PH: 1-800-537-9910 Two weeks of ‘switching’ changes things up and involves dynamic effort squatting. As if the base mesocycle wasn’t intense enough! If you have spent your training life following traditional cookie-cutter programs, the intensity of Smolov will blow you away and reduce you to a weeping wreck about a week into the base mesocycle. Um mal einen Vorschlag zu machen: Montag: … thanks for the great article, Can someone clarify for me on the 1RM at week 6. Paused every one of them and the first set honestly felt like speed work. Insgesamt schweben … If you use 400 pounds as your 1RM, 65% is 260 pounds so you would be squatting 3 set of 8 reps at 260 pounds. Never neglect to warm down so this means more light cardio, foam rolling and stretching. Smolov Jr is a shorter version of the full Smolov program, lasting only 3 weeks. the least. There is, however, a shorter but equally intense program lasting just three weeks, known as Smolov Jr. Death by Smolov Jr. You also get an extra day of rest each week in the intense phase, which helps immeasurably. Chin ups or pull ups can stay as your back workout staple while grip work is also okay but as we already said, you’ll probably just want to warm down and go home after most squat sessions. You’ll squat 3 days on both weeks and the program is as follows: It is important to note that during week one, you are to squat three days in a row. As you can see, Smolov is based off a % of your 1RM. If you have a few years experience and haven’t progressed beyond your “beginner gains” in a while then I strongly recommend you give this program a go. However, since this program is less than a month long, putting squats and deadlifts on maintenance mode is no bad thing. Smolov Jr. [Bench] - Results So I finished my first run of smolov jr for bench, decided to post my results for anyone on the fence or looking for a way to bring up their bench. Once you’re in the gym, it’s time for stony focus. During the following guide, sets are written first followed by the reps and % of your chosen 1RM. I just want to double check on one thing though. Apparently it’s easier and can be used for a variety of lifts. You are absolutely correct. Do not be afraid to have sugar during training and snack on small sugary items like M&M’s during sets. So, I gained 6 pounds bodyweight, but ten pounds on my 1 RM. By now, you will be completely fed up with squatting but if you have made all the reps so far, it is certain that you’ll be smashing a 1RM very soon. To complete Smolov, you need to be inured to hard training to a certain degree and should be squatting relatively heavy weights twice a week at least. Exercise with accessory lifts during Smolov Jr. 4. A lesser known, but still incredibly effective, variant of the Smolov squat program is affectionately known as the Smolov Jr. cycle. Three weeks ago, I decided on a whim to run Smolov Jr. to improve my garbage bench. If you’re prepared to do the work, you could enjoy a 30-60+ pound increase for 6 weeks (15-25 pounds in bench) of hard graft (including the intro cycle). Last night I hit 275 for 10 sets of 3. Great article. Just wanted to share my Smolov Jr. results after running it for the past 3 weeks on bench. Whether you are attempting the squat or bench press version, injury is always a risk with high intensity workouts. Anyone can simply ‘eat’ and pile weight on the bar (and around their waist) but this often happens at the expense of proper training technique and progression. Day 1 – 3 x 8 @ 65%, 1 x 5 @ 70%, 2 x 2 @ 75%, 1 x 1 @80%, 3 sets of 8, 1 set of 5, 2 sets of 2 and 1 set of 1. Without interfering with the progress of this cycle. Preparing For (and Recovering From) a Smolov Session, 4.4. I have to admit, I also wanted to humblebrag a little about my progress. Lift your ass off the bench during your set 2. The essential guido to gains with Smolov Jr. Based on what I gathered you can expect gains between 5 - 15kg within a month or 10 - 30 pounds. Once you're through the base, the high-rep sets basically go away. Remember, a strength increase is the goal here so anything that potentially interferes with the mission must be ruthlessly cut out. The Smolov Jr. routine can be used for either the squat, the deadlift or the bench. In the tables below, all percentages are based off your 1 rep max (check out our smolov calculator or app to compute your weights). The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Light face pulls are a good idea, but don’t go … For the majority of lifters, doing the full 13 week Smolov squat routine is mentally and physically too great a burden. 15kg in 3 weeks, just as promised. (In the following cycles, sets are written before reps and the percentage is added at the end. You are going to be tired and you are going to be sore. The payoff, however, is well worth the effort – it's not uncommon for a lifter to put over 20 pounds onto their bench press in just 4 weeks. Each week the same repetition scheme is repeated. Frankly, a couple of sessions will be enough to convince you to abandon accessory work but just in case you’re tempted, remember that it can impede recovery. As the bench press is not quite as physically demanding as the squat and the program is relatively short, you can get away with doing a little more accessory work. If you get through this, you will be asked to add another 10 pounds for the third base mesocycle week and the whole thing looks something like this: Hopefully, you will understand why it is best to use a conservative 1RM. 6. Also, could you give me perhaps a basic outley around this cycle to target all muscles, so chest work, back work etc. Thank you very much. It is advisable to choose approximately 90% of your existing 1RM for reasons that are outlined later on. Would recommend it to anyone that is at a sticking point. Due to the extraordinarily difficult nature of this section, you should once again take 10% off your new 1RM or else you will almost certainly fail. This can either be tested with a true best effort or by attempting your best in the 2-5 rep range and using a 1RM calculator to estimate your best lift. The Smolov Jr Program. This is 4 weeks of grinding difficulty and Smolov took it from I. M. Feduleyev, a Russian weightlifting coach who originally designed it as a loading block on its own. This may be helpful from a powerlifting standpoint, but in terms of bodybuilding I feel it can get too difficult, especially if you wish to incorporate additional bodybuilding-style exercises afterwards (aka accessory exercises). ‘Hardcore’ lifters will tell you not to be yellow and go all-out but the secret to Smolov success is not to miss a single rep. You don't do anything over 5 reps in the intense cycle, and in my opinion that makes it a little less grueling. This can either be tested with a true best effort or by attempting your best in the 2-5 rep range and using a 1RM calculatorto estimate your best lift. Smolov Jr. is a 4 day per week program that extends over a period of 3 weeks. I'm probably going to attempt a new 1RM on Wednesday, but I'm … This particular routine was developed by Sergey Smolov (hence the name) but was brought into the popular domain by Pavel ‘The Mad Russian’ Tsatsouline. If you’re scared of losing your abs or don’t want to gain weight, forget about Smolov. If you are an experienced lifter with great recovery powers and a penchant for masochism, you could follow the Smolov final week plan: However, it really is best if you rest up since you have pushed your body to its very limit in the previous 4 weeks. You will work up to 90% of the 1RM you have plugged in for this program before tackling the 4 week base mesocycle which could boost your existing 1RM by 30-60 pounds. The Best Muscle Building Guide! Dementsprechend werde ich nach Bedarf eine Deloadwoche einbauen. In the second phase, you top up 5 to 15kg compared to the first cycle. It was, in fact, Pavel Tsautsoline who first brought the program to mainstream powerlifting attention in a 2001 PLUSA Magazine article.While Pavel may have been the messenger, distinguished Russian Master of Sport Sergey Smolov was the original composer … Each week, depending on how the previous week went, you will add weight according to the table. If you forget to do this, the intense pain you feel the following day will serve as a reminder not to do so again! As for the Smolov Jr. cycle there are two ways to go about it; either a 3 week/4 days per week cycle, or a 4 week/3 days per week cycle. Smolov: Background, History, Context. Update: I just added a sheet that calculates the Smolov Jr Program (choose the “Smolov Jr” bottom tab). i hate supplements and im a lacto-ovo vegetarian,will this program still work for me? Foam rolling is also an excellent idea following by some stretching for all areas of the body since the squat is the ultimate full body workout. The Smolov Jr program may be slightly easier to run as the higher rep range utilized in the Smolov program can lead to a greater build-up of fatigue. Smolov Jr. is as follows…. Smolov Jr. is what I credit with my bench getting to where it is. Mentality: When you get to the real ‘nitty gritty’ of Smolov, your mental strength will be tested to its limit. Join Today and Lift Heavier Shit. You may need to eat some dirty calories for a few weeks and it is best if you use a conservative 1RM. It's a painful setup but, like the article says, it's more about technique and form than brute strength. It's not nearly as brutal as the original squat program, but still enormously challenging. smolov is a more extreme peaking program meant for smashing through plateaus. I should probably run Smolov again. Smolov is a lifting program for experienced lifters which breaks down into three phases. For most lifters, this is the period that provides the most gains but persevere through the switching phase and the next 4 weeks of pain and you could see even greater rewards not to mention oak trees where your legs once were and a new-found ability to attack heavy training. It is also possible to stretch the program out by an extra week through the process of benching 3 times a week instead of 4. For those with proficient technique, Smolov will serve to solidify it. Triceps, rhomboids and traps in particular will be extremely stiff and sore so pay attention to these areas. He stretched it out to 4 weeks with only 3 workouts per week, the percentages stayed the same, but the set/rep scheme was 6×6, 7×5, 8×4, 10×3 (this is … newsletter subscribers! The Smolov Jr. has you benching four times a week combining heavy weights and high volume. Forget your 6-pack for the time being and besides, this routine will strengthen your whole body, abs included so you’ll actually look like someone who lifts. This guide helps you to maximize these routines. My bench has been growing ever since. Check your inbox for your welcome email. 1RM = 1 Rep Max., the heaviest you can lift for a single repetition in that exercise. As was the case with the squat routine, Smolov Jr. should only be attempted by those with 2+ years of lifting experience and you must have rock solid form. For those that make it through the Smolov squat routine, it is the ultimate strength and mass gaining program. 8 sets of 3, 5 sets of 1, 2 sets of 2 then 1 set of 1? According to the claims for expected squat increase, bigger guys can add 100lbs to their back squat in a single cycle of Smolov. Next week I'm going to do the work to max and then try a new PB. If you can manage 8 hours of good quality sleep a night, you greatly increase your chances of making it through Smolov in one piece. Do 1. While the Smolov Jr. program is shorter and less taxing for your bench, it can have a profound positive effect in a short period of time. 1-2 light sessions and work up to maximum attempt on Friday. Was halten Sie von diesem Programm und wie […] Your body becomes accustomed to that much work in order to make progress, so any regular squat training is unlikely to produce results. Habe selbst Smolov jr. für die Kniebeuge (highbar) gemacht. Once again, you need to find your 1RM and sensible lifters will subtract 10% off it and work from that figure. A strenuous workout routine like the Smolov Jr should not be attempted with anything less than perfect technique. This program is typically used to develop the bench press. I'm doing a Smolov powerlifting program and am into Week 5 of the deadlift. Ich möchte 145 Kilo erreichen. The World (Netflix) – Review. So 7 x 5@ 75% means 7 sets of 5 reps at 75% of your 1RM. wednesday: 10x3 @ 85% + 20 pounds His 1rm going into the cycle was 365. How To Lose Bodyfat & Keep Muscle, Creatine Supplements Guide: Learn Everything About Creatine, How To Gain Weight Fast: The Guide For Skinny Guys,, 3. This routine is exactly the same as the base phase of the Smolov program with … If the sets felt: Overall this program was excellent and completing that number of difficult repetitions in a week really allowed me to focus on perfecting my technique. I won't link other sites as they could be viewed as a competitor but a quick google around will confirm this. If squatting 4 times a week is too daunting, revert to a three day: Monday, Wednesday, Friday split and extend the base mesocycle by a week: If you survive the Smolov squat routine and fancy bringing up your lagging bench, you can return to the trenches for another 4 weeks of war with the iron. If you’re unused to such heavy training, injuries can quickly occur. I'll call it bad oversight on my part. You need to be on top of your diet, recovery and sleep in order to maximise … Smolov Jr. Calculator. maybe bench twice that week but just easy stuff like maybe 3 doubles with 75% or soemthing. I have found this training routine in the muscle&fitness magazine. Build muscle, lose fat & stay motivated. So I think you are still tuned in to heavy weighs somewhat What i would do though is probably do one easy week. Manche haben den Zyklus auf bis zu 6 Wochen ausgedehnt, generell kann ich aber jetzt schon sagen, dass es wahrscheinlich eher auf 3 Wochen hinauslaufen wird, da das ZNS zu schnell ausbrennt! It incorporates progressive overload, meaning a calculated increase in weight over the 13 week cycle that should result in a significant personal best. It all depends on the trainee’s goals. Is it okey to deadlift after squats on friday ? How to prepare for and recover from a Smolov training session. Obviously, the caffeine gives you that extra kick you need. The Smolov Squat Program progressively increases up your squatting numbers but at the same time it … Smolov, as you may have guessed from the name, has Russian origins. This period should be little more than an active rest so listen to your body and don’t go overboard. This microcycle is used as preparation and really should not feel too heavy. We also incorporated exercises to build our back muscles. Learn how to get order discounts and FREE fitness gear! Normally, it is best to gradually increase calories as you get stronger to avoid unnecessary fat gain but Smolov is an exception. I did 385x1 but I feel like I'm slowing up my progress. If you’re prepared to do the work, you could enjoy a 30-60+ pound increase for 6 weeks (15-25 pounds in bench) of hard graft (including the intro cycle). Hopefully, you will have increased your calorie intake accordingly during the previous two weeks and be fuelled up and ready for action. give a try coz i love the big 3 so much. Ich liebäugle mit dem Smolov Jr. Plan, d.h. es gibt einen 3 Wochen Zyklus. Bench press will be done 4 times per week, with escalating intensities as the week progresses. friday: 4x9 @ 70% + 20 pounds. So I’m going to show you a program that thousands of guys have used to quickly increase their Squat, Bench and Deadlift. Joined: Apr 26, 2006 Messages: 9,581 Likes Received: 18 … You may have already heard of the Smolov squat routine and if you have, the following is a comprehensive guide that will enable you to learn more about the routine as well as mental and physical preparation and believe me, you will need it! As well as focusing on decent form and avoiding flared elbows, stretch and foam roll as much as possible before and after each session. I also did Smolov Jr. a few months ago for bench and ended up with a 30 pound gain. If you are thinking of doing it the best advice is swallow your pride and knock 10% of your 1RM and be realistic with 1RM after the first cycle, remember this is your entry weight for the next cycle. Every picture in this article is of someone that has terrible form..