I usually lurk, so I only retain "gists." Again, a lot of big terms, but basically "adjusts my timing and ups my voltage" is essentially what we're looking at here. I was prescribed Adderall for ADHD when I was a sophomore in high school, and my addiction began during my junior year. While microdosing can reset tolerance far quicker than breaks do, it is unhealthy and poses many potential health risks. Thanks for adding! Each increase has had a noticeable impact on all of my symptoms, as well as my (suppressed as a side effect) appetite and increased energy. Warnings. I scroll down to see top comment be something like this. FDA approved for children over the age of three. Adderall: my personal experience. Their statement was a kind of declaration: No longer did it make sense to regard cognitive … After we're done, I've got a freezer full of fantastic elk for you. Definitely miss it, wish I didn't crave it. An acidic stomach decreases the potency of Adderall. Treating ADHD is a cornerstone of addressing and preventing substance abuse in patients with both problems. 71% of those users who reviewed Adderall reported a positive effect, while 12% reported a negative effect. Find me on IG (: @not.larissaI've finally made a video about my experiences taking Adderall for my ADHD Inattentive Type. And secondarily, methylphenidate seems to facilitate the direct release of neurotransmitter from within the neuron where it's produced and stored, which sends more out into the synapse space. This is not considered microdosing-- microdosing is taking <3mg for a consecutive number of days before taking a larger dosage. I’m trying to gain weight and muscle, my maintenance calorie intake is 2500 and I’m eating about 3000 now because I’m skinny. The neuron releases the neurotransmitter and it travels into the synapse space. and topics directly related to them. https://www.reddit.com/r/adderall/comments/aytlqa/amphetamines_proper_use/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app. Thanks for sharing! I also have some depression & anxiety related to living with this. Here is my experience having taken Adderall and Vyvanse. r/adderall: A Subreddit for discussing prescription psychostimulants (Adderall, Vyvanse, Focalin, Ritalin, etc.) Kindly fuck off. I know Joe will never read this. However, they have important differences. I'll hunt links later, just thought these points worth looking into if you're into this topic. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I Don't get amped up and jittery after a huge coffee. I've heard some of them before! I found that intermittent fasting and strategically timed coffee helped a lot. *, For occasional users, do not take too much. I found that the med worked well when I was at work helping me … What does Adderall feel like? Among adults with ADD, 53.67% have used Adderall, the most common medication among adults, and 33.27% have used Ritalin at some point. He also extrapolates his experience in Los Angelas to the rest of the world. Disclaimer- I am not a doctor, I am merely speaking from my own experience and the experience of others… and the mass amount information on Reddit (I've used almost all of it in my time). Good stuff. Drink anything with vitamin C. Sometimes I take Emergen-C packets to get the Adderall out of my system. Netflix Stimulant drugs like Adderall and Ritalin are commonly prescribed to kids with what's known as ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It’s an addicting feeling, but if you need it everyday/the majority of the week for ADHD … The risk is 10/10, but the benefit is 10/10. I've read some studys saying alcohol can have mental and physical health benefits. I'm not advocating it. “My adult ADHD patients do best on Adderall (or this other stimulant medication).” Adderall is among the most commonly prescribed ADHD medications. User Reviews for Adderall to treat ADHD. Some of the potential Adderall 10 mg side effects can include. Do this occasionally for tolerance, as consistent use of Tums can result in excess Calcium. Then try again a little later. If anything could be said to be a true paradox about ADHD, it would be that they need the dopamine to feel calm. Eat even if you have to force yourself to. By that I mean, you may feel super focused, but you will retain none of the information you studied, even with re-reading, making flash cards, using pretty highlighters. In all seriousness, I believe I suffer from ADHD but have never formally been diagnosed. The Adderall wasn’t really for my ADHD. I second this notion. Here is my experience having taken Adderall and Vyvanse. When this occurs, that portion of the neural network can't relay messages in an adequate and timely way. Disclaimer- I am not a doctor, I am merely speaking from my own experience and the experience of others. I've heard it makes ur tolerance lower, but I will be with someone I trust. Our brain isn't making dopamine correctly. Now for me, I'm on Methylphenidate, not Adderall. First 3 days would be at 10 mg. I drink red wine and it knocks me out. https://www.reddit.com/r/adderall/comments/aytlqa/amphetamines_proper_use/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app. Nothing wrong with small amounts of alcohol. Make an effort to go to sleep at the same time every night before bed. ZZZQuil (It’s Nyquil without the medicine-- awesome! I calm down and relax. . “My adult ADHD patients do best on Adderall (or this other stimulant medication).” Adderall is among the most commonly prescribed ADHD medications. All about moderation with everything. I really wish it could get passed along. So if you feel management could improve with medication there ARE options. Jamie occasionally references us here on Reddit, but I don't know that he actually reads anything, let alone this. I take adderall for ADHD and now experience Indegestion. Adderall is the third drug I tried to tread ADHD after doing trials on Vyvanse and Concerta. Good stuff here! Trial and error. But here's where I really need to get into the personal observations of all this. I found that the med worked well when I was at … Dopamine and norepinephrine seem to play a key role in the areas of the brain responsible for regulating attention and executive function. Press J to jump to the feed. Literally look it up. In 2008, the journal Nature published a commentary, which quickly made headlines, written by a group of prestigious neuroscientists, neurologists, and neuro-ethicists. That's exactly what you should do. A portal to discuss Joe Rogan, comedy, MMA, psychedelics, mind-expanding revelations, conspiracies, insights, fitness & health and whatever else you want to discuss. While it can help treat ADHD or narcolepsy, you could experience some unpleasant side effects. Finally, and most importantly in your case, there are abuse friendly treatment options including several very good non stimulant needs and slow release stimulant formulas that any doctor should be happy to prescribe regardless of past behavior. Adderall is a mixture of four different amphetamine salts — Dextroamphetamine Saccharate, Amphetamine Aspartate, Dextroamphetamine Sulfate, and Amphetamine Sulfate — that is used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). I'm only a single example of the legitimate need and appropriate use of these drugs. If you need a big tolerance break to reset your system, you can take a week or more off. Lol. Gushers (personal favorite despite them being unhealthy-- they easily keep your blood sugar up). Stimulants for Adults with ADHD: Dispelling the Myths and Recognizing the Risks - Duration: 47:31. freeCE 19,521 views Problem solved. I wish that solved my ADHD. thank you for your post. I think adderall is a great medication for millions of people. As weird as it is, I never once experienced any feelings that can be described as euphoric. The high metabolism and low appetite is why people use it (legally and illegally depending where you are) as an incredibly effective but terribly unhealthy weight loss supplement. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Although it is generally a safe and effective drug, it … Dosages you utilized and dosage schemes. Some people have a lot of self-control regarding this. Tell your doctor if you have had problems with drug or alcohol abuse. Do you chew gum? A less significant mechanism of amphetamines is slowing the reuptake of the neurotransmitters. It increases your metabolism overall. The reason the stimulants are helpful in reducing symptoms of ADHD appears to be that they make these neurotransmitters more available, therefore improving activity and communication in those parts of the brain which operate on dopamine and norepinephrine and signal for specific tasks. 1. I think Adderall has a real effect, but after a certain dose it turns into an overloaded effect. There was no "exam", or way for my doctor to know if I'm lying about anything I claimed. Reading your post about taking another pill/capsule sometime during the day is something i’d like to try. In 2008, the journal Nature published a commentary, which quickly made headlines, written by a group of prestigious neuroscientists, neurologists, and neuro-ethicists. Their statement was a kind of declaration: No longer did it make sense to regard … Depression. ... Do you guys have any experience drinking on adderall xr? When given for ADHD, Adderall should be used in conjunction with other treatment options, such as psychotherapy, education about the disorder, and social integration advice. If I take adderall, do I need to account for the increased metabolism by eating more? Just off of my own examples, you'd hate yourself after 30+ years of feeling like your brain is fucked up too. Adderall is a combination drug for the short-term treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. The vast majority of people who are new to Adderall or are occasional users experience the euphoria. Adderall is a powerful drug. . Other effects of Memantine that could play negatively towards ADHD or in general. Taste and smell are strong memory triggers and, as silly as this may sound, I have different flavours of gum for different tasks and it kind of tricks me into a more focused state of mind. Our brain is ramping up activity to try and produce it. The warm embrace of Adderall on college campuses and beyond soon produced a success story within the scientific community. If you’re trying to gain weight and muscle, take a few days off during the week to really stock up on the protein and calories. Nearly every moment of my waking life day feels like a living hell wracked with anxiety that makes me want to crawl under a rock but I … Do these estimates differentiate between drug types, or are all ADHD prescriptions "Adderall" as a general term now? THEY CALM ME DOWN. It kicks in at different times for everyone, so be aware of how long it takes for your stimulant to kick in. But if you do decide to do this, drink it about an hour after you take your pill; coffee is acidic (see explanation for correlation between stomach pH and stimulants above). Your period, pms, and ovulation can all affect the potency of your drug because of hormone fluctuation. There is a great chance that withdrawal will make you extremely irritable-- be mindful of this and plan your days accordingly, Drink a lot of water (consider drinking a gallon a day), Be comfortable (in bed, on your couch, fav sweatpants on, etc). I never took Adderall XR, but I was prescribed IR twice a day. Warnings. In a new Netflix documentary film entitled Take Your Pills, the subject of amphetamine addiction and the recent increase in adult-onset ADHD or ADD diagnoses is the focus. Other effects of Memantine that could play positively towards ADHD. All functions of the brain and nervous system are based on communication among these neurons and across these synapses. I also, have taken it in the past and could see myself abusing the fuck out of it. They do it because the dopamine helps them to focus, to think clearly. I speak from my own experience as well as others. Refrain from microdosing. My moods are more under control. ), Listen to relaxing sounds (rain, ocean, etc). From personal experience, your dosage and your medicine’s release time can affect whether you experience a comedown and/or the degree of your comedown. Adderall XR only needs to be given once a day. And that's if you don't care about long term health effects. -Nicotine stimulates nAChR in the VTA which increases dopaminergic activity, and as tempting as enhancing synaptic dopamine levels by inhibiting reuptake or increasing release with adds (basically using nicotine to mediate dopamine release and extending your high), please don't. I'm forgetful because I can't focus on things long enough to drive them into my memory. And that's the biggest problem here. (Side note: This is unbiased-- if I could microdose without reaping the negatives, I would). After the neurotransmitter is released, the excess or unused portion is then recaptured or reabsorbed by the original neuron that produced it. When I decided to undertake a trial run of Adderall, a prescription drug that has both helpful and harmful uses, I also decided to share the story with our community.I figured if I’m struggling with something, I’m probably not the only one, so I thought it would be best to publish the whole experience, including both the benefits I’m seeing as well as the concerns I have. This has worked for me personally, but sometimes when I can feel that my tolerance is high, I take half of my first dosage (10mg IR) instead of 20mg and take 20mg later in the day as I usually do. Definitely some unhealthy suggestions. Writer's Block is also a severe byproduct of this for me. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Press J to jump to the feed. Insomnia. Tell your doctor if you have had problems with drug or alcohol abuse. Your body has zero tolerance so even a small amount affects you drastically. How it happened: I’m a ghost writer, aka I write papers for university students, mostly in my university. The neurotransmitter may then be accepted by the next neuron attaching at a site called a receptor, thereby transmitting information from one nerve cell to another throughout the brain. It's the fucking THING that causes 70% of the issues with amphetamines. I found that the pills eased my insecurities and low self-esteem. My problems are mainly with focus, completion of tasks & inattentiveness. I had no idea that it stripped your gut biome. They’re super easy to get down and also gain help with your goals. Also, do you think I’m a fucking idiot? Again, if there is anything else you can think of, share your knowledge! 30 million Americans? Rock on dude thanks for posting, I had no idea orange juice impacted the high and a few other key points to keep me blazzzin thanks ! Search it on Reddit. A bit of caffeine. To start off, I've been suffering with ADHD for the majority of my life- I'm 35 years old- but I have only been clinically diagnosed with it for the last year. Lol definitely on adderall when you made this. To shorten the read i wont go into detail about my ADHD. Adderall is not the only option out there. A survey, to be more honest. I'm not really sure what else to say. Anyway, I’ve been on 30 mg. Vyvanse for a week now. FDA approved for children over the age of three. My friend Jordan Peterson told me that I eat elk meat everyday. The vast majority of people who are new to Adderall or are occasional users experience the euphoria. Our brains are made up of nerve cells called neurons. Never done it, don’t even want to get into it. I just wrote this entire guide... and you have the audacity to tell me, a female, that cranberry juice prevents UTI’s. I was diagnosed as an adult but suspected for many years before hand that I had ADHD. Imagine sitting on your TV remote, holding down the Channel Up button. Since then, I’ve learned to become responsible and say no to people when I’m unsure of whether I can handle the workload or not. You may like this post I wrote not too long back as well. Also sensory based memory. So, latest (and best) research is that substance abuse is not a disqualifier for ADHD, especially if abuse was longer than 6 months ago (double important that untreated ADHD is one of the largest predicting factor in substance abuse e.g. The bonuses, perceived or real, and what everyone (including Joe) thinks it can do for them. -Grace. I like it. Just sleep. Adderall is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Adderall is available as a generic under the name mixed amphetamine salts (which may be abbreviated to MAS or M. amphet salts). Brain imaging studies have demonstrated that when you're on stimulant medication, there's evidence of increased metabolic activity in the prefrontal cortex, specific subcortical regions, and the cerebellum—all important centers for executive function. Stay hydrated! Staying hydrated also helps with tolerance and comedowns. How many truly need it for their day to day lives, versus students and journalists looking for a quick "edge" on the competition? Stimulants stimulate and increase the release of certain neurotransmitters, most notably dopamine and norepinephrine, and block or slow up how much of these chemicals are being reabsorbed back into the neuron from which they were released. Consider whatever you want to be doing when it hits, begin doing that before it kicks in. Every single person here, reading this, could go in to their doctor and attempt this today. Prescription sleep aids like Trazodone or Ambien. Concerta did not work for me at all, made me lethargic and even more distracted. Yes, upset stomach is a common, normal side effect to taking Adderall. For reference: My name is Grace, I’m a female, 5’7, 130 lbs. In turn, I had a terrible depressive weekend where I constantly felt like shit. The name Adderall means "A-D-D for all." Why do stimulants help ADHD? Adderall may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. I do not recommend this because it can result in a negative outcome. Is this normal? When given for ADHD, Adderall should be used in conjunction with other treatment options, such as psychotherapy, education about the disorder, and social integration advice. As a result, more of the neurotransmitter is held in the synapse space between neurons long enough for it to properly bind to the receptor, helping messages within the brain be more effectively transmitted and received. lmmaaao this is why I love this subreddit. A Subreddit for discussing prescription psychostimulants (Adderall, Vyvanse, Focalin, Ritalin, etc.) I share the storytime of my first time taking prescription stimulant ADHD / ADD medication. Once a stimulant is administered, there is a resultant increase in dopamine. Thanks for reading, I guess, if anyone even made it to end. I don’t know where you’re getting your facts from. The neurotransmitter must also stay in the synapse space long enough for it to bind to the receptor site. Another benefit of Vyvanse is that it’s made of d-amphetamine. The differences in the way these stimulants work may explain why some people with ADHD respond to one type of stimulant medication better than another. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Adderall is available as a generic under the name mixed amphetamine salts (which may be abbreviated to MAS or M. amphet salts). I was originally on XR, which gave me terribly depressing comedowns, but I switched to the equivalent dosage of my XR to IR and I have yet to experience a single comedown. Adderall is a prescription drug used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and several other mental disorders like narcolepsy. Sometimes I take a nap. How I was planning to use it was 3 days on, one day off, repeat. Adderall has an average rating of 7.8 out of 10 from a total of 282 ratings for the treatment of ADHD. How is Adderall taken? How so? [kidding... kind of] Ive been on IR 20mg/2x a day for the past 5-6 years so 100% agree with all of this & think it’s amazing that you put it all together , i’ve taken adderall for adhd for about 4 years now and first started with 10mg capsules, second year moved to 15mg and stayed at that for another year and all last year i took 20mg every morning. Compared to other types of ADD treatment, including Adderall, this helps to reduce anxiety and other types of unusual emotions as a result of the drug (11). As well as nausea and vomiting. I’ve experienced withdrawal only once in my entire Adderall career (which is so many years that I can’t count). What are the amounts of those supplements? People who truly do- ADHD and Hyperactivity- we aren't wired the same way. Do you have any sources I can dig into? (Alcohol) but what works, works for some people I guess. And yet, we know that this is not what happens. Good luck!! If you’re on your phone when it hits, expect to be on your phone the entire time. I need to remember to link later, but a few gists I remember: -Take with vitamin B complex -Vitamin D inhibits absorption -Adds strip you of potassium and healthy bacteria in your GI tract (amongst other things), eat fermented foods -particulaly when cycling off, and beets have a ton of good stuff to replenish you. Poor sleep compounds down the road with lack of energy, irritability, anger, aggression etc. Others recommend boofing, or plugging, aka putting it up your butt. Protein shakes give you an incredible amount of nutrition and keep you full for a long time. It's starting to become a real meme about Joe and his viewpoints on Adderal, and I'd like to take a minute to share my own personal experience with this topic. it was very informative, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Vyvanse worked but did not last long enough and I had bad crashing (headache, exhaustion). My normal problems in my day-to-day life (in regards to ADHD) are: Inability to focus. Once the need to elevate dopamine levels is removed, the person with ADHD can focus and concentrate without having to engage in hyperactive, adventurous, or risk taking behavior. My Complete Guide for Adderall/ADHD Stimulants, Preface: It took me a long time to make this, thus I hope it will be useful for everyone in the ADHD stimulant community! Figuring out what’s best for you is a matter of trial and error. It’s a great tip for individuals with ADHD who lack self-control in this aspect. My mind bounces all over the place. What sometimes seems to happen in individuals with ADHD is the neurotransmitter is prematurely reabsorbed back into the neuron. I want everyone else to see this, I'll add it into my original post with your username :). Thank you for putting it all together in such a comprehensive way! Adderall is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. To get the euphoria back: long tolerance breaks. It’s a matter of your state of mind-- and the results of this theory have proven that taking the test in the same state of mind as an individual studied in produce the optimal outcome. Adderall may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Concerta did not work for me at all, made me lethargic and even more distracted. Dang, the person who wrote this must be on aderal.... To be fair, there's a lot of copy/paste from sources online who explain it in depth. I never experienced euphoria when I started to take 20mg XR daily, but when I switched to 20mg IR 2X a day I experienced it for a week. Don’t get frustrated if you can’t sleep-- life happens. You can take tolerance breaks- some people recommend taking weekends off, others say to take days off in between the days you take it. Adderall breaks down in your stomach and is absorbed within your stomach. May be used in the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to increase attention and decrease hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Adderall may be habit-forming, and this medicine is a drug of abuse. The euphoria occurs when you're on a particularly higher dosage and your body hasn't adjusted. If you can’t sleep for a few hours, distract yourself with something to do. I’ve been taking ADHD stimulants for many years, thus I decided it was about time to compile all of my extensive knowledge and create a potentially helpful guide for other users. Tolerance can build very quickly, but at a therapeutic dosage your body eventually gets accustomed to the drug and will therefore affect you the same everyday. If you don't feel you need an antidepressant other than to combat the side effects of the Adderall, you might want to ask your doctor if trying another stimulant is an option. Taking your stimulants on an empty stomach makes it more potent, but in turn can result in malnutrition because the vast majority of people have an appetite that can be described as “non-existent”. You obviously do not understand how many years of school I’ve been through? I hope you do feel better soon. And today's culture "knows" about Adderall. A sleep psychologist told me that if you can’t sleep for a while (say 30 minutes), get up and go in another room. When I was finally diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and given a prescription for Adderall, I noticed a major improvement in my concentration. I'm not joking. I would refrain from doing the “baking soda” trick because it can easily upset your stomach. Period. 1. Ditch those poison meds and just rub some CBD cream over your head. Be a smart health-care consumer, and take note of these red flag statements (and medically reviewed rebuttals) surrounding Adderall and other popular ADHD medications. I'm not going to lie and say it works as well as Ritalin, but it was a lot better than before I was doing that. This logic is incorrect. Vyvanse worked but did not last long enough and I had bad crashing (headache, exhaustion). My ADHD seems to get worse with age, as does my feeling of emotional exhaustion with the struggle of being alive. I never took Adderall XR, but I was prescribed IR twice a day. Tums and Zantac reduce the acidity in your stomach, which raises pH balance, and therefore raises the bioavailability of amphetamines in your body, aka potentiating the drug. This is only my own, and I can't speak for anyone else, but I would like to offer some insight on a few key points of this topic that Joe isn't completely aware of. Literally Google it. Personally, I take it on an empty stomach. Anyone will tell you. They do not engage in risk taking or adventurous behavior because they like to take risks or engage in adventures necessarily.