However, we have a site where you can get much information about fish farming and all other kinds of agriculture and what we call ecolonomic living ( Beside is the climate good enough and the type shrimp that am suppose to farm? It is always good to consult a local fish farmer. I need someone to design and oversee the build… I would also like to investigate the combination with hydroponics. Please fill that out. We have a very cool program that is free right now called the Ecolonomic Action Team (EAT) where we teach people how to “Make Money Making the Planet Better”. i really need to know the cost of all the equiptment. shipping to American, EU or China? This can be by skype if you are not in North America, or phone. You can obtain a license from your state’s Department of Agriculture. Please visit us often. You want to start with smaller organisms like a guppy, Endler’s livebearer, or cherry shrimp and only add 1 or 2 at a time. I looked into catfish farming, but didn’t see enough profit in it to warrant the investment. M kapangpam, Thanks for the comment. (2020) Metagenomic characterization of bacterial community and antibiotic resistance genes in representative ready-to-eat food in southern China. pls I will need all the information I can get. I am from Ghana and I want to initiate this idea using the freshwater precisely creating the pond within the river. Usually freshwater shrimp farmers don’t get good results with freshly dug ponds because there is not enough supply of food available in the ponds. Finally if you are very serious and want to get immediate help and consultation you can schedule a FREE call with us for a 30 min. Lilly pads? Thanks for your comment. (2020) Potential energy of complex networks: a quantum mechanical perspective. Here are several things we can do for you. Yes you can farm shrimp indoors. You can schedule a time with us at I have done abt 3 yrs of research on It is a good one. Notice though, our products are 100% organic and they can’t handle chemicals so I hope you don’t use any chemicals whatsoever? I am researching the use of a native shrimp from the Amazon river for use in an aquaculture project near iquitos, Peru. Can I divide the pond and grow Prawns on one side and catfish on the other?How do I know if pond is clean/sutable for farming? my email is dhir.manpreet The majority of the farmed shrimp, about 75% of the world’s farmed shrimp, are produced in Asia, particularly in Thailand and China. Because this is a specific question, we would like to offer you a free 30-minute consultation with Dr. Dorband. Can a land of about 250 sq yards be converted into a small profitable prawn or fish culture business? You can join that coaching/teaching/mentoring/networking program by going to One huge advantage of using our products (shrimps/fish feed & water treatment)is that you are guaranteed chemical free! Our team will contact you soon. If you live away, fresh water shrimp is best. The fins are transparent in young and non-breeding adults. Sorry no credit card or debit card payments at this time. They also do well in larger community aquariums. warm regards Plan to start a shrimp farm and am looking for information and assistance in it’s construction. We will be trying them by starting indoors, and moving outside to our half acre pond after last frost in Iowa. Thanks for reaching out to us. We can best help you after we chat briefly. Make sure that the temperature difference of the water is within 6 degrees Fahrenheit. We will be making you a FREE Member of that site and then we can communicate with you easily about your fish farming questions. I wonder if you were able to open your shrimp farm. can I use a saltwater pool system for a saltwater shrimp tank or are there specific systems for this, i want to start shrimp farming which are the involved in it.