This can break down into two major questions: Does sugar containing gum break a fast and does sugar-free gum break a fast. That might sound scary to a prospective IFer, but most people aren’t chewing gum made with 30 grams of xylitol. Chewing gum can be one way to curb hunger. ... You also shouldn't smoke, chew gum (even sugarless), or … Fasting means you don't eat or drink anything but water usually for 8 to 12 hours beforehand. If we’re talking xylitol gum, the answer is more mixed. Chewing sugar-free gum while intermittent fasting is ok for most people (unless it increases your hunger or cravings). Sweet gums can also curb sugar cravings. During this period of fasting you restrict your food intake to 0. The average piece of xylitol gum barely weighs a gram. It is like smelling really great food and you feel your stomach working to produce acids to get ready to eat. If you’re practicing intermittent fasting, you’ll want to be sure that the food and drink you are consuming during your fast will not bring you out of the fasted state and negate the benefits of the practice. If possible, avoid gum with artificial sweeteners, because they’re not good for your long-term health. Technically yes, sugar free gum would not be allowed on a fast. It satisfies the need to chew, and if your gum is minty, it can inspire you to keep your breath fresh. Then again, should you chew gum while fasting also depends on the length of your fast. I worry that gum is breaking my fast unintentionally. Honestly… These periods can be as often or as little as you want. One major question I get all the time from my clients is "does gum break a fast?". Can You Chew Gum While Extended Fasting? Just don’t be chewing gum all day long. Everyone says something different! What in entails is that you fast for 24-72 hour periods. r/fasting Whatever form of water fasting you practice, from IF to extended fasting and everything in between, and whether you're fasting for health, weight loss, self-discipline, longevity, or any of the other myriad benefits of fasting, you've come to the right place—a community of like-minded individuals sharing our knowledge and experiences. Sugar-free Gum on an Intermittent Fast. In healthy individuals, 30 grams of pure xylitol triggers a small but significant rise in glucose and insulin. If chewing gum can help you to go through a fast more easily, then it’s probably better if you chewed the gum and fasted for much longer, rather than breaking the fast sooner than you planned to. So if you need to chew one stick of gum to ward off hunger at one point in the day, its ok from an intermittent fasting standpoint. Other people opt for sugar-free gum instead of the regular gum while intermittent fasting. Can I Chew Gum While Water Fasting? It’s actually a surprisingly common question and one that doesn’t exactly have a straightforward answer. Does chewing gum break a fast? Thanks, Anne. The question is: if you practice intermittent fasting, will chewing gum break your fast? If you're new to Intermittent Fasting and you're looking to achieve a weight loss goal, you probably have a lot of questions. Water fasting just like intermittent fasting is another popular protocol that people will follow when they want to lose weight. It’s time for this week’s Q&A about intermittent fasting and low carb with Dr. Jason Fung: Does sugar-free gum break a fast? Just don’t overdo it. Chewing gum stimulates the digestive process. The one issue with chewing gum while fasting, Dr. Fung added, is that "gum is usually not recommended because the act of chewing and the sweetness usually triggers salivation and hunger." That is one thing that you should keep in mind. I’ll call “extended” fasting anything over 24 hours. I fast by skipping breakfast.