We can see in plot below that the hero data very closely overlays the data for the 15mg/ml Standard. For those with a high degree of confidence that their cat does have FIP, you can join FIP Warriors. We can see in plot below that the hero data very closely overlays the data for the 15mg/ml Standard. This sample from a “white cap” bottle is claimed to have a higher GS concentration (than the 15mg/ml standard) of 16.5 mg/ml. The surprising result we see here is that the actual concentrations for Capella and Brava are higher than the quoted 15mg/ml. We will refund you the full value of any unopened/unused vials should our GS prove to be ineffective in treating FIP in your cat. Eigene anfängliche Studien mit experimentellen FIP zeigten, dass die weniger chemisch Komplex „GS-441524′, die Muttergesellschaft von Nukleosid-GS-5734, war sehr wirkungsvoll, die den Weg für einen Feldversuch bei Katzen mit natürlich vorkommenden FIP. The latter group has since revised its policy, and this month began referring pet owners seeking information about the unapproved treatments to FIP Warriors. The recommended dosage of GS for cats with non-neurological FIP is 4 mg/kg, SC, once a day, for 12 weeks. See what these cats owners have to say about us. Veterinarians, who are under more legal and ethical constraints, may view the black market quite differently from owners of cats suffering from FIP. The optimum dosage was found to be 4.0 mg/kg SC q24h for at least 12 weeks. "It very clear that GS-441524 is highly effective against coronavirus infection in cats," he explained. In order to get GS samples in a good range for measurement, they had to be diluted at 1:120. The first question is for your kitties weight, enter that and then select “Lbs” or “Kg” from the dropdown for what system your cat’s weight was measured in. He says the drug works by blocking the virus’s ability to replicate. Much higher priority should be given to clinical results of a brand used to treat a large number of cats over the full 84 days of treatment and 84 dyas of post treatment observation. Throughout the course of treatment, remember to weigh your cat frequently and increase his/her dose accordingly with weight gain. This compound is nearly identical Remdesivir. FIP Warriors has grown to more than 2,000 members in five months. Feline Infectious Peritonitis, FIP, is caused by a mutation of the typically benign Coronavirus (FCoV). Our GS is treatment ready. Please help Silvester fight FiP ️. Capella and Brava: The plot below shows three data sets: the 15mg/ml standard, a recent random sample from a Capella shipment, and a recent random sample from a Brava shipment. This group consists mostly of cat parents who have used or who are currently using GS to treat FIP. This is the what people mean when they caution owners that want to treat their cats that the available products are black market. The nucleoside analog GS-441524 strongly inhibits feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) virus in tissue culture and … Infekční peritonitida koček (též felinní infekční peritonitis, anglicky Feline Infectious Peritonitis, odtud běžně používaná zkratka FIP) je závažné infekční virové onemocnění koček způsobené kočičím koronavirem.Postihuje hlavně koťata do dvou let věku a pak staré kočky. Wichtige Botschaft von unserem Idol und Schirmherrn Prof. Niels C. P... edersen: I am happy to hear about the success of GS-441524 in Germany. The Nanodrop is an very sensitive instrument. The higher the peak, the more light was absorbed indicating higher concentration. Cats with neurological FIP may require a progressively higher dosage of 5-10 mg/kg. Since the Standards were prepared and tested three times, we have high confidence that these results are correct to within 5%. GS-441524 is originally identified as an active metabolite of Remdesivir that is an antiviral drug, a novel nucleotide analog prodrug. At this time, we feel that Capella and Brava meet this criteria. While this group does not represent or endorse any GS manufacturer, it can help connect you with different suppliers of GS441524. It is a progressive disease that is almost always fatal. What a sad, sorry world we have become if justification for wrongdoing makes you a hero. According to a paper published in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers from Kansas State University describe their success with an antiviral treatment for FIP that inhibits the virus from replicating and actually stops the the disease […] We will leave the purity discussion for the complete report. GS-441524 proved to be even more potent against FIP and provided hints that even neurological FIP was treatable. Yet this is what is happening. Conclusions and relevance: GS-441524 was shown to be a safe and effective treatment for FIP. Since GS is able to bind to RNA in the virus, it turns out that GS has an absorption profile that is similar to RNA in the same range of wavelengths. This type of machine is very expensive and more easily damaged. Silvester has FiP The poor mite is struggling to breathe with fluid aro... und his lungs and he’s severely anemic. Cats with neurological FIP may require a progressively higher dosage of 5-10 mg/kg. It appears that FIP has been the hidden disease of cats for a long time, and that with a treatment, we are finally appreciating just how serious it is to our cats. Sadly our worst fears have came true! Feline infectious peritonitis or FIP is probably the number one fatal viral disease of young cats around the world. GS441524 and GC376 are the two new antiviral drugs responsible for all the recent excitement. All that said, if you decide you want to treat with one of the oral forms of GS, I will do my to help you locate a reputable oral form. Since an HPLC-MS was not readily available, we have done the best we could with the Nanodrop. January 20, 2020 Crafting the (near perfect) infomercial August 29, 2019 Worried about your cat’s liver and kidney values? SAK II GS 441524 (16mg/ml) feline infectious peritonitis(FIP & FIPV), 5.2ml (2-1000 vials) € 59 This sample from a “white cap” bottle is claimed to have a higher GS concentration (than the 15mg/ml standard) of 16.5 mg/ml. V závislosti na úrovni buněčné imunity zvířete existuje onemocnění ve dvou formách: The data suggests that both Capella and Brava are around 18mg/ml and Brava has slightly more GS than Capella. With advent of COVID-19 on the world scene, people have become more acquainted with corona viruses and the drug Remdesivir – the first cousin to GS-441542 – the cure for FIP. FIP, or Feline Infectious Peritonitis, is a viral disease that affects cats. This should help take some of the mystery out of what folks are putting in their cats. A Nanodrop passes light through a sample and measures the absorption of the light as a function of wavelength (color). Feline infectious peritonitis is a viral disease of cats that is seen worldwide. I feel strongly that GS treatment by injection has the highest probability of curing your cat’s FIP and is the only treatment method backed by published research. While RNA has a single absorption band near 260nm, GS has two absorption bands: one near 240nm and another one near 300nm. Distinguished professor Dr. Niels Pederson, legendary researcher at the University of California, Davis has been chasing a solution to FIP for many decades. 100% of all proceeds are donated to Zen By Cat to help raise awareness and cure Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). August 6, 2019. Hero: Hero is a brand that is widely sold in other groups. While this is a closed group, they welcome anyone who faces FIP and wants to explore the use of the only available source of GS-441524 today.While these drugs are unregulated by any governmental agency, they are proving effective at treating FIP Question two is how many MG per KG of GS should your kitty have each day, in Question three you will select the concentration of you GS. This mirrors the successes seen in all other regions of the world. TERMS OF SERVICE   |   PRIVACY POLICY    |    REFUND POLICY, Arrive within 3-5 days to major global destinations in. Clearly it is not 16.5mg/ml. cats with dry FIP and 59 cats with similar dry FIP from the literature that had not been treated. Further, the clinical results should include “tough” cases such as Ocular and neuro forms of FIP. Until now. Kate was among the early members of FIP Warriors, which launched in March as a GS-friendly alternative to FIP Fighters. This result is of course based on the accuracy of the Standard preparation. Not all cats infected with the virus causing FIP will become ill, but cats who do develop signs of FIP will likely succumb to the disease eventually. Rusmira started him on GS treatment today as there’s no time to waste! Clearly it is not 16.5mg/ml. You can choose to become a superhero and save the day, or you can be the bad guy and become a supervillain instead! To determine actual concentration, we prepared Standard samples at various dilutions using GS powder provided by one of the more trusted GS brands. There are two forms of the disease: wet form and dry form. And to be fair, they show the greatest promise. Keywords: FIP; GS-441524; Nucleoside analog; feline infectious peritonitis; field trial. Arrive within 3-5 days to major global destinations in Asia, Europe and Middle East. biotechnology enterprise engaged in the research, development, production and sales of animal . Data was also acquired at half that dilution (1:60). For several weeks, the FIP community has been waiting for an announcement from Mutian that the company had made good on its promise to have FDA approval for its line of GS pills (called Mutian X), as an OTC drug under the FDA’s GRASE program. Dr. Geoffrey S. Ginsburg's research interests are in the development of novel paradigms for developing and translating genomic information into medical practice and the integration of personalized medicine into health care. We have helped to save thousands of cats around the world in past 12 months. The testing includes a mix of current GS brands and some older brands that were suspected of causing problems. Professor of Medicine. We want to stress that this testing data should not be used as the sole means for selecting a brand. It typically strikes kittens and young cats under 2 years of age, or older cats whose immune system has been stressed or otherwise compromised. ... GS-441524 GC-376 and Mutian. Our Guarantee is simple. However, a nearly identical compound GS-44124, has worked to treat FIP. Veterinarians, who are under more legal and ethical constraints, may view the black market quite Top Purity Gs441524 Injection For Cat,Ocular,Neuro,Wet,Dry Fip/gs 441524//gs-441524 Liquid Cas 1355149-45-9 , Find Complete Details about Top Purity Gs441524 Injection For Cat,Ocular,Neuro,Wet,Dry Fip/gs 441524//gs-441524 Liquid Cas 1355149-45-9,Mutian Mutian Tablets,Pine Injectable//ruby Injectable,Aura Injectable//brava Injectable//hero Injectable from Pharmaceutical …