But no training and exercise will help calm your dog down. You may not ever be able to let your dog around other dogs. I`ve had all my girls spayed but you soon forget about the trying to keep them calm part ! In addition to reduced aggressive tendencies, there are many reasons why you should consider spaying your dog, especially female dogs, before they reach the age of sexual maturation. No. What is the right age to Spay a Female Dog? Spaying is a surgery to remove the sex organs of the female under an anesthetic. Afterward, female dogs enjoy many health benefits and won't have to deal with being in heat. Aggression Females may be less aggressive toward both dogs and people after they're spayed. Female dogs reach puberty between 6 and 10 months of age. "Female dogs, like males, have an increased risk of aggression if left intact." But managing it is the key. To avoid getting your female dog accidentally pregnant, spaying is advised before it reaches puberty. This includes: Reduced risk for cancer – Dogs that are not spayed and neutered are prone to certain types of cancer. For instance, female Golden Retrievers spayed after 12 months of age were four times more likely to develop hemangiosarcoma as intact females and even early-spayed ones, according to … Another reason veterinarians settle on the six-month recommendation is that if a pet is not going to be bred, spaying a female dog before her first heat cycle has a significant benefit in terms of reducing the risk of mammary cancer. However it sounds like your dog may be displaying dog on dog aggression and I've seen spaying help with that. This may be the ovaries alone, or the ovaries as well as the uterus. A male dog can smell a female dog in heat from about three miles away, and a male cat from about one mile away. Puberty age is variable and depends on many factors. When a female dog is spayed, the vet removes her ovaries and usually her uterus as well. With all of the benefits to spaying your female dog, it's important to keep in mind the possible complications that could occur once you have made the decision. Spaying your dog will reduce or eliminate her drive to roam while in heat.. Because spayed dogs don't experience these hormonal changes, a female dog's behavior may be more consistent after she's spayed.. The Benefits of Spaying in Dogs. Spaying renders a female dog no longer able to reproduce and eliminates her heat cycle. Once a female has been spayed she will not have a season and cannot get pregnant. A spay surgery prevents female dogs from getting pregnant by removing both the ovaries and the uterus. Any intact male dog or cat will show up at your door if at all possible. Spaying your female dog drastically cuts her chances of developing breast cancer – a disease with just a 50% survival rate in dogs. Spaying a dog refers to the removal of a female dog’s reproductive organs, while neutering refers to the procedure that’s done for males. For Toy and small breeds, spaying is … I mean it can because she won't have those raging hormones. Common unwanted behaviors that can be minimized or eliminated with a neuter surgery: Roaming.