Wash your face three times: use your hand to spread water from your right ear to your left ear, and then from your hairline down to your chin. The most visible difference is the Shia adherence to the Ashura. This may come as a surprise, but there are a shockingly high amount of Muslims who have somehow been convinced that Shia Muslims do not pray to God (Astaghfirullah), and instead pray to Imam Ali or Imam Hussein or somehow do not pray to any entity at all. Why do the Shia Prostrate on Turbah (Clay Tablet)? Then they make a nonverbal intention called a niyyah, which is supposed to focus the heart in sincere worship instead of meaningless outward actions. Face the Qiblah, or the direction toward Mecca, when reciting your prayers. The hadith that is sahih never says the prophet put his hands back down to his sides after the takbir, it just simply is a general hadith and then said he went to recite fatiha. But, of course, since we’re in the minority, we are questioned. Some have said it was an invention of Sunday School teachers to keep the little ones out of mischief during prayer time. Recite the following Rabbanaa aatinaa fi’d-dunyaa hasanatan wa fi’l-aakhirati hasanatan wa qinaa `adhaab an-naar O our Lord! They both adhere to the Five Pillars of Islam (the creed, prayer, charity, fasting and pilgrimage). This is completely false. Why sunni muslims' namaz practice is different from shia muslims namaz practice? Why do Ismailis Pray Dua instead of Namaz like many other Muslims? Why Do the Malikis Pray With Their Hands to The Sides? So it's not such a big deal... every school of thought, madhab, has their own proves and hadith to prove what they do is … Couldn’t we ask Sunnis the same? I became a Shia to follow a more tolerant and accepting version of our religion, but there are some issues like I just get out of my head, i was wondering if any of you had the same doubt and whether or not theres a sunni type of shia if that makes sense, i know malikis prays hands down but i dont know about others. They do differ, however, and that separation stemmed initially, not from spiritual distinctions, but political ones. We Shia pray with our hands hanging down on our sides, the same way the Sunni Malikis do. [part one] by Suhaib Webb. The prayer rituals of the Shi’a are distinct, and have drawn criticism from non-Shi’a schools. The requirement for the substance is that it be natural, and not edible. That is, the traces of mercy that come down to the hands with prayer are conveyed to the face by wiping. Praying with closed hands is a method that didn't exist during the prophet's time, because the prophet (pbuh) himself would pray with open hands [1], and since the Shia solely believe in following the prophet (pbuh) and the imams (as) in all fields, they also pray with open hands, and regard praying with closed hands as bid'ah or forbidden innovation. This tradition shows that there were indeed people (who were either Sahaba or Tabaeen) in times of Aisha, who used to pray while putting their hands at sides (may be on flanks, or may be straight). My son was still sleeping peacefully, and I gently shook him to wake him up. Shi'ite Muslims listen to Sheikh Abdulmehdi al-Karbalai speak during Friday prayers at the Imam Hussein shrine in the holy city of Kerbala, June 13, 2014. Sunni do not have takbir at the end. Sunni and Shia Muslims share the most fundamental Islamic beliefs and articles of faith and are the two main sub-groups in Islam. 1. But the Sunni Maliki's Pray with their hands on their sides, just like the Shia.. Shias pray with their hands down because during the Prophets time, many people converted to Islam & mocked Allah by having a idol in their hands while praying with their hands toghether. ... take a handful of soil and keep it in their hands until it cooled down and they could easily prostrate on it. Shia Muslims worldwide cut themselves with swords and knives, covered their bodies with mud and lit bonfires in the streets to mourn the death of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson today. Shia sit down and then get up into qiyam position and say Bihawlillahi ta’aala wa quwatai hi wa aqoomo wa aqud. 2 0. – Shia recite Bismillah loudly in every Salah. I don't know the authenticity of this, but thats the reason they give. One of the conditions for the validity of prayers according to shia is to pray on clean and pure earth. Shia Muslims, by contrast, practice three daily prayers. So it turns out Shia Muslims pray asr right after the Friday prayers. The prayer-form that most Muslims use today - called Namaz or Salah - was not taught by the Prophet Muhammad himself; it was actually derived and interpreted by the Sunni jurists during the first 200 years after the Prophet and validated by the Sunni legal tool of ijma or "consensus of the … Men and Women pray the same except for a few exceptions, like praying with the hands on the chest, and not having to touch the knees for rukoo`, and going down knees first before hands, and keeping your hands close together in sajdah, etc. Qunut : Keep your hands in front of your face, turning the palms facing upwards, and keeping both the hands and the fingers close together. We also pray on earth, not on carpet, and therefore pray on clay tablets most of the time. Other differences are concerned mainly with ritual. But one time someone thought a Maliki was a Shia since he kept his hands down and actually stopped him during prayer. ... they would take a handful of soil and keep it in their hands until it cooled down and they could easily prostrate on it. This hadith is a weak adila even though it is authentic in itself. From these two ahaadeeth it is clear to us that the one who puts his hands by his sides in prayer is making a mistake. In prayer, the Shia pray with their hands down, as preserved in the Sunnah of the Prophet and his successors, Ali ibn Abi Talib and the 11 other Imams. Driving home, I was really grateful to God for allowing me this wonderful experience. It is a way of keeping Allah continually in mind throughout the day. Source of this hadith is found in the book Wasa’il al-Shi’ah, Volume 3 page 592 The Shia said that one can combine the prayers ANYTIME without ANY cause of fear, rain, or whatever. ... standing and sitting and lying down and when you are once again secure, observe your prayers fully. Praying five times a day is seen as an opportunity to stand before Allah, to praise and thank him and ask for guidance. That she used to hate that one should keep his hands on his flanks while praying. Regarding the praying on earth/clay etc. I have seen that almost all Shias from India and Pakistan always keep a Hectagon (a piece of clay with eight corners), and place it like if they do the Sajda, their forhead touches the stone. One shia hadith attributed to an Imam specifically orders shia to pray on clay/mud only. I pray with my face on the floor, properly prostrate, with my hands to my side on the floor also, though I don't press my palms down tight or my index fingers, they have tendency sometimes to do random movements while I am praying and I can sometimes feel heat building up in my palms. I had always wanted to pray at a Shia mosque. This act is called wudu and it is essential for Sunnis. Center yourself quietly, and focus on why you are doing this. But that would not explain Albrecht Durer’s Praying Hands produced long before the institution of the Sunday School. Putting the right hand over the left hand is the teaching of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and of the Prophets who came before him. The blessed household of the Prophet also performed salah with hands down. Prayer is seen as daily communication with Allah. (See Zaad al-Ma’aad, 1/202) Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr said: Then say Takbir, and then do Qunut. There was one Shia who would come Friday night for the lectures at another masjid and pray Isha with us and people would say crap about him, like that his mother must be a whore and listen to if he says jibrael made a mistake. So why do we fold our hands in prayer? As a Muslim starts their prayer ritual, they face the direction toward the sacred structure called the Kaaba in Saudi Arabia, a symbol of Islam’s monotheism that unites Muslims around the world as they pray. For example, Sunni pray five times a day while Shia (amalgamating some of the prayer times) pray three times a day. She said that the Jew used to do so. Inhale water into your nose to clear your breathing passages. I said my goodbyes to the ladies, and went back into the prayer room. The first major misunderstanding regarding the prayer of the Shi’a is the misconception that Shi’a perform the five daily prayers on three occasions as opposed to five like the Sunnis. – Shia Salah ends with Assalamuallaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu whlie in the sitting position and as mustahab we say Takbir 3 times. Nonetheless, the Shia also contend that if you want to pray them separately, it is acceptable as well. March 22, 2008. Even maliki sunnis pray this way, as imam Malik chose to learn from those muslims who actually lived with the Prophet. Gargle water in your mouth three times to remove remaining food. Us Shia also don't say 'Amin' after the recitation of the first Surah in prayer is completed, as there is no proof to support the notion that this kind of behavior was performed by the Prophet (saw). Lets examine why Shia are allowed to pray 3 times per day, using SUNNI Hadith and not Shia Hadith. This should be expected, I guess. QUOTE (silkworm @ March 30, 2007 12:00 pm): I am originally from Pakistan (but was born in Manama, Bahrain) and am used to live among Shias in Bahrain and Karachi. Before prayer, wash your face, hands, feet and lower arms in a bowl with clean water. Shia: Why do shia pray on a stone made from clay? I am a bit surprised because when our last prophet (sa) told a proper way of namaaz by preaching and by practical example during his life time, so why there is so much difference between sunnis and shias namaaz. Shia Muslims don’t pray to God. Why do you separately pray all five prayers? Purify yourself. Regarding praying with the hands down, it was a practice of the muslims living in Madina the city of Rasoolillah. Why do the Shia Prostrate on Turbah (Clay Tablet)?