The Redhump Eartheaters will readily breed in captivity. Mature males develop an iridescence on the scales on their sides and very large humps. Intestinal disease can be treated with metronidazol. It is better to use an external filter such as a hang-on-the-back type or a canister filter. They are found in South America in upper reaches of the Rio Magdalena and its tributaries, the Sinu River and Cauca river basins of Colombia. It is probably wise to monitor the status of the roots of any living plants, just to be sure they are not being uncovered by this fish. Author: Jan Lukavský (Ševčík) Contributions to BioLib. You can also combine increasing the temperature with an Ich medication treatment. Spawning takes place on a smooth rock or clean sand bed. I can send to any country, all legal documents paper ready to run. [1], The redhump eartheater is native to river drainages in northern and western Colombia (Magdalena, Cauca and Sinú basins), and northwestern Venezuela (El Limón River). More. They feed primarily on plants and detritus found on or under the substrate, and most likely consume some small aquatic and land invertebrates as well. The female lays one or two eggs, then the male fertilizes them. The males have orange spots on the corners of the mouth, and as they mature they develop a red hump on the forehead and elongated fins. The fry can be fed finely crushed flake and artemia. Its a very peaceful cichlid that can be kept with tetras and other non-cichlids. Immediately she takes them into her mouth and then mouths the males ventral fin to fertilize the eggs. When doing the water changes always use a gravel cleaner to make sure all of the decomposing organic matter that has built up is removed. For those of you with more fishkeeping experience, there are some moderately difficult eartheater species to … Default sorting; Sort by popularity; Sort by average rating thanks The Redhump Eartheater is easy to breed and care for as long as water changes are performed on a regular basis. Locate rare and unusal cichlids online and other interesting tropcial fish. References Aquaculture Aquaculture profile Strains Genetics The male will also exhibit more green on his back than the female will on hers. It is better to use an external filter such as a hang-on-the-back type or a canister filter. your own Pins on Pinterest Redhump Eartheater Image Credit: Хомелка, Wikimedia Commons. I have a male black belt but I am looking for a female. Tropical; 24°C - … This continues until spawning is completed. The side shot displays the Redhump's coloring and body shape and even shows off the red hump on the male's forehead that gives this fish its name. they can be fed pellets, flake food, live food, freeze died earthworms, krill, bloodworms, etc. the minimum tank size would be 30 gallons. 602.268-1462 ho Just like with certain Haplochromis mouthbrooders, the female will be lured towards the male and will mouth the spots, attempting to take the "eggs" into her mouth. Several copper based fish medications are available for Ich. The Redhump Eartheater Geophagus steindachneri was described by Eigenmann and Hildebrand in 1910. All cichlids share a common feature that some saltwater fish such as wrasses and parrotfish have and that is a well-developed pharyngeal set of teeth that are in the throat, along with their regular teeth. each one. Fish information and habitats for Dwarf Cichlid aquariums, includes types of cichlids like the Ram Cichlids, Kribensis and more. Preferred Water Parameters. It can be treated with the elevation of the tank temperature to 86° F (30° C) for 3 days. The Redhump Eartheater is a higher bodied fish, much like the Convict or Texas Cichlid. Geophagus is a genus of cichlids that mainly live in South America as far south as Argentina and Uruguay, but a single species, G. crassilabris is from Panama. For information about freshwater fish diseases and illnesses, see Aquarium Fish Diseases and Treatments. Ruinemans Aquarium BV IJsselveld 9 3417 XH MONTFOORT HOLLAND Phone : (31) - (0)348-479800 Fax : (31) - (0)348-479817 Eartheater Cichlid introduced Ecology Asia. Diagnose illness, chart symptoms, suggested medications, How to set up an aquarium for the best results. It has a turned down mouth and a triangular-shaped head. The male will lay close to the substrate and flare his fins while extending his mouth and lower jaw, then shake to attract the female.They will make a small pit where the female will deposit her eggs. Contributor. ; آب شيرين موجوداتی که در محدوده وسیعی از آبهای آزاد از نزدیک بستر و یا روی کف بستر، در قسمت های میان آبی تا سطح آب و در برخی گونه ها با قابلیت پرواز، زندگی و تغذیه می کنند. The Redhump Eartheater is fairly easy to care for provided their water is kept clean. Hougen, H. (1994). Adult Size: 6″. Setting up a Saltwater Aquarium. The males are a third to a half larger than the females. Regards, Looking for Aba Aba any size willing to pay a reasonable fee for one or two, I am very familiar with these guys and have the tank space, It lives in water that is slightly acidic to neutral (6.5 to 7.0 pH) and typically about 24 to 26 °C (75-79 °F). Red Hump Eartheater (Geophagus steindachneri) Origin: Wild Colombia. He also has orange patches on the corners of his mouth. Recommended pH range for the species: 6 - 7.8. Common name: Redhump eartheater. Provide with hiding places/caves made from driftwood, rocks and unglazed ceramic pots. While the female is thus engaged, the male will release a cloud of sperm and ensure the eggs in the female's mouth are fertilized. Geophagus Steindachneri (Redhump Eartheater) 2.5 inch. Basics on breeding some of the more commonly bred tropical fish. The word 'geophagus' literally means "earth eater" and is attributed to fish, like the Redhump Eartheater, who find food by grabbing mouthfuls of sand and gravel and sifting it to find food. Family: Cichlidae. Usual size in fish tanks: 18 - 20 cm (7.09 - 7.87 inch) 0 14. They should not be kept with aggressive fish or with non-predatory South American fish that are under 6". The front part of these fins are soft and perfect for precise positions and effortless movements in the water as opposed to fast swimming. Redhump eartheater Upload your photos and videos Pictures | Videos | Google image. The intriguing redhump eartheater is an incredibly docile fish, matching well with others in the tank. Piranhas, one of the most efficient predators with razor sharp teeth and a ferocious nature. Sales Recommended Tank Size: 50 Gallon. The redhump eartheater is commonly available in the aquarium trade, and relatively easy to maintain. three weeks of age, the young fish begin typical eartheater "sifting" behavior and can be weaned to other foods such as chopped frozen blood worms, live adult brine shrimp, and flakes. Take great care and make sure to properly clean or quarantine anything that you add to an established tank so not to upset the balance. Males will display to females by opening their mouths and flaring their gills. During spawning they can become aggressive if the tank does not have enough hiding places for the females. Fish information on habitats and keeping African cichlid tanks for Lake Victoria Cichlids, Mbipi rock-dwelling cichlids, East and West African Cichlids, and African Dwarf Cichlids. Note the orange spot on the corner of the mouth in the picture of the male above. Not only other fish but plants, substrate, and decorations can harbor bacteria and harmful chemicals. Nick Baker. Feed 2 to 5 small pinches of food a day in smaller amounts instead of a large quantity once a day. It is recommended to read up on the common tank diseases. Copyright © [Animal-World] 1998-2020. Because these fish are very sensitive to pollutants and pH instabilty, it is important that at least 15% of the tank water should be replaced bi-weekly, more often if the tank is densely stocked. This is an undemanding fish that's considered a good beginner's cichlid, and it stays fairly small in the aquarium. they can be housed with similar cichlids of similar … Each needs are basically the same. These spots are used as dummy eggs by this species. At ca. you should provide a lot of shelters. The Redhump eartheater Geophagus steindachneri in aquarium. A nice and short video of a mature male Redhump Eartheater lounging in his tank. If you do happen to chance upon one, they are generally not very expensive and go for a moderate price. Sexual dimorphism is clear - males have a large, red nuptial hump on their heads and grow larger than the females. Wild redhump eartheaters take substrate material into their mouths and sift out inedible bits of sand or gravel, while consuming detritus and small organisms. Recommended temperature: 23 - 28 °C (73.4 - 82.4°F) The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning. This South American cichlid has a fierce appearance but is actually a rather peaceful species that can be kept in a community tank with other moderate-size fish. 37. Aquarium Cycling Guide: starting up a new aquarium the right way. They are generally only mildly aggressive to conspecifics. Cichlids / South America / Eartheaters / Red hump Eartheater Profile: Red hump Eartheater "Geophagus" steindachneri Synonyms: Geophagus hondae, G. magdalenae, G. pellegrini Physical description: Males have a large, characteristic hump on their forehead that develops with age.The body coloring differs depending on the population. Scientific name: Geophagus steindachneri Common name: Redhump eartheater Family: Cichlidae Usual size in fish tanks: 18 - 20 cm (7.09 - 7.87 inch) 0 14 Recommended pH range for the species: 6.5 - 7 Recommended water hardness (dGH): 5 - 17°N (89.29 - 303.57ppm) 0°C 32°F 30°C 86°F Recommended temperature: 23 - 27 °C (73.4 - 80.6°F) The way how these fish … Their body displays a cream to orangish coloring and a metallic bluish green speckling. Newman, L. (1993). In the wild, it will root through muddy river bottoms looking for food. Unfortunately, many of the areas inhabited by this fish are becoming heavily polluted from heavy drilling operations that are leaking and remain unrepaired. Glen S. Axelrod, Brian M. Scott, Neal Pronek. Fish information on Peacock Cichlids, Aulonocara types of cichlids from Lake Malawi, their habitats and keeping African cichlids tanks. Males will generally reach about 5 - 6 inches (13 - 15 cm) and females about 4 inches (10 cm) or so. A minimum of 50 gallons or a tank that is 48" in length is suggested. Knowing the signs and catching and treating them early makes a huge difference. Usual size in fish tanks: 20 - 25 cm (7.87 - 9.84 inch) 0 14. Maintenance and breeding of the red hump eartheater, This page was last edited on 26 October 2019, at 18:22. They reach six inches when fully mature. Cichlids have spiny rays in the back parts of the anal, dorsal, pectoral, and pelvic fins to help discourage predators. All fish benefit from vitamins and supplements added to their foods. April 2013 version. Tank Setup Aquariums are closed systems and regardless on size all need some maintenance. Fish Information for South American Cichlids, Central American Cichlids, and Dwarf Cichlids including cichlid care, cichlid breeding, and fish diseases for South American cichlid aquariums. Also, take care that the substrate does not contain any sharp pieces or items as these fish like to pass it through their gills once it has been sifted for food. the temp can be from 72 to 79 degrees farenhiet. They are substrate spawners that are mouth brooders and are sexually mature at 7 months. Scientific Name Geophagus steindachneri Family Cichlidae Origin Colombia and Venezuela in South America. The female carries the eggs until they are free-swimming and have absorbed their yolk sacs, about 2–3 weeks. The female immediately takes the fertilized eggs into her mouth and proceeds to lay more eggs. Geophagus steindachneri - Redhump Eartheater. bes 480.243-7351 bes, Photo © Animal-World: Courtesy Ken Childs, Author: Carrie McBirney, Clarice Brough CFS, Freshwater Aquarium Setup and Maintenance, Online Dictionary of Aquatic Science Terms, Dr. The female looks similar, but with less green on the back and lacks the orange spots on the corners of the mouth. Jungle's Pets and Animal Speak - Newsletter, Freshwater Aquarium Guide: Aquarium Setup and Care, Dr. 12; 15; 30; Sort by. Betta Fish Care Infographic, a handy cheat sheet that will benefit any keepers of Siamese Fighting Fish. Recommended pH range for the species: 6.5 - 7. Do not provide gravel or other rough substrates as this can harm this fish when sifting and expelling the substrate out their mouth and gills. A golden strain, oligomelanic, is also available. This fish has a habit of taking substrate into its mouth and spitting it back out or sifting it through its gills. Nonreceptive females may be driven from the spawning area. Bobby Sydnor SIZE : Eartheaters usually range in size from 6-12" (15-30 cm), although some species grow no larger than 4" (10 cm). Jul 25, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Alanna Phoenix. To sense "smells" in the water, they suck water in and expel the water right back out after being "sampled" for a short or longer time, depending on how much the cichlid needs to "smell" the water. The Redhump Eartheater is a good choice for the beginner Cichlid keeper. Common colors are gold, green, red, orange, … Show. When keeping two males a much larger aquarium, 125 gallons or more, will be needed. They are also not difficult to breed and as a fairly peaceful fish, they can be kept in a smaller aquarium with a wide variety of tank mates. 386.295-8834 cel, LOOKING FOR ABA ABA if any one knows any store or person that has any size I'd be interested as they ship very easily because they breath fresh air, and are pretty hardy. Recommended water hardness (dGH): 5 - 17°N (89.29 - 303.57ppm) 0°C 32°F 30°C 86°F separate genera, Geophagus is currently polyphyletic and in need of further taxonomic revision. Redhump eartheaters are immediate maternal mouthbrooders. Sign in Sign up for FREE Prices and download plans He greets people with great enthusiasm and spends the day moving pebbles around with his mouth. Fish information on the types of cichlids from Lake Tanganyika, Tropheus Cichlids, Frontosa, Goby Cichlids, Shelldwellers and more, habitats and cichlids tanks for Tanganyika Cichlids. The remaining substrate is then expelled either through the gills or the mouth. contact After the female gathers up the eggs, the pair splits up, and only the female provides care. Diet: Omnivore and insect eater, will usually accept frozen and prepared diets in the aquarium. Redhump eartheater Upload your photos and videos Pictures | Videos Google image. These fish grow relatively quickly, and can be sexed as subadults. The Redhump eartheater Geophagus steindachneri. These fish will also enjoy plants, and though some keepers say they will not bother the plants, it might be best to keep your live plants plants potted with both the soil surface and the roots protected from digging. Redhump Eartheater (geophagus Steindachneri) Photos Description: "Geo" the Redhump Eartheater mugging for the camera. Generally it will get along with other non-aggressive tank mates. There are also dark broken bars and blotchings exhibited on some individuals. Eventually, she releases them and allows them to search for food, taking them back into her mouth when she feels threatened. Although it can grow up to almost 10" (25 cm) in the wild, in captivity the males will generally reach only about 6" with females being an inch or so smaller. Discover (and save!) They do fine with moderate water movement and strong efficient filtration. The majority of of problems that occur with tropical fish tanks usually come down to one cause, decomposing organic matter. Redhump eartheater - Geophagus steindachneri. Showing 161–168 of 303 results. A copper test also can be used to keep the proper levels. They are very adaptable to many levels of water chemistry and are ready and easy eaters. Any <5 MP 8 MP 15 MP 20+ MP. The redhump eartheater (Geophagus steindachneri) is a species of eartheater cichlid from freshwater habitats in northwestern South America. Their unique appearance clearly distinguishes them from other cichlids, and they have been inspiring perch … They are part of a group popularly known as eartheaters and mostly feed by picking up mouthfuls of sediment to sift out food items such as invertebrates, plant material … One common problem is Ich. They are found in a wide range of freshwater habitats. steindachneri: named for Austrian zoologist Franz Steindachner. The Redhump Eartheaters, also called the Redhump Geophagus, is rarely seen in fish stores or online. This will help satisfy their browsing behavior and keep the water quality higher over a longer time. They are also found in the Limon River which is Lake Maracaibo's drainage in Venezuela. There is also a growth of agriculture and settlements that are having a negative affect on the Redhump Earther's habitat. TANK : Because of the wide range of size between Eartheaters, it is difficult to suggest a proper tank size. Some keepers have stated that even in a planted tank, this eartheater will not disturb the roots of plants. Prices and download plans . She eats little to no food during this period. As with most fish the Redhump Geophagus are prone to skin flukes and other parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc. Fish information on the Lake Malawi Cichlids known as the "Haps", Haplochromis group habitats and cichlids tanks for free-swimming types of cichlids, including the Utaka. Anything you add to your tank can bring disease to your tank. Red Humped Eartheater, Redhump Geophagus. Similar to Aequidens except for the presence of a lobule on the first branchial arch and the protuberance on the head of male specimens. However, like other cichlids it will become territorial, especially toward conspecifics, during spawning.l. Other common names they are known by include Red Humped Eartheater and Redhump Geophagus. Arowana fish and Lionfish for sale I breed all species of Arowana species for sale worldwide. It is stenohaline, found only in mainland freshwater environments.[1]. Copper use must be kept within the proper levels, so be sure to follow the manufacturers suggestions. Scientific name: Geophagus steindachneri. Exclude. Geophagus ... Age/Size Crecimiento Length-weight Length-length Length-frequencies Morfometría Morfología Larva Dinámica larvaria Reclutamiento Abundancia. The specks are predominantly on the back half and onto the caudal peduncle. Include a decor of rocks and roots to provide caves and crannies for hiding places. Fish tank care. Albino stingrays and Black Diamond X Super White cross rays. They can be kept alone or in sets of one male with one or two females. There are three main groups: Geophagus sensu stricto are Geophagus altifrons in FishBase. The Redhump Eartheater is considered a highly specialized species because it is the only South American mouthbrooder where the female will immediately retrieve the eggs into her mouth before they are even fertilized. Retrieved 25 May 2013. They are subject to infections as well as other diseases that ail all freshwater fish. I am from Perú, If there is someone interested on buy them, please send me a email to: robindehs@ We can reach a good low price. Size of fish - inches: 11.0 inches (27.94 cm) - The Pearl Eartheater Cichlid can reach a length of up to 11" (28 cm). They can live from 8 - 10 years or longer with proper care. Even two males can be kept together as long as the tank is very large (125 gallons or more) with plenty of hiding places. Not only are they agreeable, but they’re very resilient, too. As these fish are sand sifters, provide a 2 to 3" deep substrate of sand. Redhump eartheater Upload your photos and videos Pictures | Videos | Google image. Size: Up to 8 inches (20cm) Habitat: Referencias … Because of their vigorous digging an under gravel filter is not recommended. Geophagus altifrons Geophagus sveni is a Geophagini cichlid native to the Tocantins River … In the aquarium they can be fed a varied diet of good quality pellets, flakes, insects, krill, and artemia. For the More Experienced Aquarist. Note that while many 'geophagus' are avid diggers and use their digging skills to create holes or pits for hiding or spawning, a much smaller number of them literally eat what they find in the substrate. Jungle's YouTube Channel - Freshwater, Animal-World References: Freshwater Fish and Plants, Encyclopedia Of Exotic Tropical Fishes For Freshwater Aquariums, Geophagus steindachneri (Eigenmann & Hildebrand, 1922) Redhump eartheater, View (1) Animal Stories on Redhump Eartheater, View (0) Buy/Sell requests on Redhump Eartheater. Cichlids have one nostril on each side while other fish have 2 sets. Mar 31, 2019 - List of articles and Geophagus available on CANCEL APPLY. this fish will become one of your show fish.great for community tank that wants a few larger fish to stand out.eventually will need at the least a 55 gallon tank.However better suited at grown size to be in a 75 or larger tank. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Author: Jan Lukavský (Ševčík) Geophagus steindachneri - Redhump Eartheater. Adults should be kept in aquariums of at least 200 liters (50 gallons); juveniles in no less than 110 liters (30 gallons). If that does not cure the Ich, then the fish needs to be treated with copper (remove any water conditioners). They like to dig and will help keep the substrate clean, but they do not unnecessarily move the substrate. The Redhump Eartheater is one of the latter and displays a trait which is fairly uncommon even in the cichlid family. There is still confusion in identifying each species. Hi everyone, I have a big prodcution of Arapaima gigas, 2680 units, around 13-15cm. The brooding female often signals to her fry when danger is present, and shuts her fry out of her mouth when encouraging then to forage. They will hatch in 2 days at 78 ° F and are free swimming 7 days later. the maximum size of males is 6 inches and females could be anywhere from 3-5 inches. ; pH range: 6.5 - 7.0; dH range: 5 - 15. . The Redhump Eartheater is an omnivore and in the wild they feed on detritus found on or under the substrate and probably consume some small invertebrates, too. A metallic bluish green speckling along the back half of its body contrasts nicely with the red on its forehead. Guide to marine supplies, putting the aquarium together, cycling the aquarium water and adding fish! In short, they are a great cichlid for both a novice fish keeper and an experienced veteran! All rights reserved. Unit conversion calculator for aquariums: How many gallons are in your aquarium, how many drops in a teaspoon, whats the difference between a US gallon and a UK gallon, not to mention liters? Size. Fish information and habitats for large Cichlid aquariums, types of cichlids like the Parrot Cichlid, Firemouth cichlid, Green Terror, Oscar, Texas Cichlid and more. Contact me via email if interested in aquarium species Wonderful shot of a mature male Redhump Eartheater! This feature is shared by saltwater damselfish and cichlids are thought to be closely related. The redhump eartheater is native to river drainages in northern and western Colombia (Magdalena, Cauca and Sinú basins), and northwestern Venezuela (El Limón River). Redhump eartheater: Note: The Geophagus belong to a species complex loosely defined as surinamensis. Fish information on the Mbuna Cichlids, habitats, and cichlids tanks for these rock-dwelling types of cichlids. Reset. This species is not listed on the IUCN Red List. The Red-Humped Eartheater can grow to six inches in a sufficiently large tank. With home aquariums the nitrate and phosphates build up over time and the water hardness increases due to evaporation. Freshwater fish compatibility chart and characteristics of different types of fish. Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 18°N (71.43 - 321.43ppm) 0°C 32°F 30°C 86°F. They need places to hide and will enjoy rocks and sunken pieces of driftwood along with dense vegetation. Where the species comes from: South America Temperament Peaceful, but when breeding, they become very aggressive. Geophagus: from the Ancient Greek γῆ (gê), meaning ‘earth’, and φαγεῖν ‎(phageîn), meaning ‘to eat’. It can take about an hour for the female to lay and have the male fertilize all of the approximately 100 yellow eggs. Its common names are all derived from this feature, with a couple others being Red Humped Eartheater and Redhump Geophagus. The male's back has metallic green spots and as he matures, he develops a red hump on the forehead that gives the Red Humped Eartheater its name. The handsome Redhump Eartheater Geophagus steindachneri is a fascinating type of fish known for "eating" the substrate of its aquarium. Geophagus steindachneri Female picture by Galvis, G./Mojica, J.I./Camargo, M. Colombia country information .