Alice Walker. For me, God is present in the people around me, and I think that for Celie, the same comes to be true even if Alice Walker doesn’t identify with Christianity as I do. This education is a form of freedom for Celie. Celie, however, draws on her faith to provide her daily resurrection. The Color Purple is an epistolatory novel, meaning that each chapter takes the form of a letter, many of which in this instance are addressed to God. Celie has a fairly clear view of what God looks like in her mind. The first words written by Celie, the novel's protagonist, are "Dear God," and the novel ends with a letter, the salutation of which reads, "Dear God.Dear stars, dear trees, dear sky, dear peoples. Why does Celie write to God? The novel’s epistolary form enables Celie to develop a sense of self as well as a sense of God. Kurt: Yes! It’d kill your mammy.” (Walker 1). When Celie is writing her letters, she starts out addressing them all “Dear God.” Later in the book, however, she changes to addressing them “Dear Nettie” because Nettie is a savior figure in Celie’s life. In the short chapter, the last the Celie addresses to God, Celie reviews these circumstances and a few others with straight-forward brevity and ends with the line: "You must be sleep." She states firmly that as long as she can "spell G-o-d I got somebody along." Celie and Nettie make an agreement to write letters to each other despite being torn apart. Why did Celie and Nettie go so many years without hearing from each other? Dear everything. Celie’s letters The Color Purple documents the traumas and gradual triumph of Celie, an African American teenager raised in rural isolation in Georgia, as she comes to resist the paralyzing self-concept forced on her by others.Celie narrates her life … Celie continues her education by reading and rereading Oliver Twist to herself as she grows older. Celie's mother dies of sickness. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. What does Celie discover when she goes into town at the beginning of the book? Celie writes letters to God as an imaginary listener because she has no other means of telling her story or revealing her distress. To express her problems and seek understanding. What happened to Celie's mother? Dear Everything. God is big, old, and tall; his eyes are cool and big. Celie is writing to God in the beginning because she believes that He can save her from the abuse that she experiences. Why does Celie initially write to God? The relationship is more about love for Celie, that is why some critics received the text thinking that the relationship was more maternal, Celie even says “us sleep like sisters me and Shug”, this simile shows that it is a more familial love, someone to protect Celie. She writes to God because she feels like she has no one else to talk to and she is ashamed and knows God won't judge her. So Celie begins to write letters to God. Since her speaking voice is silenced by the men around her, Celie uses writing as a verbal outlet instead. The verb "spell" in this sentence is a clue to us that Celie will continue to write her letters to God and not … Mr _____ hides Nettie's letters from Celie. Her ability to write and read gives her a power that she otherwise would have never accessed. I … Dear God." Who is the author of the novel "The Color Purple" ? Women had to take care of kids and all the chores in the house. As Celie becomes a more efficient writer, she applies those communication skills to the rest of … But Shug, as the novel does on a grander scale, challenges Celie’s perception and asks her to really assess why God is white and bearded in her mind.