be understanding of her change in behavior because this is what nature intended. Because domesticated dogs live in climate controlled situations inside our homes, there is no specific season that triggers your dog’s estrus cycle. Conversely, large breed dogs may only have one cycle every 12 to 18 months. It certainly alleviates some behavioral problems such as frequent urination. That being said, I want to be very clear that this article is not about breeding your dog. Heat cycles usually last for several days. How To Clean A Dog’s Ears In 5 Simple Steps, How to Make a Dog Bandana Without Sewing in 10 Easy Steps, When do German Shepherds Stop Growing – Find Out the Truth Now, 15 Dogs That Don’t Shed: Amazing Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds. Generally, a veterinarian can spay a dog when she is as young as two months old. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Fact 3: How Long Will My Dog Stay In Heat? I had noticed about 5 days prior she was getting ready to go into heat. Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. Depending on the breed of the dog, or the number of dogs coming into your yard, you may have to try several options. Though mammary cancer is more common in females, it can also affect males, in which case it becomes so aggressive and has a poor prognosis. First estrus generally occurs when an unspayed female dog is between six and 24 months old. Please do not submit questions about medical problems here. Male dogs will know your dog is in heat because there are scent signals called pheromones in her urine. A female dog who’s pregnant or in heat can be spayed. You may or may not be able to see this, however. Required fields are marked *. You can delay this up to 9 months, however, and some people believe it is better to wait. When your dog is 6 months old, she is old enough to go into heat. In many cases, a bloody vaginal discharge is the first sign that a pet owner will notice when their dog comes into heat. If your dog is not neutered, he will be able to sense a female in heat from up to a mile away and can get agitated. On average a dog will be in heat for 1½ to 2 weeks but this can be shorter or longer. Elective surgery is not an option.   This means a new heat cycle could begin just days to weeks after the last one ends. Watch for the signs I explain below to identify when your dog is in heat and when the heat is over. Leave me a comment about this or anything else related to dogs. At the start of the fertile period, this discharge will be darker red. All kittens should be neutered or spayed by the age of four months. Many factors which can influence the age at which your female dog starts her first heat, how long her heats last, and how often she comes into season It is not unusual for dogs that have been spayed to show signs of going into heat a short time after they have had the ovariohysterectomy. Spaying during pregnancy will terminate the pregnancy and can be performed until just a few days before delivery, although this is not recommended. Furthermore, spaying a female dog will also eliminate the heat cycle process. You may be able to see this by examining your dog. A dog heat cycle only happens once or twice a year. Male dogs are very sensitive to the smell of a female dog who is fertile. Though many people have heard that there are health benefits in allowing a dog to have a litter before she is spayed, this belief is unsubstantiated. Spaying female dogs can also prevent certain types of cancer, as well as mammary tumors. She was especially aggressive when protecting her yard so we had to keep a close eye on her. 1. Estrus Cycle. Such is the nature of the reproductive hormone cycle in the dog that your bitch can exhibit all of the above signs of being pregnant – including becoming a bit of a sook, eating a lot, sleeping a lot, and lactating – without actually being pregnant! If your cat is in heat and you decided to wait to spay her, then it's important to plan ahead. Join us to experience…. This is very important so that you can decide whether your dog is too young or too old to bear a puppy. On the other hand, some dogs don’t show visible signs that are easy to notice. These are averages however. This is also called their estrus cycle. Your email address will not be published. Just like human women, female dogs may be fertile through the entire heat or they may only have a 10 day window that they can get pregnant in. Can Dogs Get Pink Eye- How To Get The Red Out, How to Stop Dog from Barking at Door in 4 Easy Steps. Once your dog knows this command, you can signal to her that she should step away from furniture, other dogs or guests. It is highly recommended that you get your female dog spayed, not only to prevent estrus and accidental pregnancy, but to protect her against breast cancer and diseases of the reproductive system. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. I couldn’t resist- we need a little humor in this anatomy and biology discussion! Additionally, it will prevent her humping things and licking herself which can be embarrassing when company is over. Why Your Dog Doesn’t Want to Go Outside and what to Do About It? We go to great lengths to help users better understand their dog; however, the content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. This is the only way to identify your dog’s individual cycle. In reality, it may not be that simple. Your dog’s vulva swells during heat. The urine will draw them to her for breeding. Consult your vet for the best opinion on this important decision. This new pet’s presence causes a shift in the social dynamic of the household that your current dog may feel needs addressing. We just had our dog spayed on Tuesday the 2nd. False Pregnancy. While cycles can vary, female felines usually go into heat four to five days every three weeks during breeding season.