While a sore throat is not dangerous, there are some occasions when you should be sure to check in with your doctor. A Thorough Walkthrough, Your throat has been sore for more than 2 consecutive days. Strep throat – Difficulty swallowing food or fluid without feeling pain in the throat, – Difficulty breathing without feeling pain in the throat, – Itching (sometimes minor, sometimes severe). One of best things you can do to help your immune system function properly is to get adequate rest, allowing your body to use its energy to fight off the bug. Here’s everything you need to know about treating a sore throat during pregnancy. Acid reflux is a fairly common condition among pregnant women, thanks to a slower digestive system caused by hormonal changes, and is a fairly common culprit for sore throats just as well. Some viruses are more severe than others. Then it would be best for you to check with your doctor, because there might be a more serious health or medical condition going on that needs a physician’s intervention and medication to have you feeling better again. Until you feel better, stay away from any junk food, fast food or processed food. How Can I Treat a Sore Throat While Pregnant. You can also try preparing a cup of hot tea with honey and add one or two cloves to it. More often than not — as long as it’s not accompanied by fever — a sore throat is simply the result of a cold virus or environmental irritants. Avoid teas that contain cinnamon, licorice, chamomile and red raspberry leaf specially in the first trimester. What If None Of These Home Remedies Made Me Feel Better? Taking antibiotics if you have a viral infection isn’t going to do much to help you get better. A sore throat is a feeling of irritation in the back of the throat. Choosing a multi-symptom lozenge when you don’t have a cold that needs treating can cause you to over-medicate. Other less common causes of sore throat might require more complex treatment. You can also make use of an ice cube or two if you want it to cool down, but it’s important that you don’t over-cool it because it’s the warm aspect that will soothe your sore throat. Required fields are marked *, KidSimplified.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. While not typically thought of as a symptom of early pregnancy, a sore throat and other “cold-like” symptoms are often reported by women in early pregnancy. A frequent sore throat can be caused by many things, from strep throat to tonsillitis. 1. If you’re anything like me, the first thought that comes to mind whenever you feel the least bit of soreness and discomfort in your throat area is “Vitamin C! The key, however, is to boil the ginger first so it becomes soft. The same holds true if you’re thinking of supplementing with Zinc. Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy: What’s Normal? The two most popular options are Halls and Robitussin. Your email address will not be published. The symptoms of pregnancy vary for every woman, and sore throat, early pregnancy can be very well one of them. The best possible method of treatment in this case is prevention by avoiding these environmental irritants as much as possible. Sore Throat with a Rash. All Rights Reserved. Mom Loves Best® is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. That's what I think is going on with me. ), Shortness of breath and/or difficulty breathing, You find it severely difficult to swallow food or water due to throat pain and discomfort, Body temperature increases to 100.4 or beyond (This usually indicates that there’s an infection in your body, and can be very harmful to your baby if the fever persists for more than a few days), If you notice a skin rash on any part of your body, Don’t share items such as towels or pillows. Drink a soothing herbal tea or hot water with lemon and honey. How Early? You can also try gargling with some apple cider vinegar after mixing some with water. If your sore throat is severe, you may... 3. Being ill is a terrible feeling, so you should know about the most common reasons that cause a sore throat during pregnancy to do whatever it is within your abilities to stay away from them. Because of the antibacterial properties apple cider vinegar contains, it could help kill any infections in your throat causing you soreness and pain. Laryngitis. When Should I See a Doctor for My Sore Throat? Learn about the causes and pregnancy safe remedies. So, giving your body all the rest it needs (without going overboard, of-course) will give your immune system a boost and better equip it to fight off any bacteria or virus that may be responsible for the sore throat you have at the time. What Can I Take To Get Rid Of A Sore Throat While Pregnant? (Generally speaking, a case of sore throat during pregnancy usually lasts one or two days before it goes away. The antibiotic is a good idea to help prevent some of the complications of strep throat that can crop up, such as kidney issues and rheumatic fever. Cough drops and hard candy increase saliva levels in your mouth, which in turn helps cleanse your throat. In fact, ginger is a natural aid … All information found on Mom Loves Best® is intended for informational and educational purposes only. While it is a common symptom of many uncomfortable ailments, serious complications are rare. One way to minimize the chances of getting the flu virus is to get your annual flu shot at the beginning of the pregnancy which will protect you and your baby. Some people find that gargling with salt water once every hour gives them the most relief, so it’s really up to you to “test the waters” and see what works best for your case. One of the most common bacterial infections that comes to mind is a condition called strep throat3. Bird (avian) flu. Sore throat during pregnancy could also be because of allergies, or gastroesophageal reflux (2). There are three causes (chronic fatigue, mononucleosis, and the flu) that are most commonly diagnosed when sore throat and fatigue are present. We’re already in enough pain and discomfort as it is, we don’t need a sore throat to be the “cherry on top”, oh powers that be! Possible exposure to Zika virus. The short answer to this question is NO, a sore throat in and of itself does not pose any significant danger to your pregnancy. The most logical explanation here is that a pregnant woman’s body gets too overwhelmed with all the hormonal and physical changes, making her a lot more susceptible to catch an infection. You’re probably getting enough as it stands from your prenatal vitamins and nutritious diet, so talk to your doctor about it first to stay on the safe side. Sore Throat And Pregnancy Although it is not directly related to getting pregnant, some women often catch a sore throat in their early trimester of pregnancy. Many cases of sore throats are caused by breathing in dry air. As a writer and editor, she specializes in writing coursework for medical students and other healthcare providers, with a predominance of writing on general medical topics and premedical scientific topics. The first trimester is the most crucial time in the development of your fetus, and you definitely don’t want to do anything that might jeopardize this development and put it at any risks. Herbal teas are a popular choice during pregnancy because they are naturally decaffeinated. Ginger. It has even been shown to cause pre term delivery and. The most common cause of a sore throat (pharyngitis) is a viral infection, such as a cold or the flu. Also our mucus membranes in our nose & throat are sensitive & inflamed during pregnancy. It is mostly caused due to viral infections (cold and flu) (3). To minimize your risk of the flu, get the flu shot as soon as it's available in the fall. A sore throat (also commonly referred to as pharyngitis) happens when the back of your throat (i.e. As a matter of fact, a sore throat during pregnancy is rarely a sign of something serious going on – it’s usually just something very uncomfortable that you’ll have to go through until it sorts itself out on its own after a few days. Not all sore throats are due to infection, however. Or Is It Dangerous? Causes, Remedies & More, Implantation Cramping: How Long It Lasts & What It Feels Like, Best Postpartum Girdles & Belly Wraps (2018’s Top 5). Gargling with warm salt water can help clear your throat of irritants and loosen the mucus. Take Tylenol.. Tylenol is generally considered safe for use during pregnancy. If there’s anything that’s stood the test of time when it comes to helping with a cold, flu, fever or sore throat, it’s a warm bowl of chicken soup. Just make sure that any of these items you do take during pregnancy don’t contain any alcohol in them, even if it was a “minimal” amount. You might unknowingly take something that’s not pregnancy safe, medication such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen, or might take something that is pregnancy safe but in excessive dosages without actually meaning to. What Medications Can I Take While Pregnant? Pregnancy can make the treatment of common ailments infinitely more complex. Always keep in mind that if you’re taking prenatal vitamins during pregnancy and/or eating a nutritious diet consisting of colorful fruits and vegetables (which you should be doing anyway), your Vitamin C intake will already be high as it stands. Viruses commonly implicated include rhinovirus, coronavirus, influenza and parainfluenza viruses and adenovirus. If a bacterial infection is present, your doctor will run a few laboratory tests to determine what kind of bacteria is there and what kind of antibiotics are needed to deal with this bacteria most effectively. When gargling, make sure you properly tilt your head back and allow the salt water to reach the back of your throat as much as possible for maximum effect. Chamomile tea is rich in properties that help with sore throat pain relief, and is known to fight harmful bacteria that might be causing this condition in the first place. Throat lozenges and throat sprays are generally safe for use during pregnancy, so feel free to use them to coat your throat. Fatigue and sore throat are common symptoms of several possible illnesses. When you’re pregnant, your immunity is suppressed. Asthma caused by allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to environmental irritants such as pollen and dust also tends to cause throat problems, although in this case it’s more of a tight feeling in the throat rather than soreness in that area. Is A Sore Throat An Early Sign Of Pregnancy? Smoking, whether that be first hand smoke or second hand smoke, will only aggravate a sore throat. It may also be a symptom ofinfluenza, or of infectious mononucleosi… A sore throat can be incredibly uncomfortable during pregnancy, but the good news is that it’s rarely serious. Throat cancer can cause symptoms including difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, and chronic cough. If the air around you that you’re taking in is moist, your mucous membranes will be kept moist as well, which helps keep symptoms of a sore throat at bay. When Do Pregnancy Cravings Start? Experts associate this to a relationship between salt water and the saline content of our own bodies. You may also have vomiting or diarrhea. To be able to fight back against a sore throat, your body needs all its functions in top form, and a dehydrated body definitely does not have all its functions in tip top form. 3) Environmental Irritants, Pollutants & Chemicals, 5) Bacterial Infections & Fungal Infections. Constipation During Pregnancy: Causes, Risks, and Remedies, Lightning Crotch During Pregnancy: Causes & Treatments. She has more than a decade of experience in the writing field, having written books on dermatology, medical assisting, nursing, and pregnancy. These are the most common causes of a sore throat, and both have the same symptoms: the sore throat along with a running nose, sneezing, a cough, sometimes a fever, aches, chills, and generally feeling lousy. Just because you have a sore throat case does not mean you should go into panic mode and seek your doctor’s help right away. Feeling Cold During Pregnancy: Is It Normal? Some people find that adding a little bit of natural turmeric to salt water also helps with soothing purposes, given the fact that turmeric is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. Read on for more on chronic throat pain. Whether that be soda, fizzy drinks, ice tea, or whatever else that might come to mind that isn’t warm, these will only aggravate your condition. Always check with your doctor prior to taking medications to make sure they agree the medication you choose will complement your obstetric care: If you’re experiencing a sore throat while pregnant, there are several things you can do. Most of the times, your doctor will be able to determine whether you have a sore throat or are suffering from strep throat by running you through a simple culture at their clinic. Boil between 6 oz to 8 oz of water, pour it in your favorite mug when it’s ready, mix it with 2 tablespoons of natural lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of natural honey, allow it to cool down for a few minutes – and drink away! Eating Pineapple During Pregnancy: Is It Safe? Just make sure you do this safely by standing at a distance from the pot of boiling water or the extra hot water running through your shower head, or else you risk burning your skin. A case of strep throat during pregnancy that’s left untreated poses great risk on your organs (such as your kidneys) and the baby you’re pregnant with at the time. Hiccups During Pregnancy: Is My Baby Safe? A sore throat is rarely an indicator of serious illness, but it can cause severe discomfort. The reason people associate the two together is because during pregnancy, levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone increase in the body, and one of the effects an increase in these levels of hormones causes is a sore throat, in addition to other effects such as dry mouth, increased thirst, more frequent urination, nausea and the ever-so-famous morning sickness4. Tonsillitis. All information contained on KidSimplified.com is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The following is a list of medication you should avoid taking on your own to treat a sore throat during pregnancy5. So, there’s no scientific correlation between getting a sore throat and pregnancy in women trying to conceive. 39 Natural Ways To Induce Labor & Get Things Going! Suck on a lozenge or hard candy to relieve pain temporarily. Shingles (herpes zoster) Shingles is a painful, blistering, skin rash typically found on the back and sides of the chest. A sore throat or pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx, i.e., the back of the throat and tonsils. Dr. Njoud Jweihan is a medical doctor in Atlanta, Georgia with a passion for primary care and women’s health. Because these herbs are not regulated by the FDA and are not widely studied, there is little agreement in the medical community about what is safe and what is not. Gargling with salty water around three times a day is a good starting point, and you can increase the frequency later on if you find there’s a need to do so and that three times a day isn’t really giving you the relief you’re looking for. During pregnancy, you’re immune system is already weaker than usual and not as able to fend off harmful bacteria and viruses as it would be able to outside the context of a pregnancy. Your vocal cords need resting just as well, so avoid as much talking, yelling or singing as possible until your throat feels better. Here are some of the most common causes of a sore throat during pregnancy: A sore throat in and of itself is not dangerous during pregnancy. As pregnancy changes the body, you become more sensitive, and the swallowing feeling can become more prominent, thus, giving a lump in throat feeling. If there ever was a time for you to get enough proper rest to recover, it’s now. Learn more about each of … If your sore throat persists for more than 24 to 48 hours, though, then definitely ask for a medical professional’s opinion for reassurance purposes and to stay on the safe side. Strep throat is easily treated with antibiotics, and your doctor will likely give you a prescription if you’re diagnosed with it. Make sure that any antibiotics you do take are prescribed by a doctor. With any cup of warm tea you plan on drinking during pregnancy, going caffeine-free is best. Take Your Temperature.. Before treating your sore throat, make sure you are not running a fever. Another form of bodywork is the Alexander technique, developed by actor Frederick Matthias Alexander during the 1800s. For further relief, some people like to add a little bit of fresh ginger into a bowl of chicken soup and have it that way. When the content in your stomach (which includes stomach acids) go back up into your esophagus, this causes a burning sensation in the throat which often times leaves you with much soreness in that area2. To help soothe a sore throat and shorten how long it lasts, you can: gargle with warm, salty water (children should not try this) drink plenty of water eat cool or soft foods What Types of Remedies Should I Avoid While Pregnant? The most common cause is a persistent infection of the tonsils (if they are still there of course! Step-by-Step Care: Gargle with warm salt water. Tonsillitis is painful swelling in the tonsils, causing sore throat, red tonsils, pain, fever, and more. Is a Sore Throat Dangerous During Pregnancy? She has worked with patients in rural Minnesota for two decades. Before treating your sore throat, make sure you are not running a fever. If you have nasal congestion that’s either causing you a sore throat or is the result of one, inhaling steam is a very popular method people use to relieve nasal congestion. Sore Throat. Where you at?!”. First and foremost, it’s best if you consult with your doctor before taking any sort of medication for sore throat relief purposes. Boil between 6 oz to 8 oz of water, pour it in … As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. A chronic sore throat (pharyngitis) is considered as any persistent throat irritation, itchiness or pain that lasts for more than 3 months.While a sore throat is usually thought of as pain, even slight irritation or itchiness of throat can cause a level of discomfort that may be described as ‘sore’ by a patient. The information provided on this website is not intended to be a replacement or substitute for professional medical advice. Nothing too overboard needs to be done here, just cover the basics and you’ll be good to go – ones such as: Christine Traxler MD is a retired family practice physician and graduate of the University of Minnesota School of Medicine in 1986. Several common remedies should be strictly avoided while pregnant, including: Some medicines are safe for use during pregnancy, as long as you follow proper dosing instructions. However, it’s important to note many herbs also have medicinal properties and, in certain quantities, may be harmful. As this inflammation includes tonsils, it is also known as tonsillitis. Heartburn/GERD. The same holds true if any other household members you live with have a throat infection – they should be careful not to pass it on to others. This is another opportunity to remind you of just how important it is for you to take your prenatal vitamins throughout pregnancy. Laryngitis is inflammation of the larynx, also called voice box, due to irritation overuse, or … This includes smoking tobacco, weed, or anything else that might come to mind. During pregnancy or hormonal changes; The problem itself can lead to problems with swallowing and sore throat especially when there is thick secretions. If acid reflux is the culprit here, ask your doctor about the possibility of you taking Antacids such as TUMS for instant relief. Vaginal Odor During Pregnancy (Causes & Remedies). Besides sore throat, some of the symptoms of postnasal drip include: no fever bad breath a sensation of needing to swallow or clear your throat all the time coughing that worsens at night nausea from the excess mucus in your stomach Besides, this is a very bad habit in general that all smokers should stop, regardless of whether or not they have a sore throat at the time. Some also have menthol to help relieve other cold symptoms, and most throat sprays have antiseptic in them to help numb your throat from the pain. An Alexander technique practitioner can show a woman how … Gargle for about a minute, then spit out the salt water. If choosing a multi-symptom throat lozenge, make sure you need all the treatments listed; if not, opt for a single-use lozenge, such as one that only soothes the throat). If your doctor prescribes any antibiotics for you to take to treat your sore throat, it’s extremely important that you stick to the dosages they instruct you to take, and that you finish the course of treatment in its entirety. This one is not really a “remedy” in and of itself, but keeping yourself properly hydrated through the day is very important. Adding fresh mint leaves to the warm cup of tea you’re drinking makes for a more soothing effect. If you were to lurk around in online forums or ask around in your circle of mommy friends, you’re more than likely to be advised to take Tylenol for relief purposes, especially the Children’s Tylenol version. If you have a throat infection that’s causing your sore throat, you should put in the effort required to prevent passing it on to any other household members you live with. When a sore throat last more than a few weeks it should be investigated by an Ear Nose & Throat doctor. However, it’s quite easy for anyone to get things wrong and take in an excessive amount of Vitamin C that exceeds the body’s ability of absorbing at any given time, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy. Your doctor might also prescribe pills for you that work on reducing your stomach acid levels, if they deem doing so as appropriate and/or necessary. Throat cancer. ). There are lots of possible causes of a sore throat — acid reflux, asthma, allergies, bacterial or fungal infections, pollutants or chemicals — but most are due to viral infections, says Mary L. Rosser, MD, PhD, an assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Women’s Health at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. Gargle with water and salt multiple times through the day as it both soothes a sore throat’s membranes and... 2) Lemon Juice & Honey. Can You Take Cough Drops While Pregnant? It can vary from mild to severe, and may feel like: A sore throat can be caused by a multitude of things, from environmental irritants to viruses to pregnancy hormones. And avoid zinc lozenges that are designed to fight a cold rather than just soothe symptoms. This is, of course, only true if no major health problem or medical complication caused your sore throat in the first place. The flu is very risky for pregnant women. While a sore throat can surely be an early sign of pregnancy, this is not always the case. She also enjoys cooking, traveling and is excited to welcome her first child this summer! Chronic pharyngitis is often more difficult to treat. We won't send you spam. Important note: If you experience acid reflux, stay away from peppermint tea because this can lead to worsening your condition. Many people confuse a strep throat and a sore throat for being the same condition, but in reality, these are two very different conditions. Maintain top hygiene standards. Always check with your doctor for reassurance and precaution. Ginger is notorious for containing properties that help soothe a sore throat, as well as its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Staying properly hydrated throughout the day will ensure thinning any mucous buildup, keeping your membranes hydrated and getting rid of any harmful toxins that might be making your condition worse. Excessive intake of caffeine during pregnancy may put your baby at risk of developing complications. Most cases of sore throats during pregnancy are caused by viral infections such as the cold (which is very common during pregnancy) and the flu. It’s important to be able to differentiate between the two when pregnant, as the flu can be much more serious. Many women who try to conceive experience a sore throat without actually being pregnant, and other women who try to conceive go on to become successfully pregnant without experiencing a sore throat during the few weeks of wait period between trying to conceive and getting confirmation from a pregnancy test. Just read the ingredients label first and make sure that the Chamomile tea you’re drinking doesn’t contain any herbs that might not be pregnancy safe.