I have really long hair and already shed a lot, but I'll try to monitor it and get back to you in a month or so. Mine was androgenic alopecia (my hair follicles were miniaturized due to the effects of underlying hormones. But then about a week ago I started shedding hair. Maybe not always in the way you intend. Discuss how hair loss has affected your relationships, career, emotions, and social life. I've tried Yasmin, Yaz, Ortho tri cyclen lo, nuvaring, one of those fe ones (like loestrin fe), nordette, alesse, and now mirena, and all have had mood issues and loss of libido. However, there are currently only two FDA-approved treatments that have undergone proper study and research. AskWomen: A subreddit dedicated to asking women questions about their thoughts, lives, and experiences; providing a place where all women can comfortably and candidly share their responses in a non-judgmental space. I experienced excessive hair loss with Mirena. B, high magnication of the clinical picture. Were you on any kind of hormonal birth control before the iud? Hair Loss In Women – The Connection Between Hormones and Hair Loss (and How to Stop Thinning Hair) Last updated on August 30, 2019 by Alisa Vitti 27 Comments If you’re a young woman with thick, luxurious hair, you might think of hair loss as an older woman’s issue, something that strikes during perimenopause or menopause. Side effects!? I’m on my second skyla so I’ve been on a hormonal IUD since 2017. Then there are the uncommon side effects women report from the hormonal IUD like weight gain, hair loss, mood changes and acne. I just randomly found some posts on medhelp websites related to the Paragard IUD and women who were experiencing hair loss after insertion. I, too, have the Paragard, and have had hair loss. Some people use the Mirena IUD for long-term birth control or as a treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding. Honestly I can just run my hands through my hair and a few strands come out from just that. Hmmm. However, it is vital to speak to a doctor before stopping a drug, even if it is causing hair loss. According to Healthline, hormonal IUDs like Mirena and Kyleena have been known to cause hair loss … How happy I am to … I am having mine removed in two week and wanted to see if you saw results after your removal. Veruschka. Mirena IUD, anemia and hair loss by: Joy All drug based Contraceptives have a potential to cause harm and the Mirena is one of the worst, please consider having it removed as Wray has mentioned in the posts above. I’ve been off the pill for almost 3 weeks and noticed tons of stands falling out the second week. Almost all men and women will notice hair loss or hair thinning as they age. We look at the various causes, treatment options, and practical tips for preventing further loss. The copper released into the body can have adverse effects, including migraines, weight gain, lethargy, and even IUD hair loss. Painful insertion, and spotting for … I had my hair cut and colored last year but it didn’t really help much. I’ve lost prob half my hair volume over this time. I'm on my second Mirena and clumps of my hair have started falling out and it is thinning so badly. But 30min later the pain started. And. To prevent pregnancy, Mirena: 1. However the hair I lost in the past month was very noticeable. CBC - CBC SYS Reported10/22/2020 1:42 PMStatusFinalLab NameStudent Health and Counseling Services Test NameResultFlagsReference Range WBC 5.8   4.8-10.8 K/uL RBC 4.62   4.20-5.40 M/uL HGB 14.4   12.0-16.0 g/dL HCT 41.9   36.0-47.0 % MCV 90.7   82.0-99.0 fL MCH 31.2* H 27.0-31.0 pg MCHC 34.4   31.0-36.0 g/dL RDW 11.4* L 11.6-16.5  PLT 312   140-440 K/uL MPV 9.8   7.4-11.0 fL NEU# 3.9   2.8-7.6 K/uL NEU% 67.2   % LYM# 1.4   1.2-4.1 K/uL LYM% 23.5   % MON# 0.4   0.1-0.6 K/uL MON% 7.3   % EOS# 0.1   0.0-0.4 K/uL EOS% 0.9   % BAS# 0.1   0.0-0.2 K/uL BAS% 0.9   %, FERRITIN - Ferritin Reported10/23/2020 12:43 PMStatusFinalLab NameStudent Health and Counseling Services Test NameResultFlagsReference Range FERRITIN 31   6-115 ng/ml. Thickens mucus in the cervix to stop sperm from reaching or fertilizing an egg 2. After 5 years, the Mirena IUD stops working. After I had the mirena removed, it was a process, but my hair is thicker and stronger, and I took the extra 35 lbs back off. I begged the doc to take me off the meds despite his insistence that it couldn't possibly be affecting me that quickly. I've lost a lot of hair on the Mirena, but fortunately I had pretty thick hair to begin with, so it's mostly just me adjusting to a somewhat thinner ponytail. Mirena is a hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) that can provide long-term birth control (contraception).The device is a T-shaped plastic frame that's inserted into the uterus, where it releases a type of the hormone progestin. I can't run my fingers through it without losing a bunch and I collected everything I lost in the shower yesterday and it was at least twice as much as normal. I've heard of people taking zinc to counteract the copper because of hair loss and other symptoms, but I can't find any evidence that the copper would cause the weight issues. I also have thyroid issues and take 75mcg of levothyroxine. I was on the Kyleena and this happened to me as well about 2.5-3 months in. We believe that the Mirena IUD hair loss, hair shedding and hair thinning is due to the hormone shifts. I had my IUD inserted in Sept of 2020. It's my first IUD so I won't have any data to compare it to. It’s especially noticeable in front. Kyleena ruined my life. Thins the lining of the uterus and partially suppresses ovulationMirena prevents pregnancy for up to five years after insertion. It is still faster than before mirena, but not as alarming "OMG I'M GOING BALD." Paragard (the copper IUD) worked well for a year and then I had non-stop bleeding for over a month so I had it removed. Joëlle Burelle had noticed a few unpleasant symptoms in the two-and-a-half years since her Mirena IUD was inserted: hair loss, weight gain, acne. Edge said the IUD is not responsible for dental problems, hypothyroidism, reflux, heartburn, indigestion and it was “very unlikely” to be the cause of cystic acne, hair loss … If the hair loss is due to ectoparasitic infestation (ticks, mites, etc. I called my dr and she said there's no way it's from the IUD because it hasn't been in long enough then said if it is from the IUD it's temporary and once I adjust to the hormones it will stop. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Getting it out Monday. Hello IUD divas I am new to live journals and love the idea of this group! Hair loss is a widespread condition that affects a surprising number of people. Copper Iud Hair Loss. If a woman is experiencing hair thinning or hair loss after getting an IUD, and she didn’t have hair loss before that, it is possible that her hair loss is a direct result of having the IUD inserted.