Posted by Padre on The options are endless, use your imagination and get creative with it. That is how moon water is made. Before beginning, gather everything you’ll need for cleansing crystals in … Tags: Moon, NASA, Space, water. It is for a full moon in Libra you might add aquamarine), Holding it to your heart for a few moments, Asking the moon to bless your water with Her magick. You must ALWAYS have an intention before you do something and make sure that intention is pure and with no hatred. Thus, make sure that the placing of your water container is such that moonlight reaches the water directly without being directed otherwise. As clearly represented by Lunar Cycle, the fact that a full moon only appears once a month makes it even more special, and a full moon much waits for this reason. Now, this intention would lead the angels to act upon the water that is generated. Once you have your crystal(s) you can clean and charge it with moonlight and/or sunlight so that it has the best energy possible to assist you. Too much nitrogen fertilizer may limit blooms and create abundant growth of the foliage. Florida water is a magical water that’s not an actual water, but a combination … How to Prepare Moon Water For your information, here is a caution guide to crystals . Jennifer Jorgenson (author) on May 05, 2020: Nadja - Intention. If you wish you can add other magickal items such as sea salt, shells, or a special crystal or stone. So while it's ideal and, some say, more powerful for your crystals to be in direct moonlight, it's not completely essential. Im new to witchcraft and I'm doing my very first spell :D, this really helped out, and I've gotten a lot of valuable knowledge from this post. Thanks for the feedback! Essential oils, oil sprays, and tea can also be made using the water created by using moonlight. And yes you can absolutely transfer it to a different container afterward. The water requirements for moon cactus are minimal. It's your intention of inviting the moon's energy into the water that matters. River, lake, and ocean water have a similarly short life span. It could be one of your … The intensity of moonlight varies greatly depending on the lunar phase, but even the full Moon typically provides only about 0.05–0.1 lux illumination. What happens if the moon water touches the light for a little while will the moon water still carry the energy and power? But I do try to keep mine out of the sun. I learned to understand others by listening to them. 'is-invalid-input' : ''">. Keep in mind though that spring water is 'alive' and can get funky over time. You do not feel sleepy anymore or tired, in fact, you feel pumped and ready to shine? And because lunar rock and soil is roughly 43-percent oxygen, most of … “If you have a problem with the Moon in the sky and you are unhappy, change yourself, because the Moon won’t change!” Thanks to his extrasensory abilities, Padre can establish precious contacts with Guardian Angels. A lux, by comparison, equals 1 lumen per square meter. Several scientists and research institutions have conducted experiments over the years to study the effect of moon and full moon nights on the human mind and behaviour. Next, fill the vessel with water. You are very clear about the fact that the energy generated pumps you up. You may wish to enchant your water as you set it out by. First, you will want to select a vessel to hold your magickally charged water. Some animals, especially nocturnal species, have adapted their hunting and mating activities to the light of the moon. Your body will fully be purified this way, and extra cleansing would not be required. Moon Water is water that has been charged and enchanted by the lunar rays of the moon. So if you choose to use spring water, you will want to use your Moon Water before the next full moon. Thus, now that you are well informed about how to create it and how to use it do not let the next full moon go away without providing you with some good benefits! The energetic is what the water is being imbued with and as the moon travels across the night sky, the direct light won’t always be there, but the influence of that night will. Leave some room for expansion should the water get cold enough to partially freeze. Once you have your magickal moon water you can use it for all manner of witchery. It is water that is set out in the open sky where the moon’s light can enter the water to charge it. Grandmother. Just like the color of the bottle, you can select stones and crystals that are simply connected to the moon or to water or you can create Moon Water with a specific intent You can also add stones and crystals connected to your zodiac sign to make a personalized Moon Water designed to amplify your own personal power. If the water isn’t in the light of the moon all night long, that’s ok as well. You can also decorate the jar with a moon and/or water symbols, ribbons, stickers, etc. Hi, this was really helpful but I have one question. Thus, it all comes down to your initial intention. If you plan on ingesting your moon water, best practice is to not include crystals as they can be dangerous. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar enough with the muslim religion to be able to tell you if moon water goes against your faith. Clarity, focus, clear sight, air element, lunar magick, healing, Lunar energy, storm magick, protection, healing, Faerie magick, prosperity, wealth, & riches, health & healing, Water element, mermaid magick, healing, increasing psychic abilities, divination, peace, Blue Moon magick, Element of Soirit, magick, increse personal power, protection, Cautionary Note on Use of Crystals in Moon Water. If you paint you can mix moon water into your paints (depending on the type of paint used). This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. The benefits of moon water are many but, if we are not aware of how to use it, there is no point in creating it in the first place. And again you can always store it in the back of the refrigerator. In order for the water near the horizon to reflect a moon that high in the sky, you'd have to be seeing reflections off the … I've decided to follow my instinct and trusting you was the right decision. All the different uses can be enjoyed with a different taste and extra added effect of this energetic and refreshing water. But if you don’t have time to do a whole ritual, meditation, or night walk to honor the full moon, … And you may wish to use different crystals to match your intention—smoky quartz instead of clear quartz, for example. Jennifer Jorgenson (author) on May 06, 2020: Ry - Glad it was helpful. How to Make Moon Water. The Moon. would it affect the moon water? Once filled, sit the vessel somewhere where it will receive the moon's rays completely. Dear Padre, I am grateful for your guidance and support. Water small plants regularly and provide additional water as moonflower vines grow. Give some to your magickal plants to enhance your connection with them. And it’s by listening to them that I understood some were lucky while others were not.…. That is a great use for your moon water. Place your jar on a porch, a windowsill, or directly in the path of moonlight. It’s best not to add fresh or dried herbs though, as they could rot over time. (The sooner the better if you plan to do this to make sure it is still fresh and safe to drink. Add a few drops to your bath water for a magickal moon bath. You can learn to harness this power in order to cleanse your body, mind, and spirit. Some animals simply see better at night or are aided by the light of the moon. You can use your Dark Moon Water the same way as you would Full Moon water just with different intention. “You may have the dark and cold street life, ruled by the lessor light of the moon. Use it as a daily aura cleanse. Luna. There is such a magical energy with the full moonlight pouring down on us. Every phase of the moon holds magick, and now you can capture some of it for your own use. Learn more about full moon water by contacting your Guardian Angel! What we see is a theoretical peak in the illumination the moon could provide of around 0.03 foot-candles (exactly full moon, directly overhead), but that what most An upcoming dark or Full Moon is a fabulous opportunity to make your own Moon Water. You benefit from my sacred guarantee. It is a very effective and very fast process. That is the ability of a full moon. Amara - Absolutely! ... especially in the nighttime moon garden. Do not use crystals in the water if you plan on consuming it. The amount of energy within moonlight is significantly lower than what's needed to power solar panels. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. Outside is definitely more powerful, but work with what you have access to! Not only your body, but your soul and spirit will also be cleansed, and you will feel peaceful and light-headed. Full Moon Water in Taurus - Will have stable, earthy, fertile energy. Jennifer Jorgenson (author) on June 04, 2020: Charlie! Thank you :). Yes, can you make blood moon water? It’s water that gets charged by a full moon only. Additionally, these plants do much better when their not subjected to excess rainfall. You see, the moon’s gravity actually affects the entire Earth, not just the water, but because water is much less dense than land, we actually see the tides change. The natural energies transmitted by the Sun and Moon can also energize your crystals with natural energies. But on the moon, the dangling bonds can exist for a long time, Taylor said. The full moon will give you the most lunar light in the absence of sunlight, producing the most well-charged water. If you live in an area where it rains frequently, moon cactus will do much better if they’re situated under a covered porch, if you have them outside. Another option is distilled water which will have the longest shelf life. It won’t be charged and will not be blessed with the energizing charge of the moonlight. You can drink as much or as little as you like. On the other hand, if you want to create the water so that you can cleanse your soul, body, and spirit to be completely pure… then the water will show its magic and work wonders for you. This water can be used to water plants as this will help the plants grow in a very fast and healthy way. Is it still valid and fit for use if the sunlight touches it? Jennifer Jorgenson (author) on August 02, 2020: amber - no it won't lose its power, moonlight is really just reflected sunlight. If you have/use a diffuser or humidifier you can use moon water as the water you add to transform any area into a magickal space. Jennifer Jorgenson (author) on September 13, 2020: Lucia - yes you can. I want to know for absolute certain because i do NOT want to go against my religion. Use it to wash or rinse your hair as part of a glamoury working. The purpose of the formation is to make use of the energy of the moon and use it for your benefit. How-to: Place your crystal outside under the light of the full moon for four hours or more. Noel Penaflor from California on April 18, 2019: Shawindi Silva from Sri lanka on April 18, 2019: A Zodiac stone connected to you or the full moon you are using (i.e. Placing a jug or container out into the open so that the light of the moon reaches the water to make it. Its the time now if we can...and if so, what are it's magickal properties? In fact, that can be quite helpful in areas where it freezes you can make the moon water in an unbreakable container such as a large metal pot then put it in jars after. Can I use moon water to cleanse my front door from bad energy? Moonlight Water, or Full Moon Water is essentially just water that you set outside under the light of the Full Moon to “charge”. If you don't typically drink your tap water, you may wish to filter it or boil it for a few minutes first. You can also add a little amount of the moon water made into your bathtubs for showering purposes and to prepare a spiritual bath to cleanse your energy with a salt bath. Specifically, porous stones or those with high metal content. Illumination. hi and thank you this post helped me alot! Check your water first, use common sense and you should be fine. It has more energy than normal moon water. Your intention while using the moon’s energy for your benefit should be pure; with no intention to hurt anyone. Jennifer Jorgenson (author) on March 09, 2020: Any day you like each phase of the moon holds its own magick. Add moon water to leftover incense ash, and mix it together for a potent magickally charged 'paint' for drawing sigils, magickal symbols, anointing candles, writing spells, etc. (Definitely cover your water if you're putting it outside). If there is a particular stone you really want to use but it should not be added to water you can place those stones on top of the lid or surround your bottle with them instead. You must be wondering how somebody can hurt anyone with moon water, right? I like to use mason jars because they have a lid, they're pretty and the light can get through the glass. The water soaks up the light of the moon and gets charged with energy. Moon water is simply water that has been exposed to the moonlight and charged with a Magical intention. distance from the moon to Earth (the moon's orbit isn't a perfect circle, and its apparent size in the sky varies, causing as much as about 30% change in the illumination it provides). Some even wrap it with a magickal cloth or meaningful scarf so that it stays in the dark.