The Accountability rests with the Leader to deliver. My kids said that some of the small group leaders don’t use the activities listed on the sheet in their groups,  and that the activities are intended as something to do if your group discussion is stalled or there is extra time. Great post Sam. 252 Basics is a virtues-based curriculum. Options we are looking at are The Gospel Project for Kids, Bible Studies for Life Kids and Go! We offer 100% free curriculum for children’s Sunday School. Update (2014/06/24): Recently The Gospel Project posted a link to this review to their Twitter feed. At least one church concludes it is and cancelled the curriculum by Peter Lumpkins Maryland Southern Baptist pastor, Ralph Green, indicates in an interview at SBC Today that he and his church judiciously weighed The Gospel Project in the balances and found it wanting. Here is the 2016 pricing list to get the web-based license and materials. This quote is steller. These are based on editions in the public domain. The kids love it because the teachers love it. (No spam or junk. It also allows me to communicate with my collaborators, who are experts in data mining, and with my colleagues and trainees." Hi Bill – I was glad to read your post. We never thought a kids' curriculum would have such an impact on our own faith. Although this has been a challenge, it can also be an opportunity—one for a fresh ministry start. individual persons) like The Gospel Project advocates do but in terms of groups and/or classes. Bridges focuses on similarities, not differences. This is an updated review of the curriculum. Just as the Congregation looks to the Pastor when he preaches on Sunday. The Gospel Project® exists to point kids, students, and adults to the gospel of Jesus Christ through weekly group Bible … STUDENT ADULTS Leader Study Guides: 6 x $6.95 Personal Study Guides: 60 x $3.95 Total = $278.70 Student Leader Guide: 1 x $6.95 Personal Study Guide: 20 x $3.95 Digital Bundle: 1 x $2.50 Total = $88.45 Your information will *never* be shared or sold to a 3rd party. And that is… Learn how to read the Bible with our Bible resources & dive deeper through Bible videos on each book of the Bible & major biblical themes. I usually redefine the virtues using the definitions from ATI ( and try to add things about depending on the Holy Spirit. Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total). I learned a thing or two watching the online sample, but it’s geared to younger elementary…. Understand the Bible with Gospel Foundations: a one-year comprehensive Bible study, from the creators of the Gospel Project. "The Gospel Project® is a chronological, Christ-centered Bible study for Kids, Students, and Adults that examines how all Scripture gives testimony to Jesus Christ. How We Stop Short in the Debate on Christians and Alcohol. in case you're interested. I could take this time to share opinions about some of the games and such, but honestly, I feel that the leader, the one in front of the kids must take responsibility for shaping the message. However, the more I hear from them and about them, and really hear their hearts, the more it becomes obvious to me that they are doing what they do for Jesus. But when they’re COMBINED, the home and church will have a. I think many are unwilling to invest the time to take any curriculum and adapt them (and they all need adaptation) and prefer something they can just photocopy and hand out to their volunteers.. To me the bigger issue than virtues vs. no virtues is whether a curriculum is man focused or Christ focused. Essentially that means that each month focuses on a new virtue and uses various stories and passages from the Bible to connect to the month’s virtue. It’s a STRATEGY. FAN MAIL: 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Elevate 10. Proponents of New Calvinism’s false gospel of progressive justification are targeting children through LifeWay Publisher’s Gospel Project. exists to encourage your Bible teaching ministry to kids. We currently do not have a youth pastor, or any paid staff member capable of putting the work into it necessary to tweak the material to the extend that it would need to be tweaked. Group 6. For example, “I will treat others as I want to be treated.” Just the last couple of months, I see my daughter connecting the Biblical reasoning behind it versus the nice thing to do.