You see the word “break” is just half of the word “break-up,” so why not pull the band-aid off right away instead of torturing someone with a … Turns out he didn't really want space, he was just interested in talking to other girls and playing his video games. He said he was unsure. He is probably using the space to decrease the intensity of the break-up. But actually, he doesn’t do you any favors by breaking up like this. When a man says he needs space or a break, more often than not, there’s someone in mind he’d like to sleep with that’s distracting him. I can respect her needing space but after 2 1/2 years of been committed to one another, she decides she’s doesn’t want to be in a commitment anymore. I don't see why your boyfriend, or my ex boyfriend for that matter, would want space. I was wrong I falsely accused him of cheating. One of the most common phrases many men use when they want to break up with you is, “It’s not you, it’s me.” When a guy tells you this, he is acting like he is taking all the responsibility for the end of the relationship. If your partner utters the words “I need space,” don’t assume your relationship is doomed. I asked him if this was a break up but he was so angry and so distraught with me he refused not to say. Me and my boyfriend just recently broke up. He is not sure about you and odds are he never will be. Because he wants a break to fix himself first and we will back together when he is okay. I mean you barely see each other right! Though he said that he still has feelings for me he feel we just needed a break from each other. Now he says he wants space. Most see “giving them space” as one of the more risky and painful options possible because there’s a real fear that the space is just the first step toward a divorce or break up. "That couple should make some rules about communication, dating other people, and … Sometimes a couple really does need to take a minute away from each other. "The best indicator for a couple getting back together is both parties agreeing that the breakup is a temporary 'reset' while they both work on themselves — and they know what they have to work on," Sussman said. If we find ourselves in this situation and our boyfriend asks for space, it could be a good idea if we know that something needs to change but we don't want to break up. Is her taking some space/break mean she’s slowly trying to break up because she doesn’t want to tell me straight up. Ouch that hurts, right? He asked for space one day, and we ended up not seeing each other for a long time. He said that he does love me but he needs space to fix his problems. It can cause intense anxiety on your part, as the person being asked to give the space or time to an ex or to a boyfriend or girlfriend. It doesn't always mean that breaking up is the best thing for both of them. Does wanting space mean a break up? Once needing some space was a commonly understood term, it stands to reason that a person wanting some time away from her partner, or to put the brakes on a … We are long distance relationship and never met yet in person. It’s my first time having this kind of relationship but I really understand it. If you don’t give that space, they will need/want to break up with you because they don’t see their “feelings” of being in love coming back.. I’m just confused.