In fact, it’s been proven to be even more effective than flossing, and it’s one of the best ways to naturally whiten your teeth.. Oil pulling can also release the oil-soluble (water-insoluble) toxins in your body. It has taken quite some time, but oil pulling has finally gained some popularity in the United States. Oil pulling is a technique that involves swishing oil around the mouth to dislodge bacteria that could cause gum disease. 2. Coconut oil pulling is one of the best ways to remove bacteria and promote healthy teeth and gums. Oil pulling is a popular natural remedy for detoxing the mouth and improving oral health. It can reduce plague buildups and destroy the toxins in your mouth. Background: Oil pulling has been used extensively as a traditional Indian folk remedy without scientific proof for many years for strengthening teeth, gums and jaws and to prevent decay, oral malodor, bleeding gums and dryness of throat and cracked lips. Swish the oil around the mouth for 5–20 minutes and then spit out the oil. But back to oil pulling. I’m excited to share what I find about the state of my teeth and gums on Day 60. Reverse Gum Disease with Coconut Oil Pulling. At this level, the process also helps naturally whiten the teeth and improve gum health by removing bacteria. I’d heard about Oil Pulling (OP) from Facebook friends’ comments, often with amazing results, but for some reason oil pulling had just seemed too simplistic to me.. One effective method for improving your gum disease and reversing periodontitis is oil pulling. BUT you can not start to do that until you get your mouth in “order” first by seeing a dentist regularly. Oil pulling. One of the most effective treatments for receding gums is oil pulling. It is believed that by swishing or holding oil in your mouth, you can get rid of oral pathogens. Additionally, researches have proven the fact that coconut oil for receding gums aids in removing toxins from your mouth. Oil pulling has my full attention – finally! There are many proponents of oil pulling. Oil pulling is the practice of swishing oil in the mouth for extended periods. An age-old remedy, oil pulling is a treatment that employs natural substances to clean and detoxify the teeth and gums. But does it actually work? Sesame oil has many health benefits and anti-inflammatory properties. Oil pulling is an effective remedy to keep bacteria under control, avoiding dental health problems such as receding gums. I have compiled 6 selected personal accounts of how diligent oil pulling has saved money, pain, and worry, as well as prevented numerous dental procedures. Learn what dental professionals have to say about the success of oil pulling and the best ways to keep your mouth healthy and happy. It also helps with other oral diseases and it is mostly known for healing cavities. If you have gingivitis, you know how painful and how expensive it can be to get professional treatment, especially from one of the best dentists in Beverly Hills. What is Oil Pulling? Oil pulling, also known as "kavala" or "gundusha," is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for around 20 minutes. I’m only on Day 8, and I read it can take months for oil pulling to do what you want it to do (clear up any systemic health problems while improving oral health). What oil pulling and my care regime did/does is help heal your gums and kill off the leftover bacteria over time to help eliminate gum disease.