Dry herb / menstruum ratio: 1:5. Natural treatment of Lyme disease, herbs and formulas. Japanese Knotweed root capsules, Cat's Claw, Andrographis, Eleuthero, Sarsaparilla, Kudzu, Cordyceps, LB Core Protocol, LB Tonic Protocol, Mangiferin, MangoForte, Mango leaf extract, Green Dragon Botanicals carries high quality, whole herbs based on Stephen Buhner book HEALING LYME. And, now there is a potent local source for Japanese Knotweed tincture available in local shops. Jan 31, 2013 | Herbs, interactions, japanese knotweed, The Basics | 1 comment. Japanese knotweed shuts down the inflammatory pathway initiated by the spirochette. We carry some standards and also hard to find tinctures. Japanese Knotweed Tincture As recommended by Stephen Buhner Our very own herbal Extracts made with plants and herbs from Farmer friendly/sustainable and organic sources. JKW is a very important general antimicrobial for Lyme, Mycoplasma, fibromyalgia, and viral infections. Share on Pinterest Japanese knotweed (pictured above) is one of the two plants whose active compounds appear to be highly effective against the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. Dear Stephen, I am on an 81 mg aspirin regimen by my doctor and am interested in taking the Japanese knotweed for some joint stiffness caused by lyme disease. Buying the powders is five times cheaper than the pill form. Ingredients: 60% ethanol extract of Japanese knotweed rhizome, distilled water. This invasive is one of our primary defenses against Lyme infection—particularly fascinating, as knotweed thickets provide perfect habitat for deer ticks and the white-footed mice they parasitize. Half a gallon of fresh Japanese knotweed tincture is a perfect illustration of bioregional herbalism! It is a primary herbal antimicrobial. Content in the recommended daily portion (60 drops): Japanese knotweed rhizome- 550 mg. ... Do you have, or think you have lyme? Should be taken 3-4 times a day. Japanese knotweed and 81 mg aspirin. Truly a wonder substance, Japanese knotweed (JKW) offers exceptional antimicrobial activity. Thinking about making a tincture of Japanese Knotweed and Cat's Claw. • 1/2 teaspoon cats claw powder and 1/2 teaspoon polygonum cuspadetum, otherwise known as Japanese knotweed – buhner herbs multitude of benefits for lyme issues. 70% alcohol, 30% water. Interestingly, Japanese Knotweed’s invasion of our landscape coincides with the increasing prevalence (epidemic) of Lyme disease. Japanese Knotweed is effective against a variety of organisms including the Lyme co-infection bartonella, leptospira, gonorrhea, and meningitis; its strong antifungal qualities make it especially inhibitive toward Candida albicans. Support Forums > Lyme Disease ... His instructions for Japanese Knotweed are similar, but supposed to be more alcohol. Japanese knotweed may be more effective than antibiotics at tackling Lyme disease, new study has found. Lyme 2 INGREDIENTS: Our own grown-without-chemicals Japanese knotweed root (Polygonum cuspidatum), Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthrococcus senticosus), Red Root (Ceonothus americanum), Prickly ash (X anthoxylum clava-herculis), Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa), Andrographis paniculata; extracted in pure, corn-based grain alcohol and distilled water. 100 ml tincture was made from 20 g of raw material. Dietary suplement. Lymeherbs. JKW is active against a wide range of stealth microbes.