They represent a poetic form that uses few words to achieve great depth of meaning. ... 100+ African Proverbs and Meanings You Didn’t Know. This notwithstanding, Answers Africa brings you some of the greatest and most famous African proverbs and their meanings: African Proverbs of Life. Find popular African proverbs and their meanings below. We wanted to give you a look into proverbs in a way that will help you with your current situation, so we’ve divided them up into categories so that you can focus on areas where you need advice. The meaning and nature of proverbs have long agitated the minds of scholars in various intellectual disciplines such as Anthropology, Here are 20 African Proverbs and their meanings: 1) Only a fool tests the depth of a river with both feet. Ah, African proverbs. Proverbs have been used across cultures as a form of sharing knowledge. Akan proverbs are more than wise sayings. Long before now till date, African proverbs have been used to pass across information during very weighty conversations. A wonderful cultural study. Proverbs are popular sayings that provide nuggets of wisdom. Know when to apply these proverbs to a particular occasion. Meaning: Source: 03. African Proverbs and their Meanings FUNNY AFRICAN PROVERBS. 09. In Zambian Culture it is especially evident in the diverse cultures and tribes that live here. And at the same time, I will give you some funny Akan proverbs. Some are known to come from specific African tribes, ethnic groups, or African countries, and others have an unknown source and are listed simply as “African proverbs.” Meaning: You don’t jump straight into a situation without thinking about it first. You might also be interested in popular Nigerian slangs. A black hen lays a white egg. “Ears that do not listen to advice, accompany the head when it is chopped off.” 5. In some African traditions, masquerades represent the spirits of ancestors and some of these masked entities dance in some festivals. Growing up In Mporokoso, it pained me to hear the youngsters misinterpreting some of the proverbs and sayings I had learned as a young boy while in my homeland, Moses Kasase Village in Chief Shibwalya Kapila's chiefdom. Jun 17, 2020 - Explore Christina Livingston's board "African Proverbs and Sayings...", followed by 522 people on Pinterest. Proverbs are often injected into everyday conversations and are very handy when one needs to summarize their emotions or a particular situation. 07. He explains the meanings, origins, and uses of proverbs. An African proverb used to admonish people to be hard working. Many of us were taught proverbs before we could even talk properly. African Proverbs Literary Focus ... and teach children the philosophy of their people. Some are straightforward. (Do not refuse help when you need it.) In other words, a proverb is a short sentence that is full of meaning and sound advice. Cowards die many times before their deaths. Man holding neck of a snake: If you hold a snake by the head what is left is only a string. African proverbs are also filled with the continent’s rich culture and centuries old tradition African proverbs are elementary and very fundamental in every sense of the word and each of them has its own unique meaning and lesson. A bird may be known by its song. Many African proverbs are attributed to single tribes or countries, while the origins of others are not known specifically, so we have labeled them only as “African Proverb” on our list. They have a wide range of uses and show, principally, that the user is wise and well-educated in the customs of the Akan people. Only a fool tests the depth of a river with both feet. Except for Egypt, there may not be huge libraries of written history or literature dating back for hundreds or even thousands of years in Africa, like there is on other continents. “You do not teach the paths of the forest to an old gorilla.” 4. African Proverbs and wise sayings played an important and significant role in ancient African culture and traditional history. no longer supports Internet Explorer. Nigerian Proverbs. There are many sayings, some passed down from African ancestors, and some a bastardization of English idioms. “By the time the fool has learned the game, the players have dispersed.” 3. The ability to use language enriched by proverbs is considered sage and is the hallmark of great public speaking. 2) Knowledge is like a garden: If it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested. The Wisdom of African Proverbs – Get inspired From 300 African Proverbs From all Around African Continent!.