It originates in Malaya and is predominantly nocturnal. I don't have a photo or a video of this species ovipositing eggs but I have a video of a different bulky species (Eurycantha calcarata) laying eggs into sand and it's pretty much the same. The Jungle Nymph (Heteropteryx dilatata) also known as Malaysian stick insect, Malayan jungle nymph, or Malayan wood nymph, is one of the larger members of the Phasmatodea. ''Heteropteryx dilatata'', also known as jungle nymph, ''Malaysian stick insect'', Malayan jungle nymph, or Malayan wood nymph, is a large member of the Phasmatodea. This is because the jungle nymph has made a completely new exoskeleton or body for itself, so the now-empty … The Jungle Nymph Stick Insect Heteropteryx dilatata is the heaviest of all the known stick insects, and is the second heaviest insect in the world, and they lay the largest eggs of any insects, with the eggs measuring half an inch in length.. Jungle Nymph (Heteropteryx dilatata) is heaviest species of Stick Insects in the world, females are really massive and can reach 50g of weight. In general, the female will lay in excess of 100 eggs, with some species laying several thousand. Keep the eggs in a small box with proper ventilation, but make sure any newborn nymphs cannot escape this box. ... - Eggs for this species are quite large and can be seen easily if being removed from the substrate. The Jungle Nymph is native to Malaysia. By tish - … The capitulum of some species is attractive to ants, perhaps giving the eggs additional protection if the ants carry them into their nest. The female Jungle Nymph has an ovipositor, which is a tube that she uses to lay eggs. Fun Facts! It likes tropical forests. The eggs may hatch in as little as a few weeks, while in captivity some can take over 18 months to hatch. It eats the leaves of plants. It originates inMalayaand isnocturnal. The substrate you put in the box depends on the way the female places the eggs; when the female puts the eggs into the ground you have to put the eggs into potting soil. - Heteropteryx dilatata, often called Jungle nymphs, originate from Malaysia - Jungle nymph females are the heaviest insects in the world and also very large. Jungle Nymphs - more information and photographs. This insect holds the human record for the largest egg … It originates in Malaya and is nocturnal. It is commonly kept in captivity. This particular insect holds the world record for the largest egg laid by an insect. The eggs are about 1.3cm in length. The eggs take almost a year to hatch. This insect holds the world record for the largest egg laid by an insect. (Photo: ... Heteropteryx dilatata eggs (Jungle Nymph Stick Insect). The females are easily distinguishable from the males, as the males are mottled brown and around two-thirds the size of the females. The picture above clearly shows that even though the jungle nymph has already pulled all of its legs out of its old exoskeleton, the claws of the empty exoskeleton are strong enough to keep a tight grip on the mesh! Jungle Nymph, HETEROPTERYX DILATATA [pic hvy] #223990. Nymphs She lays her eggs in soil at the base of a tree. Depending on the species, eggs may take between two and 14 months to hatch into nymphs. Another interesting fact is that they can live up to 2 years meanwhile eggs incubation time is 12-14 months! Thejungle nymph (Heteropteryx dilatata),also known as the Malaysian stick insect,Malaysian wood nymph,Malayan jungle nymph, orMalayan wood nymph, is a large speciesof stick insect, in themonotypic genusHeteropteryxand typical of the familyHeteropterygidae. Heteropteryx dilatata is a large species stick insect, in the monotypic genus Heteropteryx and typical of the family Heteropterygidae.It is commonly kept in captivity and may be known as the: jungle nymph, Malaysian stick insect, Malaysian wood nymph, Malayan jungle nymph, or Malayan wood nymph.It originates in Malaya and is nocturnal.This insect holds the human record for the largest egg …