My uncle was in the Navy swift boats in cat-lo Ron g. Wait is doing well,living in washington,state. ?dd214 useless. My dad, Ralph Dean, was in the mobile riverine force. The PBR guys are due all the credit they receive, however, they now wear the same Vietnam Craft Combat Crewman as we do. Was at Nha Be for a few months then moved the whole Division to Go Da Ha.Boat Captain was Bera. Get in-depth analysis on current news, happenings and headlines. My best friend Gerry Miller died in my arms , he was my relief , some say it was Negotiate 23 but was not ! Anyone knew my father Po1 Robert Cabe jr? Hi, I am skips wife, found your post today. i was on r-1 on the grand canal up by Cambodia Dec. of 69 to Oct 70 riv ron 13 and 15 the brown water navy was not only pbr boats. Dave wait cmc20w.dw@gmail.Com Ron would like to hear from friends that he knew during that time. The guy that got killed that night was from the LCM-6 boat, a guy by the name of Tinko (found that out just about a year ago). And again, our apologies that the story upset you. Backdoor-Pilot. I was with RivDiv 533, boat captain of PBR 151 attached to the Hunterdon when I was medevaced on 26JUL1968. Mayes. and went up the coast to “catch” my boat in Cua Viet. Please do not release my name. myboat spent more time in the bush than , the grunts that we supported. Skip. Chief Patanaud was the CNCO for the base then. Please contact me. He passes away last week and never said anything about it. We weren’t as colorful as the Swift boats … but we hauled everybody’s ammo. My question is about a mission on 25-26 Jun 69. Please let me know. Sounds like what my husband did. Looking into Payroll “MPC” records possibility And I mean rifle shooting distance. I hope this makes it to you, I see that this comment was made 3 years ago, but do you remember the first name of the “Wallace” you are referring to? I’m going to defer the question about the pictures to Dave Winkler, our historian, but of course anybody else is welcome to volunteer any photos they have. Thanks for your service !!! … Sugg. The CARRONADE was 245′ long and abt 35′ wide with a mean draft of 10′. Maybe they were gone by the time you arrived. United States Navy Reserve Squadron. dong tam got hit almost everyday but that night only one round came in and i remember it because i was standing watch on my repair barge on the pier next to his boat. Thanks. and purple heart..that day went down in history as the worst day ever in the history of those boats. (Slept in it too). It’s 50 years today July 20, 2019 on July 20 1969 boarding my flight to Vietnam after watching man stepping on the Moon. At least we had mud to hunker down in. BGC etc. Lt Kern tried to shanghai me into the Snipes for awhile but I plead manic claustophobia and thus remained topside and wetside. I am curious if you knew my dad. Naval gun and two twin-40mm mounts, one forward and one aft of the superstructure. The shorter the range, the larger the warhead. John’s boat and crew were directed to extricate as many wounded as possible. The 8-boat beside us and a 6-boat tied at the PBR pier got hit that night (21 Feb. 69). Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on Years ago someone mentioned that Les Simons was residing in Arizona. My father was a CPO in Saigon supporting the Brown Water Navy in the computer/data processing field. All rights reserved. You must have replaced Deacon! My team was inserted by boat just before dark on the 25th. They were good friends. All those on-board lost their lives! I’m sorry but the Va is doing a good job with the determination of illnesses as a result of exposure to agent orange. There is a lot of scientific study that has been done and there is a good list of cancers that are associated with agent orange. Please contact me if you have any information. I NOW LIVE IN LAKEWOOD, NEW JERSEY AND HOPE TO CONTACT ANY ELSE WHO LIVES NEAR ME SO WE CAN CONNECT AFTER ALL THESE YEARS OF BEING AWAY FROM THE BEST TYPE OF SEA DUTY THAT WE HAD. i was a boat captain in t-132-4. The rocket launchers fired at about 40 rockets per minute per launcher and, based on the range of the rocket, the warheads were roughly equal to a 3″50 HP shell, a 5″38 shell or an 8″ shell. The more weight we carried the slower we sailed. Some are of dead Kong and graphic. On LCU1614 1969 cruised all the rivers around Da Nang I find it impossible to find information about the river boats. I am taking a trip and would like to visit. “Former” SK3, USS BENNINGTON Historian, 1965-1969 We were just doing our duty by being there and hopefully we saved some American lives by our actions. The main “harbor” security force were 3 MK5 radar picket boats which were armed with twin 50s amidship, and at times with an unmounted m60. As those who serve know some medals are awarded for just being in a certain place at the right time and others, well, they are truly earned for something greater than meritorious service. The VC would take no prisoners. The school was run by a Civilian group contracted by the Navy. What I have found very interesting over the decades is that sites, blogs, posts etc. If you want to go down in the history books you have to have been flashier than the craft we served on, not just plain old workhorses. The CB’s came down and welded a soft-patch (size 5′ X 5′) on it and it was towed to DaNang for repairs. We spoke to him this afternoon on the phone (he is over 400 miles away) as his wife, son and daughter and other family were with him. Even though I had special training on GM-6V53 engines (PBR’s), they assigned me to NSAD Cua Viet (LCM 8-735). My guess though is that if you were to search out the ship logs of the USS Weiss you may see log entries to validate this…I am interested in accurate reporting (where it is possible) so to me the BW Navy was born in 1964 not 1967…just sayin’……..I also do not want to be contacted about this further…check it out you’ll see. I guess why there is more attention on the PBRS is that they were fast, not like the rag boats. Id was Negotiate 24 was Mortar attack 00:10 June 9th my last patrol just about where the Quang Tre , Dong Ha , Cua Viet rivers meet .