Flewitt spent most of his career in the mainstream car sector, rising from his start on the shopfloor at Ford to end up running its entire European manufacturing operation, making 9000 cars a day. Der Luxus-Supersportwagenhersteller McLaren Automotive feiert heute die Premiere des McLaren Elva Gulf Theme by MSO, eine Hommage an die erneuerte Beziehung zwischen McLaren und der Marke Gulf Oil und ein weiteres Beispiel dafür, wie Designs aus der McLaren Renngeschichte die heutigen Kunden der Marke inspirieren. If not, we’re still solvent.”. McLaren Automotive CEO Mike Flewitt revealing the 765LT. McLaren CEO Mike Flewitt has spent decades working with cars. I studied economics, I’m a businessman, but the company doesn’t generate any cash, it’s got a market cap of around $400 billion. “No!" His favourite EVs are the Porsche Taycan sports car or the i3 commuter car from BMW. Since becoming CEO, he has presided over the significant growth of the business, in terms of product development, turnover and profit. “He was tough to work for,” Flewitt says gingerly. It had good funding, if not an ideal product, says Flewitt, and a name that was known around … They have to take the industry and customers with them. Having furloughed staff, McLaren Automotive has since cut around 670 jobs – about 25% of the company. Career []. Zusätzlich: 17 Feb. 2021 | Identifikation: 12945. PS. Asked about Tesla’s staggering stock market value ("market cap" in the jargon) he said he was, frankly, baffled. Nm. The market’s pretty saturated. Is it that they discover a vaccine tomorrow and it will all be over or is there a longer journey?”. Heute ist ein aufregender Neuzugang auf der Rennstrecke und in der Supercar-Szene aufgetaucht. “We’ve gone through a difficult year but we’ve got a good supply base, we’ve restarted production and are selling cars again, albeit at a much lower level. McLaren Mike Flewitt has told Automotive News the next Ultimate Series model will be a follow-up to the P1 hypercar and it's due to hit the market by 2025. As we were speaking, Boris Johnson was about to announce at his public address that bars and restaurants had to close at 10pm and office workers should work from home. McLaren CEO Mike Flewitt told Car and Driver that the British supercar company plans to fully hybridize its lineup in the next three to four years. McLaren also tapped the National Bank of Bahrain for £150 million to get it through the crisis. But CEO Mike Flewitt is not fooling around. "No, because we don’t want to, but also No, because this is where all our expertise lies; all the engineers, all the technology we developed, all the processes, are about making supercars. Mike Flewitt - Chief Executive Officer Mike Flewitt joined McLaren Automotive as Chief Operating Officer in June 2012 and became Chief Executive Officer in July 2013. McLaren owners don't want an SUV or an EV, says CEO. 330. km/h. As you screech into a sharp, slow turn from doing 180MPH down the straight, you can see what they're talking about. “You just do not know what is going to happen and sentiment and confidence play as big a part as ultimate wealth.”. Da der neue McLaren Elva kurz vor der Produktion steht, können Kunden und Fans der Marke im Oktober und November dieses Jahres an mehreren Standorten in Europa und dem Nahen Osten eines der exklusivsten McLaren Autos aus nächster Nähe betrachten. “There are still enough ultra high net worth individuals and so it could spring back very quickly indeed. Production of around 300 models for 2020 had sold out and orders for 2021 had already exceeded its production capacity. McLaren would not be designing batteries, only buying them in from third party suppliers. Mike Flewitt. “But great men aren’t always the easiest to work for!”. “Hybrid comes first – next year – I think it will be late in this decade before we do an EV supercar.”, “Frankly, it is something we are always thinking about, where a development’s going.”, Pointing at a 765LT in the pit lane, he adds: “But you know, I love cars like this. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, McLaren's 2020 sales will drop to around 2,700 vehicles globally, CEO Mike Flewitt forecasts, a … After a struggle with shareholders, Dennis retired in 2017. “The buying public aren’t buying EVs as much as the excitement and chatter around it because frankly, they don’t offer, yet, from a cost perspective or useability or range or charging a competitive solution with a conventional car.”, He said that would come in time but politicians needed to lead, with subsidies and taxes to promote them. Asked what he thought of the government’s handling of the crisis and criticisms of its various shifts in policy, Flewitt said: “I can’t criticise. Der neue LEGO® Technic™ McLaren Senna GTR ist wie sein ikonenhaftes Pendant aus dem wirklichen Leben durch und durch extrem, bietet Sportwagenliebhabern und Motorsportfans den ultimativen Nervenkitzel bei ihrer nächsten baulichen Herausforderung. The company plans to make 765 of the cars in total, following the established supercar model of restricting supply to keep up the rarity (and resale) value. He seems a more jeans and tees kind of guy. "Next year we might be back to nearly 75% of where we were. Advanced features. “Let’s say we get on very very well now we don’t work together.”. Tim Murnane Group Legal Director, McLaren Group Read more. Mike Flewitt, boss of McLaren Automotive since 2013, is a rarity among car company CEOs as an instinctive and passionate lover of cars both at work and when his time is his own..