Dictionary of Jazz, he has edited instructional books by Peter Erskine, Joe
ride cymbal thing, which had a whole different kind of effect on me. You're always gambling, and sure, it could have gone
If you
can enjoy the process, you won't trip out on whatever results you do or don't
consequence of the flow of the music. I see nothing wrong with people who want to play as much
first saw Ringo. worried that he was a loose cannon who would never be able to restrain those
throw words like "polyrhythms" and "multi-meters" at it, but the mathematical
else, whereas on my album, I'm reacting to my own music. My first real influences were guys on the radio playing
drummers who influenced him, he didn't just rip-off a few licks from each one. result to give you the impetus to fuel the process, but once you start thinking
Biography Vinnie Colaiuta is best known as a Drummer. has to be an intellectual exercise all the time? of the L.A. studios to go on the road with Sting. But I don't practice obsessively
The great drummers are still responding to what is going
So I was hip to that
that way unless you approach them from a different angle, not necessarily
years of my development, so it's really hard for me to sum it up into a few
I was listening to how he constructed his solos. album that the tour was supporting (Soul Cages), and there were no guarantees
listened to everything at that point. and we would do gigs with tenor sax, organ and drums, and sometimes a guitar. If you're not satisfied with your playing, it's good to
and all that garbage. Information on his recordings, interviews, and live performances. He definitely latched on to some circularity that nobody else had. Frank wrote, and people still remember those things. Everybody has licks, whether they realize it or not, but it goes along
Seal Call Fusion Music 3:14"We Don't Mess Around" Circus Krone, Munich/Sept. reading a magazine in between cymbal rolls. and records such as Herbie Hancock's Headhunters, Miles Davis's Bitches Brew
shaking his head in admiration. I had been writing for a long time. approach those terms imply seems at odds with the pure feel and animal
You don't want to be going, "I've got to practice". just didn't want to be pigeonholed. can take 4/4 and stretch it like a Gumby. People who think they can reduce these guys to a
seventh grade and I'd be doing gigs in clubs with my band director at night. I
but I don't think Sting intended for
relate to that situation. pulls a practice pad and pair of sticks from the bag he's carrying. difference, but it's a difference. The official website of Vinnie Colaiuta. get signed, you must have some tunes, and once you've made a record, you're
However much Vinnie might be able to explain exactly what he's
amazing mind. and restless and didn't have the maturity to deal with that kind of thing. By the time Colaiuta went to college, he was digging
By the same token, you
I used to go to bed every night with headphones on listening to stuff like
shit when you see guys who think their stuff is the only thing, and they're
like a lot more than it was, but that's because you can't transcribe drive and
and the percentage of dates that I was not enjoying compared to the ones that
some other level. statement yet to come from Colaiuta, he insists that he didn't force the
my drumming on other people's records. He
The official website of Vinnie Colaiuta. Also, at that
I believe in it. to bury that reputation. “We’re playing some of the pieces we’re working on in our live show,” said Hancock, who will be joined at the zoo by Vinnie Colaiuta on drums, James Genus on … I thought it was absolutely brilliant
It can't help but make you think when it happens
if I could just relax and tell my mind it was okay not to pick up the sticks
tunes, some of them do have echoes of the early-'70s fusion that Colaiuta
really steered me and it was great. and slides right back into the tune's solid groove. feel downright betrayed by your infidelity to studio work, and when you come
compositions reveal my drumming, which represents my musicality, which is
either way with my career. The highly regarded drummer lives here. call? Maybe so. It's way beyond how many ticks per beat
discipline one must have in order to achieve greatness. They would take me to big
band gigs and turn me on to all these records; I got exposed to Tony Williams
But in terms of his drumming, Colaiuta has never been
senses that Vinnie is rushing straight towards a musical brick wall during a
from sessions. process of following his heart. the L.A. studios, recording with artists including Joni Mitchell, Allan
styles of playing, Colaiuta developed a certain contempt for simpler ways of
have. just freaked me out; I blew my lid off with that stuff. understands it,' you just have to realize that maybe you've developed different
don't understand my stuff,' and pretty soon you start making yourself believe
Vinnie as being the best drummer he ever worked with in terms of his
because he was playing the truth. As it turned out, the association with Sting was an
A he starts
volatile personality reinforced the idea that Vinnie was nuts. His break came in April 1978 at the age of 22, when he auditioned for Frank Zappa, an audition that involved performing the notoriously difficult piece entitled "The Black Page". He served as house drummer on the Joan
But do you really have something inside that's itching to get
people to sit there and count the stuff out. it tonight. When they arrive at the L&N Seafood Grill, they are told that it will
You hear things differently, and you can't expect
ヴィニー・カリウタ(Vinnie Colaiuta、1956年2月5日 - )は、イタリア系アメリカ人のドラマー。ロサンゼルスを拠点に活動中。, 「ローリング・ストーン誌の選ぶ歴史上最も偉大な100人のドラマー」において14位。, ペンシルベニア州ブラウンズビル出身。子供の頃からドラムセットで遊び、14歳の時に両親からフルセットを贈られ、本格的にドラマーを目指す道を歩み始めた。, ボストンのバークリー音楽院で1年間学ぶ。この時代、当時ビッグバンドに所属していたドラマーのスティーヴ・スミスと出会っている。ヴィニーとスティーヴはゲイリー・チェイフィーの講義を懸命に受けたり、シンバルの叩法について夜遅くまで語り合うなど、熱心な学生だった。卒業後は住まいをロサンゼルスに移し、ラウンジのバンドなどで演奏しながら糧を得つつ経験を積んだ。1978年、22歳の時にフランク・ザッパのオーデションを受け、その演奏の困難さでは悪名高い課題曲「The Black Page」を見事に演奏し合格した。かくしてヴィニーはメイン・ドラマーとしてライブやレコーディングでの有力メンバーとなった。この時代、彼はザッパのアルバム3作でドラムを叩いているが、どれもが驚くべき内容だと多くのドラマーが認め、特にアルバム『ジョーのガレージ』のそれは1993年の『Modern Drummer』誌においてドラム演奏ベスト25に選出される程のものだった。フランクからも、後年の自伝において、ヴィニーのプレイをバンド歴代ドラマーで最高のものと綴っている。, フランク・ザッパの元を独立してからは、ジノ・ヴァネリ、ジョニ・ミッチェル、バーブラ・ストライサンド、サンディ&ジュニアやチャカ・カーンなどから果てはメガデスまで、多彩なミュージシャンとの仕事をこなす。一方で、ジャズ界でも八面六臂の活躍を見せ、チック・コリア、ジミー・ハスリップ、クインシー・ジョーンズ、バディ・リッチのビッグバンドやビューエル・ナイトリンガーらとも共演している。2005年には、ポール・アンカのヒット・アルバム『ロック・スウィング』にも参加している。, 1990年ヴィニーはスティングの募集に応じ、アルバム『ソウル・ケージ』発表後のライブ・ツアーに参加する。スティングのバンド加入はその後7年間に及び、レコーディングにはそれ以上の期間加わった。1996年にはスティングに帯同する形で「English Jam」で演奏し、その模様はジョン・マクラフリンのアルバム『ザ・プロミス』に収められている。2003年、スティングのアルバム『セイクレッド・ラヴ』のセッションに参加した縁で同アルバムのプロモーション・ライブに出演したが、ワールド・ツアーへの誘いは断っている。, 1994年には、自身の名を冠したソロ・アルバムを制作した。しかしながら、セッション・ミュージシャンとしての要請が相変わらず多く、また映画音楽の制作やテレビ、ラジオなどの音楽担当を数え切れず任されていることもあって、それ以後はなかなか発表されなかった。, ヴィニーは、『Modern Drummer magazine』誌の読者投票で選出されるドラマー・オブ・ザ・イヤーに通算18度選ばれ、うち10回は「Best Overall」カテゴリーでの受賞を含んでいる。1996年には、現代ドラム奏者の殿堂入りし、今を生きる最も重要なドラマーと評された。, 直近のヴィニーは、フェイス・ヒルのレコーディングやツアーへの参加、ジェフ・ベックの公演でバックを務める傍ら、数多いミュージシャンのセッションなど、相変わらず多忙なスケジュールをこなしている。, https://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ヴィニー・カリウタ&oldid=81472731, Various Artists : 『バック アゲインスト ザ ウォール・ピンクフロイド トリビュート アルバム』 -. was also listening to a lot of organ groups like Jack McDuff and Jimmy McGriff
really that obsessed at this point with getting better, or is he simply so in
But I'm reacting to something
And even though I came up playing in rock bands, my high
someone else because you think this, that and the other thing about that
Groove doesn't just apply to something simple. can't just conceptualize a result. His reluctance to reduce the drummers he admires to a
thing can be totally valid, as opposed to some guy who learns to do something
Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage 100 Greatest Drummers of All Time From rock thunder machines to punk powerhouses, we count down the kings and queens of slam going to want to make another one, and another one after that, which means you
Of course, you will get something based on the The UnReel Drum Book: Featuring the Music of Randy Waldman and the Drumming of Vinnie Colaiuta, Book & 2 CDs By Vinnie Colaiuta, Marc Atkinson ofthe book itself. were musically fulfilling was way out of balance to me. going at it on a pad in the car while his wife, Darlene, is driving him to and
tune. were saying that I was working too hard and saying 'yes' to everything. instinct-only player who doesn't know what he's doing. The night before his clinic, Vinnie goes out to dinner with a group
Well, I
リリースのクレジット、レビュー、トラックを確認し、購入。 Casebound book set. you think all these other people don't know what they're talking about. Like many young drummers who master more complex
How bad do you want it? groove, period, no matter how many friggin' notes are in the bar or how dense
Rather than daydreaming about the end result and bitching that the result is
simpler explanation that absolves them of all responsibility to come to grips
No thanks, that's not me. When you
aggressiveness that permeate Vinnie Colaiuta's drumming. Representing myself as a whole person, I think I
tastes than everybody else. And then the speed he had and the
One can
It's funny, because I had been thinking that it would
Even if he was
Roy Haynes had a whole different kind of sound too. have to have more tunes. like I used to. I was so jacked up and ready for that! you're bull-shitting yourself. wanted to be a studio player. project simply for the sake of making his own album. result of Jeff Porcaro's recommendations. that didn't pay as much as record dates, I'd take even more dates to pay my
you never heard before,' but 'here's my drumming in the context of my own
with Gary Chaffee prepared him for the rhythmic sophistication required by his
Keyboardist-composer Chick Corea, who attained stardom as a fusion pioneer and distinguished himself as a do-anything player across the jazz spectrum and beyond, died Tuesday from a rare form of cancer, his Facebook page Deep down inside, you know
feel. I didn't
At times, one
before I got to college, but Gary Chaffee definitely polished it. powerhouseness of it, it was hearing him avoiding downbeats and doing things
But odd times can inherently be
You might use the knowledge that there is a
there playing the best you can and you're happy and honest about it and the
That music inspired me and I would always play
Great, man! sucks. I don't
Her Astrud the whole world to hear as you do. through. Special thanks to Shane Gormly for sending in this interview. I couldn't believe that stuff; it was amazing. A bar of seven or eleven is not going to feel
They are not limited by any sense of the
of course you're going to say yes when it starts happening because this is what
that's the answer right there. The official website of Vinnie Colaiuta. serviced the tunes quite well. I was definitely not ready to be sitting there
I'm just talking about dealing with people, which is a natural
Vincent Peter Colaiuta (born February 5, 1956) is an American drummer who has worked as a session musician in many genres. Holdsworth, Gino Vannelli, Jeff Beale, Tom Scott, John Patitucci, Jennifer
Everyone stands around exchanging small-talk while
His quirky sense of humor and
got from all those guys in this amount of time. I'm not saying I wanted to stop being a studio player; I
and they actually want it to have a jerky feel. THREE YEARS AGO, Colaiuta left the relative security
that the gig would amount to anything more than a couple of months on the road. The other thing is that no two drummers play 4/4 exactly
things. Indeed, Colaiuta is known as a famous "practicer" and
Although at the time of this interview
defining the downbeats in every bar. Then I got on the plane, [drummer] Vinnie Colaiuta was talking very intensely about politics or something and I remember saying to him, ‘Hey, Vinnie, I’m feeling a little sick,’ or something, and I remember him saying, ‘Oh, really Vinnie Colaiuta Calendar Discography Interviews DRUM! influences and how did he apply it? revealed through the compositions. By the time Colaiuta went to college, he was digging groups such as Tower of Power, the Mahavishnu Orchestra and Return to Forever, and records such as Herbie Hancock's Headhunters, Miles Davis's Bitches Brew and Live/Evil and Tony Williams' Emergency and Ego. And I didn't force
Vinnie had no idea when, or if, Sting would call again for an album or tour, he
Herbie Hancock has been here before. Summoner's Tales album. Some consider Colaiuta a rhythmic god. possible. Rick Mattingly is
ヴィニー・カリウタ(Vinnie Colaiuta、1956年2月5日 - )は、イタリア系アメリカ人のドラマー。ロサンゼルスを拠点に活動中。 「ローリング・ストーン誌の選ぶ歴史上最も偉大な100人のドラマー」において14位。 clinicians. Unauthorized use strictly prohibited. person? less-is-more approach. Do you just want to be like
Allison Hord, Writer: Late Night with Seth Meyers. Technically, you've got to get your muscle memory together because the body
call it "Vinnie stuff" - those licks and fills that defy analysis. Vinnie suddenly stops speaking. "He's so dedicated," Bellson says,
Perhaps the reason his own playing has such depth is because in terms of the
If that's the case, concentrate on what that is. especially on a physical level with the linear thing and the sticking. He wanted to make it as musical as
like four, but it may have subdivisions that give you the feeling of a backbeat
Miles Davis's Nefertiti album, with Tony Williams on drums. stupidest, most self-defeating thing I had ever done. studios and are on several contractors' first-call list, you don't leave town
But you've really got to know when to start weeding certain things out,
One might reasonably assume that the recent release of
working out on the pad, Bellson watches. After a long pause he says: This is kind of opening up a Pandora's box, because I
Sure, no problem. fill or solo, but then, at the last moment, he finds the opening in that wall
time.' to people who have made such an impact on you. That's a mystery in itself to me - how you can identify
But I was young
It's really a reciprocal thing as
[2] out that you can't say? a statement with it. school music instructors were all very jazz oriented. other cats were talking about golf - not wanting to be there. Several of his first sessions came as a
The JazzTimes 2019 Readers’ Poll saw wins for Zappa alums Jean-Luc Ponty, Randy Brecker and Vinnie Colaiuta Is the Zappa Holo band morphing into Banned From Utopia? The biggest thing that got me about Elvin was his time
Tony Williams represented so many things to me. That's not to suggest, however, that Colaiuta is an
Playing more stuff just because I wanted my
But given Colaiuta's level of technical skill, is he
I first met him (in a musical sense) with the Sting album Ten Summoner's Tales . techniques between the hi-hat and snare drum that sounded like they
When the Beatles came on TV I saw that and freaked, so
But considering the musical validity that people
opposed to going on a gig and thinking, 'Well, these guys are funky but they
I was so energized by fusion before
You might like it, but is your playing really on that
and Don Patterson. I don't know if I've lived enough of a life to
a big impact on me. Kenny Aronoff, simply for his ability to make a tune feel good with a
would make and think about why he put this note here or that note there. I mean, I can't possibly encapsulate what I
If you want it, you'll get it. 'WOW' and try to groove on the totality of what they are. They get on a roll and
If you want it because you love it, it will come
"He reminds me of Joe Morello - always
All content ©2004 - 2021 Vinnie Colaiuta. He
His studies at Berklee
His behavior is often cited as an example of the extreme
Rebelliousness. 'Trane and Elvin [Jones]. understanding and feel for complex rhythms and time signatures. Colaiuta's first solo album (Vinnie Colaiuta, Stretch/GRP) was part of the
waiting, but Colaiuta finds an empty chair near the entrance, sits down and
love with playing that he's happiest with a pair of sticks in his hand? You have to figure out your own objectives. I can only hope that would be
listened to Coltrane you recognized something and wanted to go back to it
It's a subtle
Then Sting
couple of signature characteristics speaks volumes about who Colaiuta is. your ability to express yourself, after a while your efforts cause things to
head. The album featured plenty of in-the-pocket groove, as
Angus And Friends Albums For fans of:jazz, art blakey, peter erskine, fusion, billy cobham, funk , james brown, sting, , steve gadd, vinnie colaiuta There's nothing like it. drumset while he was playing grooves. Colaiuta must have been crazy to take that gig. Also, to maintain an okay lifestyle, if all I had were TV dates
grade. happened to get it. real quick to put everything down when they haven't even investigated
Warnes, Natalie Cole and Robben Ford. While the album is certainly the most personal
yourself through rhythm? on around them. recognize Sting to have, I didn't think it was going to hurt me. NOVEMBER, 1989-The percussion industry has converged
He had not played on the
Discogs: 2013 CD, Worldwide And The Acoustic EPs. happen. home looking for work again, they won't necessarily welcome you back with open
Colaiuta's style, so just what did he get from the drummers he considers his
We played some odd times on
So anyway, people said I was working too hard. gone they will get used to calling someone else. first major gig with Frank Zappa during the late '70s. Given the opportunities for self expression that
that space and you love it, and there ain't nothing wrong with that. Story Highlights Herbie Hancock's "River: The Joni Letters" up for album of the year Grammy Hancock, 67, a jazz legend, played with Miles Davis, earned own fame However much Colaiuta may have been bored with TV
When you are honing
It was a massive transformation of music for me that
about the result too much, the process gets interrupted. His
a break, take a break. I would get bored so I would start throwing in all this stuff. I was totally into
trading God-knows-what, elevens or something-I'd listen to the statements he
happening, but they are just sitting there making the same mistakes over and
"odd" time sound perfectly natural. many of his friends and associates in L.A. tell stories about seeing Vinnie
I didn't want to isolate myself from anything; I
make the audience a part of this or do you want to lose them? bills. I don't think it was the musicians who watered
I'm not going to say that you don't need to practice. If you lose your attention span after a couple of hours and want to take
But can you really? level? Let's say your desired result is a record contract. Reading was just this kid who couldn't stay awake. Senior Editor of Percussive Notes and serves on the PAS Board of Directors. dates, could his decision to follow his heart have also been influenced by the
If so, then maybe I should try to not be so neurotic and see
identify me with other things. not occurring, involve yourself in the process, which is an ongoing thing. It was definitely a gamble, but I never said I just
them to a couple of characteristics. I'm talking about politics doesn't mean I'm crafty, shrewd or not true to
It's deep stuff. But sometimes people start thinking, 'Oh man, I HAVE to practice all the
He absorbed their entire approaches to drumming and applied their attitudes and
il grande drum solo di vinnie colaiuta,steve gadd e dave weckl al buddy rich memorial 1989 calls a couple of months later. This January, NPR member stations share a mix of the most popular songs on their airwaves, including music from The Avalanches, Jade Bird, Madlib, Run the Jewels and more. Some of the things he did were
Gary is a fantastic teacher and he has an
The album was more an opportunity for my writing than my
He would use hand
But at some point you're hearing guitar players and bass