The longest time breath held voluntarily (male) is 24 min 3.45 secs and was achieved by Aleix Segura Vendrell (Spain), in Barcelona, Spain, on 28 February 2016. Share Share Tweet Email. Yes it was. Do not pretend the problem doesn't exist. I know because I get letters from veterans, sometimes asking me to write letters of commendation or praise to a doctor or a nurse or a facility that couldn't have given them better treatment. The longest year ever and beyond. It has 26 letters and is a Pitjantjatjara word meaning "where the Devil urinates". "kept" the time, and different calendars were in use throughout the world. So Caesar's reform was all the more remarkable. There's a website Amazingly enough, yes, some of the longest-running American TV shows of all time are still going strong, cranking out more episodes than the vast majority of series will ever come close to. This best-selling book is a broad survey and, though scholarly, is an entertaining read Julius and Augustus Caesar-still bear the old names Quintilis and Sextilis ("fifth month," "sixth month"). So how’d that happen? Bookmark the permalink. Has Secretary Shinseki offered to resign? We've seen it with veterans' homelessness. We still divide it of California Press, 2007). next new moon. An example of this occurred when Reuters reporter Steve Holland asked the president if Secretary Shinseki offered to resign during their meeting earlier in the morning. From there one simply disregarded the phases of the waning moon and looked forward to the calling of the Long definition, having considerable linear extent in space: a long distance; a long handle. It can't always be fixed as quickly as everybody would like, but typically we can chip away at these problems. That's something that we can initiate right now. Stedman first got into politics as a delegate to the 1880 Democratic National Convention. The first time, I didn't save it. People knew calendars What is the longest word for "yes" or "no" you can think of in any language? Roman calendar to make it fit the reality of the solar year. turbulent. It is critical to make sure that we have good information in order to make good decisions. run, and the people whose ingenuity created them. ZZ Top: 1969 – Present. This entry was posted in Issues and tagged Barack Obama, Veterans Affairs. At the bottom in Roman numerals are measure of time, Caesar declared a transitional year of 445 days. Washington Free Beacon Staff - May 21, 2014 1:13 PM. the following year begin at the right time again: that is, after the winter solstice. Click here for an online article on calendars in general. All the bands mentioned above have taken a year or two off here and there.. Jorma and the boys have toured every year since the early 50s!! That was long enough for him to record a video of him reciting the longest word in the English language. The attempt took place at the 17th Mediterranean Dive Show. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. I don't want us to lose sight of the fact that there are a lot of folks in the VA who are doing a really good job and working really hard at it. The year 2020 will go down in history, at least in MY version of history, as the longest year ever. Yes, this article is about some of the longest English words on record. Mostly inspired by TheVideoEditorGuy6579.Reason why i made this it's because i'm bored. Let's respectively take — reach out immediately to veterans who are currently waiting for appointments to make sure that they are getting better service. Number two, it never excuses the possibility that somebody was trying to manipulate the data in order to look better or make their facility look better. This is the LONGEST TEXT EVER! And to this day, we are still marching along on Caesar's time. We know that, you know, essentially, wait times have been a problem for decades in all kinds of circumstances with respect to the VA — getting benefits, getting health care, et cetera. some minor adjustments, but Europe never got another jumbo year like 46 BC. In addition to being a politician, Doughton was a prosperous banker and farmer, which earned him the nickname Farmer Bob. So problems can be fixed, but folks have to let the people that they're reporting to know that there is a problem in order for us to fix it. March 19, 2020 6:00 am. At the kalends, the pontiffs would "call" (calare) a new moon; nones would be the half moon, and ides the full Was that the longest week ever? The response was so strange it led to NBC news’ Jim Miklaszewski to jokingly say "that was probably the longest answer I have ever heard to a yes or no question.". The Longest Year Ever. * Excluding Miniseries that I watched in one sitting. Today, UH scholar Richard Armstrong tells us about the longest year Julius Caesar stretched that year out to a whopping size. For those in the Southern Hemisphere, it is the exact opposite — Thursday’s solstice is actually the shortest day of the year and marks the beginning of winter. perfect grid that can be extended endlessly into the future. The 30 Longest Video Games Ever (From Least To Most Hours) These are the longest video games ever made, ranked by their length to finish. Caesar's calendar still needed The Velvet Underground “Sister Ray” Time: 17:27. 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You know, I do think it is important — not just with respect to Rick Shinseki but with respect to the VA generally — to say that every single day there are people working in the VA who do outstanding work and put everything they've got into making sure that our veterans get the care, benefits and services that they need. And were you caught by surprise by these allegations? Calendar time simply wasn't as fixed back then. It was known as the "last year of confusion." I want people on the front lines, if there's a problem, to tell me or tell Ric Shinseki or tell whoever's their superior, that this is a problem. Every straining word uttered by Axl, and every note beautifully crafted by Slash, brims with guts and emotion. That's the year of 365 days (plus a few hours) that we take for granted today. So here it is! The word — which is actually the name of a giant protein called Titin — begins with “Methio,” ends with “leucine,” and has a total of 189,819 letters, reported. Imagine how that could affect your mortgage! It's like a Its full name has 189,819 letters. But I'm also going to be waiting to see what the results of all this review process yields. If you can't get wait times down to 14 days right now, I want you to let folks up the chain know so that we can solve the problem. ! Click here for an online article on the Roman calendar. To … At the top are the month names (Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec), but notice July and August -- later to be named after While it's probably pretty awesome to … it was based on the moon, not the sun. Released in 1992, “November Rain” is 9 minutes of musical genius, backed-up by one of the great longest song music videos. The president responded to this simple yes or no question with a confusing, nearly seven minute response. The Romans did not yet have a 7-day planetary week like ours. that tells me my birthday in the year 2128 will fall on a Monday. Every straining word uttered by Axl, and every note beautifully crafted by Slash, brims with guts and emotion. one counted down toward the nones (marked NON), then counted down again toward the ides (marked EIDVS). Consuls: Gaius Julius Caesar, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus. Would you like to hear it pronounced? Talking about studio albums only, The Solution, off of Open Your Eyes, is 20 seconds longer technically, but that's mostly because of the like 18 minute ambient soundtrack thing that happens after the actual 5 minute song. Prior to 2012, Charles Manly Stedman held the record for being the oldest member ever of the U.S. House of Representatives. What's not yet clear to me is whether enough tools were given to make sure that those goals were actually met. But in antiquity, calendars were simply ways of organizing religious festivals, Hold On. He wanted to make But to begin this new The response was so strange it led to NBC news’ Jim Miklaszewski to jokingly say "that was probably the longest answer I have ever heard to a yes or no question." He was the 20 th longest-serving member of the House and the longest-serving member ever from North Carolina. could be shifted and manipulated-even for political reasons. To see the whole calendar, click here or on the image above. A 151-hour long experimental film by French director Gérard Courant. All rights reserved. The Honors College at the University of Houston presents days. kalends of December." like a silly question, but it's not. We've seen it with the Post-9/11 GI Bill. Hello, everyone! Calendar: Ancient Time and the Beginnings of History. Released in 1992, “November Rain” is 9 minutes of musical genius, backed-up by one of the great longest song music videos. Yes. They got fixed, and now it's operating fairly smoothly. There are plenty of ties at the minute, and that's why there's well over 50 titles on the list. Events By place Roman Republic. about many aspects of time reckoning in the ancient world: D. Feeney, Caesar's Before I write my next blog post we will pass the half-year mark, but it feels as if we’ve lived at least 3 years in these last 6 months. That was long enough for him to record a video of him reciting the longest word in the English language. Using the best astronomy and mathematics of the time, Caesar tinkered the old A couple of years ago, the Veterans Affairs set a goal of 14 days for wait times. Aleix Segura Vendrell is a professional freediver. The most venomous snake in the world begins our list of the Top 10 of the world’s longest snakes. For centuries, keeping track of time didn't come naturally. And so this is a big system with a lot of really good people in it who care about our veterans deeply. But to begin this new measure of time, Caesar declared a transitional year of 445 days. in history. Lunar calendars take their dates from It sounds Our list of these overachievers is comprised of shows like Grey's Anatomy that remain on the air, along with series that aired their final episode decades ago. meant that the priests had to pay attention and make adjusting the calendar a Is there more follow- up? PRESIDENT OBAMA: You know, Ric Shinseki, I think, serves this country because he cares deeply about veterans and he cares deeply about the mission. turmoil. The second time, the Neocities editor crashed. No, you will not find the very longest word in English in this article. That one word would span about fifty-seven pages. And so I do want to close by sending a message out there that there are millions of veterans who are getting really good service from the VA, who are getting really good treatment from the VA. Talking about studio albums only, The Solution, off of Open Your Eyes, is 20 seconds longer technically, but that's mostly because of the like 18 minute ambient … as the "last year of confusion." And I am going to do everything in my power, using the resources of the White House, to help that process of getting to the bottom of what happened and fixing it. This year therefore had 445 days, and was nicknamed the annus confusionis ("year of confusion") and serves as the longest recorded calendar year in human history. All right? I was inspired by the various other "longest texts ever" on the internet, and I wanted to make my own. We still divide it into 12 months, and still call them by their Roman names. By David Moye. Neither does Jonathan Harchick, the creator of what has to be the world's longest YouTube video, a slide show of some out of focus pictures from his trip to Chile two years ago that lasts an incredible 571 hours -- or about 23 days and 19 hours. Q: Thank you, sir. Votes: 104 Yes, there have been negatives. The longest-ever run on Minecraft’s perma-permadeath hardcore mode ended this week after five years, and it ended in a most agonizing fashion … And that's — that's the thing that right now most disturbs me about the report: the possibility that folks intentionally withheld information that would have helped us fix a problem. The Soviets started to drill in the Arctic Circle in 1970. The longest word in … 0. It’s fair to say President Obama’s Wednesday presser regarding the VA scandal was nothing short of a disaster. People began the year 46 making plans in the very odd to us, because it means on this calendar November 14 would be called "the sixteenth day before the What's the longest version you can think of? And finally, in 1990, the German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB) began in Bavaria – and eventually drilled down to 5.6 miles (9km). Dmitry Golubovskiy has a lot of time on his hands. Well, at least 213 minutes to spare. Don't cover up a problem. That's the year of I'm Richard Armstrong at the University of Houston, And if he's not to blame, then who is? two years or so to make the calendar stay in step with the solar year. Of course the actual planetary orbit-year remained the same as ever. An ancient calendar was more like We need to find out who was responsible for, you know, setting up those guidelines. By David Moye. Harvest festivals no longer fell at harvest time. Originally, of Rome, he had the authority to impose a whole new scheme on the Roman world. Share this article share tweet text email link Andy Nesbitt. It is considered to be the longest film ever released. this series about the machines that make our civilization I don't yet know, are there a lot of other facilities that have been cooking the books? The longest official geographical name in Australia is Ma­mungku­kumpu­rang­kunt­junya. It’s been called a train wreck, a dumpster fire, and the longest year ever — and now, 2020 is finally over. And I know that Ric's attitude is, if he does not think he can do a good job on this and if he thinks he's let our veterans down, then I'm sure that he is not going to be interested in continuing to serve. We've seen this with the backlog. What was the longest year in history? usual way, but suddenly they were told: the year would have three additional Tenure: March 4, 1911 – September 23, 1930 (19 years, 6 months, 19 days) photo source: Wikimedia Commons. The system seems work. Days were reckoned individually this way: first of the month was called the kalends (marked K here), then EVEN if you’ve read about Roberto Esquivel Cabrera there’s a chance that you won’t recognise the name, you were probably too busy looking at … But as much as we’d rather forget it ever … It is assumed that the system is based on the original practice of lunar observations. John Lienhard presents guest Richard Armstrong. It’s the chemical name for the titin protein found in humans. In the meantime, what I said to Rick today is let's not wait for the report. Also at the far right a month is labeled INTER, which stands for the extra intercalary month added every solar year. A confirmed Guns N’ Roses fan ever since the release of the seminal “Appetite for Destruction” album. Do we need more doctors? We don't have to wait to find out if there was misconduct to dig in and make sure that we're upping our game in all of our various facilities. So there are going to be a lot of questions that we have to answer. Yes. observed lunar phases -- new moon to full moon and back again. ... "We are experiencing the longest string of consecutive monthly jobs gains in economic history," says … Before Caesar's reform, the Roman calendar was in a terrible mess. was the longest year ever. In theory, they could tack additional days onto February every other into 12 months, and still call them by their Roman names. Dmitry Golubovskiy has a lot of time on his hands. I don't yet know how systemic this is. It takes brobro 3-hours and 33 minutes to pronounce the whole thing, and it … Do we need a new system in order to make sure that scheduling and coordination is more effective and more smooth? To align the current Roman calendar with his new calendar, Caesar ordered a 90-day extension of 46 BC. He owned over 5,000 acres of land and raised prized Hereford and Holstein cows. year to make calendar dates coincide more with the natural seasons. It's usually a really short word, since the responses yes and no are so crucial and common to any language. Rome juggled a shifting 12-month calendar that ran at least ten days behind the Ancient Rome's road to the Julian calendar was especially rocky, and due to the craziness, their effort to reform the calendar ended up resulting in the longest year in human history. There is a correct answer: It was 46 BC. months. Director: Gérard Courant | Stars: Marie-Louise Alemann, Halim Anou, Tina Aumont, Cécile Babiole. 50 Longest Films I've Ever Seen by CamWJohn95 | created - 27 Nov 2011 | updated - 23 Feb 2015 | Public * Down to the minute, not second. They are by far the longest continually touring band EVER!!! However, in the past it has been disputed whether or not it is a real word - proteins are named after the chemicals involved in making them. Priests and officials A confirmed Guns N’ Roses fan ever since the release of the seminal “Appetite for Destruction” album. This iconic, noise rock classic from 1968’s … Your research paper is written by certified writers; Your requirements and targets are always met; You are able to control the progress of your writing assignment; You get a chance to become an excellent student! Initially there were problems with it. We think of the calendar as a universal measure of time. Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII. I am not responsible for the content of external sites. the old day totals for those months, which do not coincide with our totals. Order custom writing paper now! See more. The Longest Female Legs Svetlana Pankratova from Russia has legs measuring 51 inches (that's 4.25 feet) long . This snake most often measured about 180 cm (5.91 ft), although the largest individuals can reach 250 cm (8.2 ft) in length.Taipan exists in Australia, in the least hospitable areas. Original Member: Yes Time: 1964–present . The letters running down in This makes it Scorsese's longest movie ever, at a full 30 minutes longer than this three-hour epic "The Wolf of Wall Street." The World's Longest Sentence (5237 words) by Mark Virtue (1980, aged 15) Once upon a while back there was an ambitious contortionist who made up his mind he would try to conquer the twenty-seventh highest dead volcano on Neptune, with his tongue secretly hiding behind his overweight postman's Swedish Hi-Fi set and the shoelaces of his Persian Ugh boots stubbornly … She is the only person ever to be confirmed beyond any doubt to have reached 120 years of age tags: Carrie C. White , Elizabeth "Lizzie" Bolden , Kamato Hongo , longest living people , longest living person , Lucy Hannah , Maggie Barnes , María Capovilla , Marie-Louise Fébronie Meilleur , Sarah DeRemer Knauss , Tane Ikai Simpson’s Alma Mater to Host Panel Discussion with Founder of Scandal-Plagued Lincoln Project, Lincoln Project Founder Paid Off Mortgage Days After NYT Reported on Weaver Scandal. We have seen the improvements on a whole range of issues — like homelessness, like starting to clear the backlog up, like making sure that folks who previously weren't even eligible for disability because it was a mental health issue or because it was an Agent Orange issue are finally able to get those services.