Pairwise FST between Neptunea arthritica samples based on partial COI sequences. In the present study, there appeared to be no reproductive isolation between Groups A and B, because no deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was found at any of the microsatellite DNA loci in KU or TO (Azuma et al., 2011: appendix), both of which included Groups A and B (Fig. Exchanging of collecting hints. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, University of California Museum of Paleontology - Introduction to the Tabulata, Hooper Virtual Natural History Museum - Tabulata. A COI sequence from N. eulimata (EU883634) was used as outgroup. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Our results suggested that N. arthritica diverged into Groups A and B during the Pliocene; however, recent TBT pollution and size-selective fishing pressure have reduced genetic diversity and concealed the natural population structure. Thus, human impact by overfishing and TBT pollution has likely affected populations in a sex-biased manner, being more severe in females. 5), genetic differentiation between southern and northern population is plausible. Ecological and evolutionary consequences of size-selective harvesting: how much do we know? Neptunea tabulata ingår i släktet Neptunea och familjen valthornssnäckor. 5A), whereas the genetic distance of mtDNA haplotypes between samples showed no geographical correlation (Fig. Therefore, the genetic structure was considered to be natural and without strong anthropogenic disturbance. Parsimony network of the mtDNA COI haplotypes of Neptunea arthritica. In A the plot suggests a population structure with a one-dimensional genetic cline, from eastern and northeastern Hokkaido to southern Hokkaido and northernmost Honshu (Azuma et al., 2011). Colonial masses of these tabulate corals sometimes comprised sizable structures. Tabulata, major division of extinct coral animals found as fossils in Ordovician to Jurassic marine rocks (488 million to 146 million years old). To reconstruct the evolutionary history of N. arthritica, we chose sequence variation in the 5′ portion of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial gene. # 2). In: Bouchet, P.; Gofas, S.; Rosenberg, G. (2010) World Marine … Neptunea tabulata was reported from 3 countries/islands Table 1: the species is currently present in 3 of them (endemic, native, introduced); Table 2: possible in 0 of them (stray, questionable); Table 3: absent from 0 of them (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error). 2), all the new haplotype sequences and the ingroup sequences from the databank were grouped into three clusters: Group A (NACO1H1–5, NACO1H7, NACO1A1 and HQ83061 from databank), Group B (NACO1H6 and NACO1H8–13) and a third group consisting of two databank sequences (FJ710085 and FJ710084), whereas NACO1H10 was intermediate. 5B). Genomic DNA of the RU sample was extracted using the Pure Gene Kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer's protocol, as described previously (Azuma et al., 2011). Sharing of some Group A sequences and two retrieved from the databank in both N. arthritica arthritica and N. a. cumingii indicates that the two are genetically close. The differentiation into Groups A and B was estimated as 4.67–2.65 Mya, during the Pliocene, at the onset of global cooling. , moliuskų (Mollusca) tipo pilvakojų (Gastropoda) klasės (Neogastropoda) būrio (Buccinidae) šeimos (Neptunea) genties rūšis. Neptunea tabulata (Baird, 1863) Neptunea tebulata Baird; Neptunea tenuisculpta (Cpr.) Parafusilina bosei . click for more detailed Chinese translation, definition, pronunciation and example sentences. Both TBT pollution and overfishing were stopped around Hokkaido >15 years before sample collection for the present study; however, matrilineal genetic diversity of N. arthritica has not recovered. The size of mature shells was reported to be 50 mm in male N. arthritica and 60 mm in females at Usu Cove (Fujinaga, 2003) and 60 and 75 mm, respectively, in Lake Saroma (Miranda et al., 2009). Hughes, 1986; Power & Keegan, 2001; Ilano, Fujinaga & Nakao, 2003) and that in N. arthritica was reported to be 0.82 in 2003–2004 in Lake Saroma (Miranda et al., 2009). Three samples were monomorphic (h and π = 0), SA (only NACO1H5), RU (only NACO1H1) and SH (only NACO1H1). Map of sampling locations of Neptunea arthritica in northern Japan. If the bottleneck occurred a long time ago, genetic diversity should have recovered even in mtDNA as a result of gene flow, as suggested by our microsatellites analysis (Azuma et al., 2011). Swedish Translation for Neptunea tabulata - English-Swedish Dictionary Thus, genetic drift could be a reason for the genetic-geographic inconsistency as well as for the lack of genetic diversity in some N. arthritica populations. Some of the examined populations (WA, KU and TO) have maintained a high level of genetic diversity (h), suggesting that the negative impact was low in these populations. These results contrasted with those from previous microsatellite analysis, which indicated that geographic structure was the result of restricted gene flow between populations. The 5′ region of COI was amplified by PCR in a 30-μl reaction mixture containing template DNA (c. 500 pg), dNTPs, a pair of primers [LCO1490 (5′-GGT CAA CAA ATC ATA AAG ATA TTG G-3′) and HCO2198 (5′-TAA ACT TCA GGG TGA CCA AAA AAT CA-3′; Folmer et al., 1994)] and Taq DNA polymerase (Sigma), according to the manufacturer's instructions. Venericardia planicosta. Monotis subcircularis. Eospirifer, genus of extinct brachiopods, or lamp shells, found as fossils in Middle Silurian to Lower Devonian marine rocks (the Silurian Period ended and the following Devonian Period began about 416 million years ago). 3). The haplotype genealogy was resolved with a parsimony network using the TCS Network Program (Clement, Posada & Crandall, 2000) under a 95% connection limit, with gaps coded as a 5th state. PCR amplification of c. 650 bp fragments was not always successful, probably because of low DNA quality. Autor: Dall, W.H. neptunea tabulata in Chinese : 桌形峨螺…. Search for other works by this author on: Universidad Austral de Chile, Sede Puerto Montt, Sanriku Fisheries Research Center, Department of Revitalization for Sanriku-region, The Omma-Manganji fauna and its temporal change, Phylogeography: the history and formation of species, Genetic population structure of Neptune whelk in northern Japan inferred from microsatellite DNA variation, Biomonitoring of TBT contamination and imposex incidence along 4700 km of Argentinean shoreline (SW Atlantic: from 38S to 54S), Neogene molluscan faunas in the Japanese Islands: an ecologic and zoogeographic synthesis, TCS: a computer program to estimate gene genealogies, Rapid recovery of genetic diversity of dogwhelk (, Arlequin v. 3.0: an integrated software package for population genetics data analysis, Analysis of molecular variance inferred from metric distances among DNA haplotypes: application to human mitochondrial DNA restriction data. [1] Paleontology seeks information about several aspects of past organisms: "their identity and origin, their environment and evolution, and what they can tell us about the Earth's organic and inorganic past". Squares and closed circles indicate a sequence retrieved from the DDBJ/GenBank database and a missing haplotype, respectively. The WA sample showed low π because of lack of haplotypes from Group B. Organization of exhibitions for shells and books. [4] [5] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. (2010), which assumed that the subgenus Barbitonia, including N. arthritica, diverged from other Neptunea species c. 11 Mya on the basis of the oldest fossil Barbitonia. Imposex induced by TBT has been observed in many species of gastropods, modifying genitalia and sterilizing females (Gibbs, 1996; Blackmore, 2000; Pavoni et al., 2007; Bigatti et al., 2009). Mitochondrial DNA markers reveal past bottleneck effects because of the small effective population size, which is a quarter of that of nuclear DNA (Moore, 1995), so they are sensitive for detecting past population declines. [2] The egg masses are deposited on hard substrata such as rocks and boulders, and maturation takes 3 years or more (Fujinaga, 2003). For sample localities, see Figure 1. In the latter, the SH sample was separated from neighbouring KU and TO, but overlapped with RU, whereas KU and TO were in close proximity. Of course, imposex, overfishing and parasite infection threatened this population as well as others and might have enhanced the founder effect, reducing genetic diversity. In the present study, comparison of mtDNA data with that from microsatellite DNA has indicated that sex-biased asymmetry in population genetics of N. arthritica was probably affected by anthropogenic pollution and fishing pressure. Such sex-biased asymmetry could be the reason for the striking mito–nuclear discordance in N. arthritica. However, the microsatellite data could not provide information on phylogeny and evolutionary history. Divergence time was estimated following the calibration by Nakano et al. Using the genetic profile of mtDNA, we can expect to detect such a recent decline better than with microsatellites. By using the response surface methodology, the conditions for decolorizing the crude peptides were optimized as follows: activated carbon amount 0.42%, reaction temperature 52 °C, reaction time 50 min and pH 7.4. Their appearance was influenced by isolation of the Sea of Japan, which was semi-closed by a land bridge connecting the Korean Peninsula with Kyushu at the same time as the uplifting of the backbone range of mountains on the Japanese Archipelago (Chinzei, 1978) and these events may also have enhanced diversification in N. arthritica. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. The possible cause of the genetic loss in SH, genetic drift, is discussed. Therefore the genetic drift is thought to be recent. Based on the GTR+G+I model, the genetic distance was estimated to be 6.7% between EU883634 (the outgroup N. eulimata) and NACO1H1. Some local populations have shrunk since the 1970s (Kawai et al., 1994; Fujinaga et al., 2006) because of TBT pollution and/or overfishing and this, as argued above, is reflected by low genetic diversity of mtDNA; this has erased important genetic evidence for reconstructing the precise evolutionary history of this species. Possible causes of the bottleneck in N. arthritica include natural biotic and abiotic factors, e.g. To test the significance of the hierarchical population structure, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA; Excoffier, Smouse & Quattro, 1992) was conducted with Arlequin, assuming the three categories that were suggested by haplotype distribution and geography: (1) [WA, SA, RU] and [KU, SH, AO, TO, NE], (2) [WA, SA, RU, NE] and [KU, SH, AO, TO] and (3) [WA, SA, RU], [KU, SH, AO, TO] and [NE]. Bold letter indicates significant deviation from 0 at P< 0.01 after Bonferroni correction. Neptunea tabulata. The tree was rooted using EU883634 from N. eulimata as outgroup. 2). Lake Saroma is connected with the Sea of Okhotsk by a channel, which was first opened in 1929. In the Bayesian tree (Fig. FST analysis (Table 2) revealed that 20 out of 28 pairs of samples were genetically different, differing strikingly from the results of microsatellite analysis (Azuma et al., 2011). It is likely that SH may have possessed haplotypes from Group B in the past, similar to neighbouring KU and TO. This suggests that female numbers are equal to or greater than male numbers in stable N. arthritica populations. In some species with low dispersal ability and small local population size, local populations are often fixed for one or a few haplotypes, as seen in the Japanese crayfish (Koizumi et al., 2012). The genetic distance between Groups A and B was 1.6–2.3% and their divergence time was therefore estimated to be 4.67–2.65 Mya, during the Pliocene. They concluded that the most frequent reason for mito–nuclear discordance was sex-biased asymmetry, including sex-biased offspring production, and that only very rare cases could be explained solely by genetic drift in both sexes and the small effective population size of mtDNA. Supplementary material is available at Journal of Molluscan Studies online. Country: 1st Division: 2nd Division: Locality Details: USA: California: San Luis Obispo County: off Pismo Beach Miranda et al. NACO1H10 was present in the centre of the network, connecting Groups A and B and a third group containing databank sequences FJ710084 and FJ710085. If haplotypes from Group B had remained in the SH population, the geographic structure would have been one of clear north-south differentiation. English: protoconch of Neptunea tabulata (Baird, 1863), a true whelk in the family Buccinidae; California Such species usually show apparent genetic-geographic correlation, and it seems reasonable that low dispersal ability is the cause of both low genetic diversity within populations and geographic structure among them, probably by stepwise migration in their evolutionary history. Haplotype distribution was heterogeneous among the localities, and the localization of lineages was probably due to the historical dispersal pattern. The samples were identical to those used for our previous microsatellite DNA analysis (Azuma et al., 2011), except for RU, which was analysed only in the present study. Inoceramus labiatus. B. However, the effect may persist for a considerable period of time. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Malacological Society of London, all rights reserved, First insight into the whole genome shotgun sequence of the endangered noble pen shell, A ‘big data’ approach to global freshwater mussel diversity (Bivalvia: Unionoida), with an updated checklist of genera and species, Design of experimental food patches to measure foraging intensity for octopus: a case study with the giant Pacific octopus, Transitional spherulitic layer in the muricid, About the Malacological Society of London, Supplementary material is available at Journal of Molluscan Studies online, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Copyright © 2021 The Malacological Society of London. The Neptune whelk, Neptunea arthritica, is a sublittoral snail from Pacific waters that is a food resource and supports a commercially important fishery in northern Japan. Tetragraptus fructicosus. A skewed sex ratio caused by size-selective fishing has often been reported (Rowe & Hutchings, 2003; Fenberg & Roy, 2008; Kendal & Quin, 2013). However, no population genetic studies had appeared until our recent microsatellite DNA analysis of N. arthritica (Azuma et al., 2011). Discover Life | Global Mapper Help | About | Find place | Menu | Demo Drop points from country, state and county centroids . In the Bayesian analysis, the posterior probability distribution of trees was approximated by drawing a sample every 100 steps over 1,000,000 Markov chain Monte Carlo cycles, in which the average standard deviation dropped to <0.00001, after discarding a burn-in of 250,000 cycles. The sex ratio (male/female) in caenogastropods has been generally reported to be 1 : 1 (e.g. Thus, the discordance of the results from two markers was not due to artefacts arising from sampling or laboratory work. A. The haplotype NACO1H1 was common among the examined samples, except for SA. Given the 11 Mya separation of subgenus Barbitonia from other Neptunea, the divergence rate per million years was estimated to be 0.609%. The genus Eospirifer is … Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. 3) may suggest that N. arthritica lost many lineages at this time. 1). In addition, the microsatellite analyses of N. arthritica revealed a substantial level of genetic diversity (Azuma et al., 2011), suggesting a rapid recovery of genetic diversity in the nuclear genome following the genetic disturbance of TBT-induced imposex. At present, the population size appears to be recovering in each locality, but matrilineal genetic diversity does not appear to have recovered. Autor: Jan Delsing. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. In the N. arthritica population around Hokkaido, overfishing and TBT pollution were reported to be the causes of the extreme population decline in the 1970s and 1980s (Fujinaga et al., 2006; Miranda et al., 2007, 2009) and are related to the skewed sex ratio of reproductive adults. following the isolation-by-distance (IBD) model (Azuma et al., 2011). (3) Molecular clock estimates are available for mtDNA sequence data, from which divergence times of lineages can be estimated (Kumar, 2005). (2) The COI region examined showed sufficient intraspecific variation and included a barcoding portion; thus, it could be used for comparison with other species. In this way, size-selective fisheries may also be sex-selective, removing more reproductive females than males. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling plots of Neptunea arthritica samples with pairwise FST values. Omissions? Although the posterior probabilities for Group A and the third group (0.61 and 0.80, respectively) were not high enough to support monophyly, the three groups were also discriminated in the parsimony haplotype network (see below). Billingsella corrugata. Because two individuals in WA also had this haplotype, it is not likely that NACO1H5 originally evolved in SA. Open circles indicate a haplotype observed in the present study and circle size reflects haplotype abundance (number of individuals that had the haplotype). The present study also suggested that human impact may cause longstanding and possibly irreversible modification of ecosystems, particularly for species forming discrete and relatively small local populations, such as N. arthritica. Samples of Neptunea arthritica, with haplotype diversity (h) and nucleotide diversity (π) estimated in the present study from partial COI sequences, and mean expected heterozygosity (HE) estimated from five microsatellite loci by Azuma et al. The haplotype network (Fig. Click on the blue (text) link to the left. Among eight populations, six were fixed for only one or two haplotypes, and no geographic-genetic correlation was found; they were probably affected by random drift. In contrast, the present mtDNA analyses gave different population genetic profiles: three of eight samples (SA, RU and SH) were monomorphic (h = 0 and π = 0), therefore showing far lower diversity than the total estimation (h = 0.57 and π = 0.0061) (Table 1). Selective harvesting of larger snails should increase fishing pressure on females of N. arthritica, because females mature at larger size than males (Fujinaga, 2003; Miranda et al., 2008). Fujinaga et al. It is likely that many or all of the founders derived from a source population carried haplotype NACO1H5. Nevertheless, the present mtDNA analysis suggests that a bottleneck effect caused by TBT pollution is still responsible for the low diversity in matrilines of N. arthritica around Hokkaido. Under these conditions, the retention rate of peptide was (67.63 ± … To eliminate unreliable sequences, a confirmed part of the 428-bp sequence was used for haplotype identification. Both h and π were highest in KU, which had two Group A and six Group B haplotypes (Supplementary material), followed by WA, which had five Group A haplotypes. The several missing haplotypes in the branches leading to Groups A and B in the haplotype network (Fig. Sequences with high similarity (>92%) to the obtained data were found with the BLAST tool in the DDBJ/GenBank database and added to the phylogenetic and haplotype network analyses (HQ834061 and FJ710084 for N. a. cumingii, FJ710085 for N. arthritica). Distribution of the mtDNA COI haplotypes in each sampling locality of Neptunea arthritica. Hereafter, the term ‘sample’ is used for a group of individuals collected from each of these localities, as representative of the local population. As hypothesized by Amano (1997), the eurythermal capacity of N. arthritica may have allowed it to survive through the drastic climatic and topological changes in the Pleistocene, when many sympatric Neptunea species went extinct. Russian Translation for Neptunea tabulata - English-Russian Dictionary The population in Lake Saroma (SA) showed only a single mtDNA haplotype and the lowest microsatellite diversity among the samples. Thus, N. arthritica and N. a. cumingii shared at least two haplotypes, NACO1H1 and FJ710085 (Fig. Based on five microsatellite loci (Azuma et al., 2011). Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. The simplest definition is "the study of ancient life". The haplotype distribution within samples is shown in Figure 4 and in the Supplementary material. (1) Markers from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lack recombination and have uniparental (maternal) inheritance (which results in the absence of heterozygotes), facilitating lineage analysis (Harrison, 1989; Avise, 2000; Freeland, 2005). [ r ] Literatūra WoRMS (2010). This dating does not contradict the earliest fossil record of N. arthritica in a Pliocene deposit (Amano, 1997). The restricted gene flow found in the microsatellite analyses suggests that local populations are somewhat isolated from each other, with a small number of migrants responsible for gene flow. The population genetics inferred from mtDNA analysis was not consistent with that inferred from our previous microsatellite analysis (Azuma et al., 2011). We suggest that if the signature of genetic drift and low genetic diversity within populations are revealed in mtDNA, contradicting the results from microsatellite DNA, this will be evidence of sex-biased damage by human impact, more severe in females than in males. Presentation of latest issues of the most important shell periodicals. The egg masses are deposited on hard substrata such as rocks and boulders, and maturation takes 3 years or more (Fujinaga, 2003). Neptunea tabulata (Baird, 1863). However, neither FST analysis, AMOVA or the IBD test revealed significant geographic-genetic structure in mtDNA. Sample RU was not analysed with microsatellites because of poor amplification in PCR. We used 238 individuals of Neptunea arthritica from seven locations in Hokkaido, namely Wakkanai (WA), Rumoi (RU), Kumaishi (KU) and Shiriuchi (SH) on the Sea of Japan coast, Toyoura (TO) and Nemuro (NE) on the Pacific Ocean coast, and Saroma (SA) on the Sea of Okhotsk coast, as well as from Aomori (AO) in northernmost Honshu (Table 1, Fig. In nMDS plots, the FST estimates using microsatellite markers showed a correlation between the geographic and genetic structure (Fig. The resulting distance matrix was compared with the FST matrix, and the significance of correlations evaluated by the Mantel test. In our previous microsatellite analyses, each sample of N. arthritica showed genetic diversity (HE = 0.577–0.729) that was comparable with the estimated total diversity (HE = 0.673) and the genetic structure was correlated with geography (Supplementary material; Azuma et al., 2011: figs 3, 4). As shown in Table 1, h was moderate and π was low. Haplotype NACO1H10, connecting the two groups, occurred only in NE. (2009) also observed that almost all normal adult females (i.e. Lophophyllidium proliferum. This marker was used for the following reasons. The founder effect caused by recent establishment of this population probably explains this particular case. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. This Genus currently has 32 taxonomic siblings (listed below) and an expanded tree of 32 members (self + siblings + sub-siblings). The observed restricted gene flow probably reflected the balance between dispersal by marine currents and the low vagility of this species (Azuma et al., 2011). The parsimony network showed 14 COI haplotypes separated into two groups (Groups A and B), with an intermediate haplotype connecting both groups. Dit artikel is een beginnetje over biologie. Macdonald and A. van Roodselaar 2010 Taxonomic and feeding guild classification for the marine benthic macroinvertebrates of the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. This work was partly supported by MEXT Revitalization Project for the Creation of Fisheries Research and Education Center in Sanriku. Several missing haplotypes appeared between groups, indicating lineage sorting within each group, and the star-like shapes (with core and derived haplotypes) in each group suggest recent radiation. Prolecanites gurleyi. The present study aimed to genetically characterize N. arthritica populations around Hokkaido using an mtDNA marker and to compare the results with those from previous microsatellite analyses to address (1) the evolutionary history of N. arthritica and (2) human impact on population genetic profiles of this species. For (1), we analysed genetic diversity, haplotype genealogy and spatial distribution of haplotypes. English: abapertural view of Neptunea tabulata (Baird, 1863), a true whelk in the family Buccinidae; California Neptunea cumingii has sometimes been considered to be a full species (WoRMS Editorial Board, 2014); however, Hou et al. The loss of genetic diversity in many populations makes it difficult to reconstruct the evolutionary history of N. arthritica around Hokkaido in detail. We also addressed the evolutionary history of N. arthritica and human impact on the population genetic profiles of this species. A solid line between circle/square indicates a single nucleotide substitution. The SA sample contained only NACO1H5, derived from NACO1H1 by two substitutions (Fig. (2011). Paleontology seeks to map out how living things … The third highest h and second highest π were observed in TO. Haplotypes from Group A occurred in every sample, whereas haplotypes from Group B were found in only two samples, KU and TO.