onoff Hi Nat,I think after the 25th if you sign up you will be offer the Russia one,just keep checking….They do have a phone number on their website,if you call them and tell them you want the Russia one to be your first box,they will send it to you if they have enough. var config = { childList: true, subtree: true }; Chelsea Loved them so much that I purchased a few more from their shop. if (typeof mutation.addedNodes[i].getElementsByClassName !== 'function') { } If that description doesn’t make your mouth water, I don’t know what will!! image_count += images.length; rocket_lazy = mutation.addedNodes[i].getElementsByClassName('rocket-lazyload'); I just checked the Universal Yums social media pages and no spoilers yet, but hopefully soon!! Worst Yum: Z Roll Farm Fried Shrimp & Salad Cream I got the super yum box this month because my kids LOVE this sub and it’s given them something to look forward to while away from school and their friends. Orchard Banana Chews 7 months ago As I write this, I totally think these chips crushed up into smaller pieces and added to some coconut cookies would be fantastic. It wasn’t horrible. The Verdict: We love Universal Yums and couldn’t wait to see what we would receive this month! William Maiorano I tolerate a lot of spice so I didn’t find the devil chips to be “too” spicy. My dad is VERY picky and isn’t a fan of fish/seafood/etc., so growing up I never had an opportunity to try these types of cuisines. 7 months ago 7 months ago While he wasn’t a fan, he works with a guy that is obsessed with spice and shared them with him. So ended up getting the $40 Super Yum Box to share with my husband. I’ve noticed that not all the items in the box end up on the sale page. Hartbeat Lime Gummies Jen The rest was…. 25 Best Food Subscription Boxes – Meal and Snack Boxes Ooh, I would love to try Russian snacks. 2 of 3 CatLadyBox Subscription Box Review – February 2021 The snacks in each month’s box belong to a specific country and provide information to help us learn about the culture of that country. The more I ate the more I liked them, and then they were gone! #frame_575308575309575310{overflow:hidden;font-family: "Open Sans",Arial,sans-serif;color: #4c4c4c;}#frame_575308575309575310 div.li-holder ul{list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0 !important;height:fit-content;}#frame_575308575309575310 div.li-holder ul li{list-style:none;float:left;height:100%;margin:0 10px 0 0;padding:0}#frame_575308575309575310{position:relative}#frame_575308575309575310 div.li-holder ul li{text-align:center;font-weight:400;line-height:20px;color:#4c4c4c;font-size:14px}#frame_575308575309575310 div.li-holder ul li:not(.active){opacity:.2;}#frame_575308575309575310 div.li-holder ul li div:not(.star-rating){padding:5px 0}.gallery-prev.disabled,.gallery-next.disabled{display:none;}.gallery-prev,.gallery-next{top:37%;position:absolute;cursor:pointer;height:60px;z-index:1000;}.gallery-next{right: 5px;}.gallery-prev{left: 5px;}#frame_575308575309575310 h3{font-family: "Open Sans",Arial,sans-serif;font-size: 18px!important;font-weight: 600;line-height: 25px;}.featured-image{text-align:center;}#frame_575308575309575310 div.li-holder ul li{width:92vw;max-width:'.($gallery_size-60). Nat My first subscription was Julep thanks to happening upon the MSA website, and it all went downhill from there! Lori VIRGINIA if (window.MutationObserver) { reply February 17, 2021 | 8 Comments Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist! 2 of 3 It really does taste like sweet corn, so I will give them an A for effort, but they just didn’t do it for me. get email alerts reply 7 months ago Kelly reply While I realize everyone has different tastes, this box had more misses than hits for me and my family, which is out of the norm. The rest was…. CultureFly My Hero Academia Box Review – Winter 2020 Thanks for the info regarding their order cutoff date too! I love spicy things but my son really loves super spicy things so hopefully if that item is too much for the rest of us, that he will enjoy it. Still working on getting to everything. These Thai chili pepper potato chips are described as “searing” and are flavored with real Thai chili peppers, which are 15 times hotter than jalapeños. if (typeof mutation.addedNodes[i].getElementsByTagName !== 'function') { Looks like no Russia available. Holy moly rocky, they weren’t joking when they listed these as some seriously spicy chips. We recieved our box today much to the delight of my boys and husband. #frame_575302575303575304{overflow:hidden;font-family: "Open Sans",Arial,sans-serif;color: #4c4c4c;}#frame_575302575303575304 div.li-holder ul{list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0 !important;height:fit-content;}#frame_575302575303575304 div.li-holder ul li{list-style:none;float:left;height:100%;margin:0 10px 0 0;padding:0}#frame_575302575303575304{position:relative}#frame_575302575303575304 div.li-holder ul li{text-align:center;font-weight:400;line-height:20px;color:#4c4c4c;font-size:14px}#frame_575302575303575304 div.li-holder ul li:not(.active){opacity:.2;}#frame_575302575303575304 div.li-holder ul li div:not(.star-rating){padding:5px 0}.gallery-prev.disabled,.gallery-next.disabled{display:none;}.gallery-prev,.gallery-next{top:37%;position:absolute;cursor:pointer;height:60px;z-index:1000;}.gallery-next{right: 5px;}.gallery-prev{left: 5px;}#frame_575302575303575304 h3{font-family: "Open Sans",Arial,sans-serif;font-size: 18px!important;font-weight: 600;line-height: 25px;}.featured-image{text-align:center;}#frame_575302575303575304 div.li-holder ul li{width:92vw;max-width:'.($gallery_size-60). I picked the Canada box when I signed up and I was very pleased with it! I adored it. Thanks for commenting! About The honey squares were ok. Reviews What I liked: the salty lime gummies were fun and addictive. Mellissa They have a promo on their website right now if you sign up that your 1st box is automatically 50% off which is a great deal. Each month they ship your box no later than the 15th day of the month. Boxes ship automatically on the 15th of each month with free shipping in the US. I get the smallest box and haven’t had everything yet. I got the smallest box and my favorite was banana coconut rolls. How pretty are these little banana coconut rolls? I saw that their box for July was Japan so I held off and will try them next month if I like their choice of country for August. Hi Nat – I just got off a chat with Snackcrate and they told me that the Russia box has sold out. I got the smallest box and my favorite was banana coconut rolls. I sub to UY but skipped this month because I’m in the middle of moving. I love spicy things but my son really loves super spicy things so hopefully if that item is too much for the rest of us, that he will enjoy it. 3 of 3 Shh don’t tell her. Posted in Tina Ames I’ve loved everything I’ve tried so far for this month! Those cookies sound worth it though!!! And while I’m allergic to pineapple, I also really like it. Frances 7 months ago   'px;}#frame_575312575314575315 .pages {list-style: none;margin: 0;padding: 0!important;text-align: center;}#frame_575312575314575315 .pages li.active {background: #4c4c4c;}#frame_575312575314575315 .pages li {display: inline-block;width: 10px;height: 10px;margin: 0 8px;text-indent: -999px;border-radius: 10px;cursor: pointer;overflow: hidden;background: #cecece;}@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {.gallery-next,.gallery-prev{width:45px;}#frame_575312575314575315 div.li-holder ul li{max-width:300px;}} These would definitely be a great addition broken up on the top of some French vanilla ice cream and drizzled with caramel, because you know, why not! Hi Frances the June box was Japan,this month box is Mexico,it has not been shipped yet,they do not ship until the 25th,I think you might still have time to sign up for it….I am not a fan of the snacks from Japan,last months box was mostly seafood,I did not like it at all lol. But that shrimp roll with the nori? Ordered the Super Yum since I had a $5 coupon. 'px;}#frame_575305575306575307 .pages {list-style: none;margin: 0;padding: 0!important;text-align: center;}#frame_575305575306575307 .pages li.active {background: #4c4c4c;}#frame_575305575306575307 .pages li {display: inline-block;width: 10px;height: 10px;margin: 0 8px;text-indent: -999px;border-radius: 10px;cursor: pointer;overflow: hidden;background: #cecece;}@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {.gallery-next,.gallery-prev{width:45px;}#frame_575305575306575307 div.li-holder ul li{max-width:300px;}} Send me all the weird stuff. I live in Minnesota…..I grew up in the country and our rotation of meals usually came from our garden and local farmers. I definitely would have liked that! Each month they ship your box no later than the 15th day of the month. Thanks for commenting Lori! 'px;}#frame_575283575284575285575286575287575288575289575290575291 .pages {list-style: none;margin: 0;padding: 0!important;text-align: center;}#frame_575283575284575285575286575287575288575289575290575291 .pages li.active {background: #4c4c4c;}#frame_575283575284575285575286575287575288575289575290575291 .pages li {display: inline-block;width: 10px;height: 10px;margin: 0 8px;text-indent: -999px;border-radius: 10px;cursor: pointer;overflow: hidden;background: #cecece;}@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {.gallery-next,.gallery-prev{width:45px;}#frame_575283575284575285575286575287575288575289575290575291 div.li-holder ul li{max-width:300px;}}