I think you have to be the mayor though, but It'll force them to move out more than half the time. I live in the upper unit of a duplex. . Should that fail, call your local precinct. big time. Neighbors downstairs suck . Noisy, smokers, and disrespectful. They move in somewhere with a lingering nastiness that turns them sour, too. There's no shame in wanting the crack dealer or wife beater elsewhere. Provide the moving company's name. We all have busy lives, so make sure you only approach your neighbor when it seems like it might be a good time. Ginger . When you meet the neighbors: Give them your move-in date. * Shave their pet mercilessly if any. Staggered Wooden Boards Photo by Andrew Drake. 10 Ways to Block Neighbors View of Your Backyard. 1. So just to make sure the next tenants don't get stuck with that, or even just to clean any lingering spiritual stench of the current ones, give the place itself a bath, so to speak. . * Get methylene blue from a store. A condominium association’s right of first refusal is a little-known clause that can be used to buy your neighbor out. Take up your pen and paper while chanting your chant, and draw. :D False. If asked why, say you protest such programs. Use your TV remote to change the channels on their TV from outside. August 30, 2011 by Llewellyn. . Keep a record of your complaint. Make Your Move . . On top of all this, they are complete morons. Go to the town hall, talk to Isabelle & choose the neighbor complaint option & pick the neighbor who's annoying you. By the way, is your username a reference to SNSD? make sure you clean the candle with lemon juice. Black. I've found that sometimes, with bad neighbors, it's not the people but the place. Okay, long story short . Make it complete if its easy art. To inspire you, here are our favorite backyard privacy ideas. 6. Spell: To Make a Bad Neighbor Move. The easiest way to make someone feel unwanted in your blossoming village is to simply ignore them. I have her picture and have 3 peppy neighbors and want her to move out. Put in … Staggered wooden boards are stained in soft shades of black, yellow, green, and red. The first night draw your neighbors (current) home with them doing the annoying kinds of things they do. Build snowmen with name tags of your neighbors Each day hack off a different part of their body. Then, get a reversible candle (see past blog posts here at free-candle-spells) and burn in your home on a piece of paper that you have written your neighbors’ names, praying that all their evil intent return to them. They may need to move their cars from the street, keep pets away from your movers, or remove any other potential impediments. * Publish an ad in the newspapers or websites putting up their house on sale or recruiting people to help demolish their house. Strangers in your new yard or house may make your neighbors nervous. Avoid dinner, breakfast and early mornings (unless they're already up and outside) and when they're getting in their car. Stick figure artwork is okay if that is the best you can do. Color of the Day. This can help your neighbors prepare for your move. Since tar and feathering is prohibited, try a more subtle approach. Incense of the Day.