These include the plants, animals, and microbes in nature around us. Simply put, biology is the scientific study of life, and just like life, biology is a rich and diverse field of study. Similarly, you can study the importance of birds, the importance of forest, etc. Very useful.who is the author,year and month please, Thanks so much for this page, more knowledge to you, I love this vital information, it flows up well. Biology, also referred to as the biological sciences, is the study of living organisms utilizing the scientific method. We can learn the source of our food, milk, meat, eggs, and other essentials in detail. Biology focuses on the study of living organisms. It benefits scientists because then they can do the experiment over agian and compair results. Question: The study of biology is important because it focuses on. The statement is made that ATP is required for ALL cellular functions. Further, it describes the food contents in terms of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and chemistry and functions in the body. The study of biology is important because it provides an understanding of life provides an understanding of life Question 3 D. Which of the following best describes a theory? Biology is a branch of life science—which itself is part of the natural science branch—that focuses on the study of life and living organisms of all types. You’re about to find out, because we’re going to dish some details on how the many branches of biology apply specifically to where you live, what you eat, and the things you do. Most of the disease conditions find a solution by biological knowledge. Learning biology can help one understand the benefits of nature to man. It has helped me a lot in that regard. Biology is a huge tree that has various branches of studies. These fields are important for the survival of humans, animals and plants. Biology has an infinite variety of species to study: it is known that there are 8.7 million species on Earth, of which only 1.9 million species were not yet discovered. 1.1. In contrast, zoology deals with the structure and functions of animal bodies. The study of biology is important because it focuses on ... (because no other source of energy provides enough energy for that process). The correct answer is "C.", because it is the study … • Building biology is the study of the indoor living environment. • Cell biology is the study of the cell as a complete unit. This helps to understand the disease state and also chances for improvement. This is aimed at providing a sufficient supply of food to the society around. Another field of biological study, neurobiology, is the study of the nervous system, and although it is considered a branch of biology, it is also recognized as an interdisciplinary field of study known as neuroscience. But man lived for millions of years without science. These branches help us learn the importance of biology and the living organisms around us. The Importance of Biology in the Study of Psychology Ashley B. McVey Cecil College Abstract Whether it is the study of biopsychology and other fields of psychology or neuroscience, all psychologists and scientists are trying to understand the functions of the brain. Botany is the one that deals with plants and their characters in detail. Importance of biology. Medical profession, be it doctors, nurses or pathologists, would not be possible without the study of biology. The study of biology is important because it focuses on? The study of biology is important because it focuses on Ask for details ; Follow Report by JAYmilind9579 26.09.2018 Log in to add a comment Which sentence supports the statement that complex, multicellular organisms are made up of specialized cells that each perform different functions for the body Human liver cells make proteins that … This saves them from extinction. anna is working the study guide for her biology semester exam. Biology contributes a great deal to research. Biology is the study of living organisms in the world. The study of biology is important because it focuses on A. At the highest level, it includes categories based on the type of organism studied: zoology, botany, and microbiology. Biology is an important discipline because through it we can unveil the mysteries of life as we know it, including its origin (and our own) and the laws that underlie it. Biology, the study of life, helps us determine the structure of how things work, thus also letting us know how they function. Biology is important because it allows people to understand the diversity of life forms and their conservation and exploitation. Chemistry is important in biology because both sciences focus study on: living organisms. Even you will notice their life was as usual like today. Biology, 28.08.2019 17:00, johnbuffit08 The study of biology is important because it focuses on what? Many drugs, engineering, and biomedical studies can be done well by knowledge of biology. biology focuses on the study of organisms past and present. Studying the details of these five ideas provides the endless fascination of biological research: 1. Third, it gives insights on how diverse life forms are. Life sciences study the biology of how these organisms live, which is why you may hear this group of specialties referred to as biology. It explains the processes like reproduction, metabolism, food collection, etc., in detail. ... development, functions, interactions, evolution. However, it is becoming increasingly important for everyone to be able to recognize the power and limitations of science. 0. The correct answer is "C.", because it is the study of all living things, organisms, etc. Biology is the study of all living things, so it helps people to understand every organism alive, from the smallest bacteria to California redwoods and blue whales. Biology itself branches out into numerous different […] Biology is important because it's the study of all living things. It focuses on how microorganisms affect others. It helps us to understand and prove the origin of cells;... See full answer below. Even space exploration and landing on other planets can be done by the use of animals.