Change your self-talk so you honor your own need and your partner’s human need for space. You can make this situation much better for both you and him. "First, evaluate the relationship not … This just reeks of desperation. So if your boyfriend needs some time for himself, or if he is in desperate need of privacy and freedom to pursue his other interests, then that’s nothing to worry about. Courage to be authentic and to know when we need time and space to recharge. To express our needs directly. When dealing with relationships and negotiating to meet one another’s need for space, it’s important to understand the underlying reasons for wanting that space. Lack of space can be the root of stress, anger, and hurt feelings — and it could even end up tearing your LDR apart. But how do you give someone space without losing them (or being torn up inside with fear, for that matter)? Our relationship became stronger because I gave him space. Define What "Space" Means In Your Relationship It takes courage to create space in a relationship. Try not to do anything with the intention of winning him back. If love is genuine, there is no amount of space in this world that can drive you away from one another. It demonstrates trust, interdependency (vs. codependency) and being able … If your partner utters the words “I need space,” don’t assume your relationship is doomed. People ask for breathing room for many reasons, … Him taking space isn’t some sort of game and it isn’t a challenge for you to pull out all the stops and try to win him back. What's important is that you don't wind up freaking out. Taking some space in your relationship will help you make the best decisions and allow your relationship to grow to the next level. But the truth is taking space is one of the telltale signs of a healthy relationship. "If you are having a hard time with your partner, taking space for a week or two can be a good idea," says Wiseman. It has been a big help for me personally and taught me to considers my needs despite the risk physical separation might mean for my marriage. In this video, Kendra Cunov discusses the practicality of taking space in relationship. Courage to accept and honor another’s needs. Creating healthy space in your relationship will help your relationship grow. Often in relationships, there will come a point when one of you needs space. In a relationship, giving someone space is extremely important. Taking space provides important structure to the challenges couples face during chronic relationship problems. If it’s not you (and he needs space), it can be scary and disheartening. But what about once you're actually in a relationship, and you're trying to figure out if you should just take space or breakup? This is the key to having a happy relationship … it’s being happy on your own and bringing that into the relationship. 3 ways to grow your courage: 1. She asks us to consider how we can bring this into our relationship …