Lump in the throat in the thyroid area. Hi: I feel a hard rough lump when I swallow. Globus sensation is an overwhelming feeling of a lump lodged in a person's throat, even when nothing is there. I get a similar feeling in my throat. Feeling of choking or as if something is stuck in the throat. Anxiety lump in throat. I recovered from infection sooner but since then I have several issues with my throat. Congratulations on quitting smoking as this truly is the best thing you can do for your health, In terms of the feeling of a lump in your throat, that was certainly something that i experienced when i first quit and then i got the throat that felt that it was on fire . From what I've read, it seems like I could have a allergy or something but I just don't know. It's weird, if it's not immediately after I smoke then it's sometime down the road. We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking or giving advice, sharing stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit. The major one was lump in throat sensation which used to reappear several times a day. However, I quit around two months ago and not long after that the sore throat and hoarseness started again and continue to this day. Tight throat. It feels dry but rough almost like a ball of sand in my throat . Now it feels very hard, very dry, and very rough. It feels dry but rough almost like a ball of sand in my throat. Question: Hi: I feel a hard rough lump when I swallow. Achy Chest after quitting smoking. It is not painful, but it is annoying. Quitting smoking is helpful, especially with chronic lung disease such as asthma or COPD. The most important thing that sets globus … hypnotherapy in quitting smoking natural herbs for quitting smoking throat feels like a lump.. what is it? Feeling as if something is stuck in the throat after eating. This reddit is a place for redditors to motivate each other to quit smoking. I had an on and off sore throat and hoarseness for many many months, but was a smoker, so didn't think too much about it. I recently quit smoking and use to have a lot of phlegm and I remember having a lump in my throat but it did not hurt. Sometimes its just phlegm clogged up in the back of my throat, other times it happens if i have too many cigarette's in one day i get this weird feeling when i swallow feels like a lump. shortness of breath almost 3 months after quitting smoking health problems after stop smoking Quitting smoking bloating and flu like symptoms that lasts months.Swelling after quitting smoking. I'm 18 and I've been smoking off and on for four years. Feeling a lump, bump, or swelling in your throat without having an actual lump is known as globus sensation. I get this lump in my throat that seems to get worse as the high sets in. Make an appointment with your doctor if you have any of … Lump in throat after quitting cold turkey for about 2 weeks. Furthermore, During the last month I developed difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing. It's like it's where my Adam's apple is but it feels like it wants to push upward. Flu like symptoms are very common symptom of quitting. I quit smoking 6 months ago after I got severe bacterial infection in my throat.