Have students keep these in their cubbies or bins so that they know when something has gone missing. Develop a system of sending home individual progress reports for students. Please check your email for further instructions. Some itemsmay not apply to your situation, and there may be other things you need to add, but this covers a whole lot of what you’ll need to learn, Purchase materials to keep yourself organized such as a planner, calendar, and lesson plan organizer. Organize the classroom library. There is much to do in a short amount of time and some of it is easy to forget. Greetings, Stephanie. Reply Delete. Something went wrong. Principal Greg Moffitt’s (@greg_moffitt) goal is to reframe first day conversations about rules as an opportunity to coach kindness. Decide if you would like your students to help create rules. Some teachers do these weekly while others do them monthly. Thanks for subscribing! To locate Teacher Guides enter “Teacher Guide*” in the Search field and “Search”. Specialties School. ... A first-year principal position can be an exciting time for you and, it can be a very daunting year. The “*” is a wildcard. The beginning of the year is a vital time to set the groundwork for school culture. Plan other activities and lessons for the first week of school, some academic and some just to build your. PRINCIPAL DUTIES CHECKLIST for 1st YEAR LTO’s The NTIP depends significantly on Principal commitment – you have a critical role as a catalyst in promoting the professional growth of the teacher and in promoting school leadership development through ***If you like this product, please rate/comment. Doing this saves me SO much time during the rest of the year. Create name tags for students, desks, and other organizational charts (i.e. Principals and school administrators are responsible for preparing their faculty, staff, students and parents for the opening of their schools every year. Beginning Of The Year Checklist Teacher Checklist New Teacher Checklist. Here's a checklist of things to consider reviewing during or after the holidays, as we move into a new year. How long do you spend focusing on beginning of year procedures and expectations? Use this checklist as a guide and take it one step at a time. Organized by tasks: -Classroom Prep -Laminate -Print/Copy -To Buy -Team Planning ....and room to add more! But within the craziness, there are many important things to teach–mainly expectations and procedures. But within the craziness, there are many important things to teach–mainly expectations and procedures. The beginning of the school year can seem like a blur with all that you have going on in the classroom. https://www.weareteachers.com/beginning-of-the-school-year-checklist Decorate outside of your classroom (front door, hallway, etc. 7 Tips For Surviving the First Year As a New School Principal . The Entry Plan below has guided me in my first 100 days as a new Principal. I just received my appointment as a new principal yesterday! ThoughtCo. Orient new teachers and other staff 2. I want to make sure I don’t let anything fall through the cracks! Post emergency evacuation procedures and familiarize yourself with all emergency exits. BlondieRN0531. Label with their names. Just fill this section with blank computer paper or lined paper – you’ll fill it quickly! Of course these will not all be taught during the first day or even the first week of school(such as the fire drill expectations during the second week of school). A successful principal has to engage in strategic planning and allow teachers to take some risks. I let them know how we did this year in comparison to other years, what we learned, what that means for the company, and what that means for them. Create an inventory checklist for students to record everything brought from home and everything given to them at school. "Back to School Checklist for Teachers." Once the school year started, s*** still happened (kids are still kids, after all) and my life was crazy, but I had a plan for EVERYTHING. a lunch tag system). 2. This would be a great tool for a first year teacher, as well as a good reminder for those who have been around awhile. Prepare systems for storing and collecting homework and other paperwork. If so, determine how you will work together to come up with these. Create the first newsletter to send home, if you plan to write. I have been practicing speech-language pathology for 7 years now, 6 of them being in the school system, and I still get nervous at the beginning of every school year. Please check your entries and try again. It is essential that you always understand what their expectations are. Clearly label all shelves, cubbies, and activity areas. Not certain where to start but I'm excited to dig in. A Planning Checklist for School Administrators Updated 2010 August 1. TEACHER CHECKLIST – BEGINNING OF SCHOOL YEAR – 2014-2015 Updated: August, 2014 1. You might even choose to print off this list and cross off tasks as you go. 1. "Back to School Checklist for Teachers." I wish I would of had this my first year of teaching! Compared to many other first-year teachers, I was almost never caught off-guard. 6 Ways Elementary School Teachers Can Welcome Students Back to School, 12 New Teacher Start-of-School Strategies, Tips for Preparing for the New School Year, Good Emergency Lesson Plans Can Take the Stress out of an Emergency, Classroom Essentials for the New Special Educator, End of the School Year Checklist for Principals, How to Set up Your Classroom for the First Day of School, Dealing with Cleanliness in the Classroom, Top 10 Common Teaching Mistakes for Teachers to Avoid, How to Deal With Late Work and Makeup Work. I typically spend the first full 6 weeks really focusing on behavior expectations and classroom procedures. It's a good way to start the year with a fresh slate and have everybody on the same page. Cox, Janelle. The end of the school year is an exciting time for students and teachers looking forward to some time off, but for a principal, it simply means turning the page and starting over again.A principal’s job is never over and a good principal will use the end of the school year to search for and make improvements for the upcoming school year. Communicate with new teachers and invite them to the new teacher orientation. Draft student work groups based on testing data and anecdotal notes from previous teachers. From issuing W-2s to renewing your business license, business owners have a lot to think about at the beginning of a new year. But, as is always the case, there will be unexpected challenges such as budget constraints, student incidents, and other issues. It is impossible to be an effective school principal at any point if you and the superintendent are not on the same page. Gather tissues, band-aids, cleaning supplies, and other daily essentials. Notes for Next Year This is crucial for your first year, but many teachers keep notes like these throughout their careers as they reflect on improvements they can make. Prepare a folder for information from faculty meetings and professional development. ThoughtCo, Oct. 29, 2020, thoughtco.com/back-to-school-checklist-for-teachers-2081486. Create a homework system for how often you will send homework, what type of homework you will give, and what will happen if a student doesn't complete it. A good principal will use the end of school year to search for and make improvements for the upcoming school year. Oct 21, 2016 - AWESOME teacher checklist to get through beginning of the year classroom set-up! 3. With the holidays here, now is the time to take stock of the past 12 months and begin your checklist for the New Year. The beginning of the new year is a time for reflection, planning and those pesky New Year's Resolutions. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our. Beginning of Year Checklist. Beginning-of-year checklist: 8 essential things to do. Preparing your classroom for the new school year can feel overwhelming even to veteran teachers. As a new teacher, you have a lot to learn in a short period of time. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/back-to-school-checklist-for-teachers-2081486. It should be easy for you to grab in times of emergency. Eastern Illinois University NewLeaders Dr. Linda Morford 1 Principal Checklist Administrative Timetable August New teacher orientation/induction New staff orientation New student orientation Make sure all teaching certificates are registered Meet with secretarial staff to discuss up-coming year o Develop yearly checklist o Create “To Do” lists with individual responsibilities identified Label take-home folders to send with students and fill them with any paperwork to be returned. This checklist … Please access the link on Central Login page for the ProgressBook Suite Knowledge Base to search for documentation articles. Back to School Operations To-Do Checklist. The following checklist will help you to focus on the most important matters. I’ve attached my excel checklist of things I do (or delegate) prior to Labour Day weekend so you can download and edit it: Click here for Principal Start Up Tasks CHECKLIST As a leader of your school, it is important to reflect on the past year. There is much to do in a short amount of time and some of it is easy to forget. (2020, October 29). Plan ahead for last-minute changes by developing a. Make copies of all curriculum materials and handouts as far in advance as possible. This week, to help you get ready for the upcoming school year, Education World takes you on a virtual tour of some of our site's most popular features. Use our short, but handy checklist to get your year started off on the right foot. Starting off well in a school will make all the difference for a new principal. Thanks a ton!Could also add school supplies rules and how to share , Your email address will not be published. This can be done alphabetically, by genre, or both (refrain from organizing by reading level). Any new students that you do not have a working file, contact the SLP from their previous school or put in a records request to obtain information. I’m now a follower. Here's a totally doable 6-step classroom checklist, and some awesome products to get your learning space school-year ready and COVID-safe! I created a beginning of year procedures and expectations checklist of all the procedures that I will need to teach during the beginning of the year. Aug 6, 2015 - An educational blog hosted by a collaborative group of teacher-authors hoping to share creative and colorful ideas and activities from our classrooms! ©2016 Mrs. Richardson's ClassMrs. Just like making a list of New Year’s resolutions, we’ve made a list of business owner responsibilities that you might choose to tackle as you head into the new calendar year. We wanted the principal’s checklist to improve communication, bring focus to professional development for administrators and increase accountability. Check out my blog:lunchandrecess.blogspot.com, Also, you and I have the same last name, but no Mrs. here , I am so glad that you find it useful! Replies. Thank you for this wealth of information. Reflect on the Past Year. There's a lot of work to do both inside and outside of the classroom before our students arrive. The new school year is fast approaching and I am getting nervous. Revise student directory 3. Due to the pandemic, returning to the classroom will look different. Preparing your classroom for the new school year can feel overwhelming even to veteran teachers. https://www.thoughtco.com/back-to-school-checklist-for-teachers-2081486 (accessed February 21, 2021). Beginning of the year checklist first teacher procedures starting back to school docx