, 1997). A lot has also been written on perception about male or female leadership. Beginning in the mid-1970’s, women began going to business school and earning their Master’s of Business Administration and, as a result, building on that education and gaining work experience (Nelton, 1999). That is not to say that all women possess these characteristics, but it is based on the majority through studies and extensive research. Students can use our free essays as examples to write their own. The brightest students know that the best way to learn is by example! As well, each father let his daughter run the show once she was named CEO-the surest sign of support (Nelton, 1999). The understanding and emotional aspect of women, and their tendencies to infuse ‘motherly’ features … Now, this statement may seem false given the usually near equal number of male as well as female employees in most organizations. That is not to say that all women possess these characteristics, but it is based on the majority through studies and extensive research. To foster collaboration encompasses what women leaders are. Business News Daily asked female leaders to share their thoughts on women in power. Men seem to shut out women. However, women’s communication style is perceived as ‘better’ than men’s communication style. Download the full version above. On the contrary, a significant percentage of the social science literature support the similarity stand, suggesting that, considering all things, men and women lead in the same manner (Eagly and Johnson, 1990). She goes on to say that if you cannot prove that you are also profit-driven, you will never make it to the successor level. The sharing of information and resources is, again, like second nature to women.This is through their socialization. EssaySauce.com is a completely free resource for students. Female leaders are interested in transforming their teams and making them more productive, focusing on effective ways of motivation and individual development. Women Is the Better Leader Than a Men Essay ...past we know that man had the upperhand but these day, it seem women starting to start their life to be more matured and independents than a man. It is important to take note that there are male leaders that possess each of these qualities and are superior leaders. Women leaders are more persuasive than their male counterparts. According to Ely, Stone & Ammerman (2014, 104) women do leave the company to take care of the children. Furthermore, one respondent in a report of Vecchio (2003, 835) about the gender advantage states the following quote about female leadership: ‘Every study I’m aware of finds that women managers are more effective than men in decision making, analysis, so-called people skills and communications. According to Gloysberg & Connolly (2013, 71) who interviewed 24 CEO’s about diverse and inclusive organisations, state that seven of the CEOs said that being shut out from networks and conversations leads to less development and promotion of an employee. Nowadays more young woman graduate of Universities, yet the amount of female leader seems remarkable low (in 2012 only 16,6%). Get more persuasive, argumentative female american leader essay samples and other research papers after sing up ... all these factors and the extent of their successful implementation define the true worth of any given leader. You can get your custom paper from Here are 17 reasons women make great leaders. On the contrary, women do leave the company due to child care and they start working part-time. More and more women are rising to the leadership challenge, even in some of the most male-dominated industries.