Therefore, it makes sense to choose tank mates that hang out in the lower regions of the tank. Boasting stunning colors, these somewhat timid fish make excellent tank mates for angelfish. The German Blue Ram Cichlid is another species of cichlid that will get along well with their cousin, the angelfish. And that’s all you need to know! The water in these habitats is warm, typically in the range of 78° to 84° Fahrenheit. Like platies, swordtails are livebearers – they give birth to live young. Dwarf Gouramis are excellent tankmates for angelfish because they are so calm. Angelfish spend most of their time swimming in the top part of the water column close to the surface. If you did, please remember to share the article with your friends, and do leave any comments or questions that you have in the box below. Select options. Synodontis catfish are perfect for beginners, as these fish are incredibly hardy and easy to care for, although you do need a large tank to house them. You can keep these loaches in groups, although they are just as happy when kept alone, spending their time foraging in the substrate and among your plants. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. And you should keep peaceful fish as tankmates in your angelfish tank. Once the fish have formed couples, they can become territorial, so be sure to provide plenty of hiding places within the tank that divide the space into separate. The kuhli loach is a unique fish speeches, looking more like an eel than a freshwater fish. Another popular companion for the angelfish, keyhole cichlids are popular among cichlid keepers in general. These hardy fish can tolerate a wide range of water parameters, including those preferred by Angelfish, and they are a peaceful species that gets on well in a community setup. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. When you’re stocking your tank, follow the general rule of one inch of fish per one gallon of water, or one inch of fish per two gallons if you keep any large, especially messy fish. Last thrusday I got a Keyhole cichlid to ad to my tank. These fish have boisterous personalities, and can be overly aggressive during spawning times. They are easygoing and can tolerate a vast array of water conditions. Looking for a companion for your angelfish that isn’t a fish? A hardy fish, it is also one of the most peaceful. These peaceful little fishes make a very unusual addition to the community aquarium with their hatchet-shaped bodies and silvery coloring. Angelfish also like tall heavily planted tanks. Angelfish and Keyhole Cichlid aggression issue. They should be kept in groups of at least five, and hiding places – like caves and driftwood overhangs – … Head and tail light tetras are native to the same habitat as angelfish. However, Angelfish are actually pretty peaceful, provided that they’re kept with species of a similar temperament and size. If you include multiples, it will deter your angelfish form being overly aggressive. It has a quite simple round body with long dorsal and anal fins. Tankarium is reader-supported. Card-carrying fin nippers, such as tiger barbs, certain tetras, and Skunk botia should be avoided, as should any species that has a reputation for aggression. Swordtails can be found in many colors, sizes, and varieties. However, these fish are still attractive and interesting, forming monogamous couples within a shoal. The Keyhole Angelfish is found in shallow lagoon waters and coastal reefs around southern Queensland, New South Wales, Northern Territory, and off Western Australia. Keyhole Cichlids are another peaceful cichlid. Learn how your comment data is processed. The keyhole cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) is a cichlid fish endemic to tropical South America, occurring in the lower Orinoco Basin in Venezuela and river basins in The Guianas. Blue Rams tolerate the same water parameters as Angels and should do fine in a community tank. You need to make sure your water quality is on point, s they are sensitive to high levels of nitrates and similar toxins. Kribs are peaceful, spending much of their time at the bottom of the tank, hanging out among the plants. The first tank has two huge fancy goldfish who are almost ten years old and still looking as good as ever. Lemon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis), 19. Electric Blue Rams are stunning fish that bring a shimmering burst of metallic turquoise color to the aquarium. These fish have peaceful demeanor and can hold their own against aggressive fish. Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi), 11. If you keep Kribensis in small groups, you can be sure that couples will pair off and begin spawning. This makes them good tankmates for angelfish – they can withstand some aggression. The Swordtail from North and Central America is a spectacular looking fish that’s a firm favorite with hobbyists around the world. The typical Keyhole Cichlid has a cream color with shades of yellow and black patches on its sides. And moving forward, an angelfish that was acclimated to other species of fish at a young age will be much less likely to attack or try to eat smaller or other species of fish. The Bristlenose pleco is a peaceful bottom-dwelling member of this catfish family that can be distinguished by the fleshy tentacles on its face. These fish prefer emtperuares of around 72 to 78 degrees. These lively little fish come in a huge range of colors and breed readily, so you’ll most likely never need to buy more once you introduce a small shoal of males and females. So, to reduce the likelihood of aggression in the tank, it’s important that you don’t overcrowd your fish. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Tips For Selecting The Best Angelfish Tank Mates, The Ultimate Guide To Caring For And Keeping The Ghost Shrimp, Top Community Fish For A Happy Group Aquarium, The Platy Fish- An Easy To Care For Your Freshwater Aquarium, How To Raise The Redtail Catfish – The Goliath Of The Aquarium, Hornwort – The Plant You Should Be Growing In Your Freshwater Tank, Anubias Nana: The Ultimate Guide To Caring, Planting And Propagation. Angelfish will eat any fish that are small enough to fit into their mouths, which rules out nano fish species such as Endler’s livebearers, some rasboras, and very small tetras, too. Know, too, that there are hundreds of different kinds of corydoras catfish, so you should be able to find a fish that will match any kind of tank. Bleeding Heart tetras come from the Upper Amazon River Basin, sharing the same water condition requirements and diet as Angelfish. Consider whether the aquarium the cichlid fish will be living in is freshwater or saltwater. What Makes an Ideal Tank Mate for Angelfish? But that changes as the fish mature, morphing into a stunning, iridescent blue at the front of their body and neon yellow at the back. These fish are easy to breed – you might find that your swordtails breed without you even realizing that it has happened! New World Cichlids. Dwarf gouramis often get picked on by larger fish and allow themselves to be bullied – meaning a dwarf gourami might not always be the best choice. Although these two can hold their own against each other, they don’t do so well when they are pitted against smaller fish. The Lemon Tetra is another popular species of fish that you can house with your angelfish. Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii), 15. This fish grows to about five inches long and has a unique personality. If you do things this way, your angelfish will recognize the guppies as other fish instead of as food. You do need to be careful about keeping them in one regard, though – they like to nip at fins. These livebearers can be golden, orange, red, black, silver, green, and rust-colored, as well as striking combinations of all of those. Temperament: Generally … These tetras hail from the Tapajós River basin in the Iquitos region of the Peruvian Amazon, where they are found in huge shoals, thousands strong. But are Angelfish aggressive? The species is popular with fishkeeping hobbyists and is frequently kept in aquariums. Native to South America’s Amazon River Basin, this fish is commonly bred in captivity for the aquarium trade. Known for its social nature and unique personality, this fish can be a bit tough to care for. The Lemon tetra is an extremely attractive tetra that makes a beautiful addition to the community aquarium. Angelfish comes from the tropical rivers of South America, specifically Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, and various river systems in Brazil, including the Rio Essequibo, Rio Oyapock, and the mighty Amazon, too. For more information on what fish make good tank mates, check out our freshwater fish compatibility chart. Cichlids generally have a reputation as being aggressive creatures. Plus, they only grow to about two inches long, so they won’t take up much space! They are low-maintenance and calm, offering peaceful demeanors that prevent any conflicts in your tank. However, if you want to keep two males, you’ll need a large tank, as they are somewhat territorial. Angelfish are members of the cichlid family of over 2,000 freshwater fish species. They tend to be eaten up by adult angelfish. The Bristlenose Plecos is another popular companion for the angelfish. There are both fresh and saltwater varieties of cichlid fish available. These fish grow to about two inches long as adults, which is generally the safe zone when it comes to angelfish predation. Xingu III Pike Cichlid (Crenicichla dandara) $ 369.99. This combined with the fact that the keyhole cichlid is a relatively small fish and the fact that they usually leave plants alone makes it ideal for community aquariums. Otocinclus catfish are bottom-dwelling fish that are native to South America, primarily the freshwater rivers of Venezuela and North Argentina. This nocturnal fish is most active during the evening, when it will scour the bottom of the tank for uneaten pieces of food. For example, the Keyhole Cichlid is known to be one of the most peaceful cichlids and would naturally not disturb the angelfishes. Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) is suitable for all community aquariums although it can be somewhat gently territorial during breeding. Select options. However, when choosing fish species to add to a setup with Angelfish, remember that fish are individuals, and there are always exceptions to every rule. As mentioned above, Angelfish can grow to measure six inches long and eight inches tall when fully mature. And it’s not only space that can be an issue here. The Ram’s beautiful, shimmering colors create a stunning display in any community tank. It’s important to keep an eye on your tank and watch for individual dynamics, though, because each fish will have its own personality and quirks that may make it prone to aggressive behavior.