The edible part of sweet potatoes is their large tubers with an oblong or oval shape that tapers to a point. Many types of sweet potato from Asia have dark-colored skin and white flesh. I am on a paleo / gluten free restriction diet and this potato works well in a pie, as fries and as an ingredient in bread or pancakes. The yellow fleshed would be good, more interesting substitutes for white potatoes with a steak or fish meal. :) My overall favorite would have to be the Japanese (it is sooo starchy and delicious!) This oblong-shaped potato has rosy skin and medium orange flesh. Garnet sweet potatoes are a popular variety due to their mildly sweet taste and moist texture. Upon tasting with butter and salt the reaction was: "Wow, butter is good.". So, sweet potatoes (family Convolvulaceae) are completely unrelated to yams. In its raw state, the potato flesh has a faint white marbling effect. Holding the sweet potato up to the light to better judge the integrity of its color. The orange fleshed might make the best soups due to their texture. Hannah This is a white sweet potato. Japanese Sweet Potatoes SKIN – Purple and fairly smooth. However, this changes to an intense violet-purple, almost deep blue color when cooked. Sweet potatoes are started from slips, which are shoots that grow off a mature sweet potato. Very similar in appearance to garnets, Jewel sweet potatoes also have deep orange, sweet-tasting flesh. Sometimes, potatoes are called ‘white potatoes’ or ‘Irish potatoes’ to distinguish them from batatas, or sweet potatoes. This is identified by its elongated shape, deep purple skin, and soft white flesh. One average-sized sweet potato provides nearly 30 percent Also known as the Hawaiian sweet potato or the Uala, this purple tuber has light brown skin and purple flesh. Some alternative techniques were used by one scientist, such as: The author's favorite was the Hannah, because it was the mildest, and least sweet. The photos are the best- and inspiring! The batata’s name is taken from the species name for all sweet potatoes: Ipomoea batatas . =). Let’s look at some of the many types of sweet potato, starting with some of the most popular and widely consumed varieties. Japanese Purple Sweet Potato (1 LB)Excellent yields and flavor. It's good for those that don't really like sweet potato as it is more similar to a traditional white potato. The Hannah Sweet Potato, also known as the Yellow Hannah, or Sweet Hannah is an off-white, tan/creamy Sweet Potato with a yellowish tender flesh.It has an oblong shape and a semi-smooth skin. Did you know, the more orangey the sweet potato the higher the beta-carotene content. Quick tip though, when you pop it into microwave, wash it first, prick around with fork or slit with knife and wrap it with kitchen towel to keep it moist, microwave tends to dry it out. so pretty in the window as starts, and can even swipe off some leaves in winter for greens. These plump tuberous vegetables have rose to red-colored skin with succulent orange flesh. Compare Japanese sweet potatoes vs. the American sweet potato. Peeling off the skin reveals creamy white-colored flesh that has a mildly sweet flavor. Hannah Grant Jun 26 4 min read Banana bread - with sweet potato This moist banana bread is absolutely one of my new favorites. Eating purple sweet potatoes is also extremely good for you. Due to its dense flesh and low moisture content, it is best to bake these types of purple potatoes at a low temperature and longer than orange or white sweet potatoes. You might have also seen Japanese yams (again, just a variety of sweet potato), which have a very dark, pinkish skin and pale flesh that has a slightly nutty, dry texture. However, true yams contain more starch and less moisture than sweet potato varieties. This is why Japanese KitKats come in such a diverse range of often unusual flavours, including wasabi, purple sweet potato, and ichimi chilli. The reason why these white-fleshed O’Henry sweet potatoes are so popular is that they are almost as sweet as the orange varieties. Japanese sweet potatoes are a variety of sweet potato with yellow flesh and dark skin. One of the ways that Korean sweet potatoes differ from American varieties is that their flesh is denser and they taste sweeter. Then there is the White sweet potato, which is actually Thoroughly enjoyed this page. True yams are tuberous roots in the genus Dioscorea belonging to the family Dioscoreaceae. Many people rate Beauregard sweet potatoes as the most versatile to cook with. You made it fun. The Hannah is my favorite as well because it is the most versatile. Great blog. It is a Dry Sweet Potato. The dark-red skinned tubers have a long oblong shape similar to yams. So, sweet potatoes are a completely different type of vegetable from potatoes. Whatever your taste, trying different kinds of sweet potatoes can be a delicious culinary experience. Sweet potato skins can be in a range of colors such as pink, red, orange, creamy white, copper, and light tan. Plain, they melt like butter. This list of sweet potato cultivars provides some information about varieties and cultivars of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). I love sweet potatoes. This color usually intensifies after cooking. Various types of sweet potatoes are very versatile when it comes to cooking. The sweet potatoes were also tested with butter and salt. The tahini in this dressing is a nutty complement to the sweet potato flavor. Sweet potatoes varieties have white flesh or orange flesh, and, there are even some varieties with purple flesh. The orange sweet potato has had its time in the sun. I wrapped them each individually in foil (to keep from drying out) and baked them side by side on a baking sheet at 375 degrees for 1 hour 10 minutes. Recovery time Hello Ladies and gentlemen, greetings from my hip surgery recovery land. The line up of test subjects. : ). My favorite lunch is a spinach salad topped with sweet potato (plus possibly some other roasted veggies like brussel sprouts or asparagus) and Annie's Woodstock dressing. These long wiry root vegetables have an orange flesh that stays relatively firm while cooking. It takes extensive training. According to the USDA, Japanese sweet potatoes contain 11,062mcg of the beta-carotene form of vitamin A, for 202.2 percent of daily recommended intake of vitamin A. There is also some confusion if sweet potatoes are a type of true potato. Looking to make the salads heartier and more filling while capitalizing on maximum nutrient content, I tried throwing some roasted sweet potatoes over leafy greens. I know I haven’t. Looking at pictures of the Jersey sweet potato you can see that it is similar in color to regular potatoes. and not so sweet. 24. Many people regard the flavor of Covingtons as the best among all the sweet potato varieties available. You know they're ready when you stab them with a fork and it feels like stabbing a pat of warm butter. The purple root vegetable has purple skin and purple fibrous flesh that has an earthy and slightly sweet taste. This is a good choice of vegetable to add to stews or you can roast the sweet potatoes in the oven. Voted useful. The skin is a light tan color and the flesh is creamy-white. Related article: Ultimate Guide to Different Kinds of Potatoes, Types of Red Berries That Grow on Trees or Shrubs: Identification Guide with Pictures and Names, Types of Lemons: Lemon Varieties with Pictures From Around the World, Types of Peaches: Freestone, Clingstone and More Peach Stone Types, Types of Mangoes: Mango Varieties From Around the World With Pictures, Types of Sweet Potatoes: Japanese, Hannah, Jersey and More, Ultimate Guide to Different Kinds of Potatoes. Allgold is a variety of sweet potato that was developed in Oklahoma. Their skin color is not an indication of the flesh color. I was taken aback, as my usual grocery store only supplied one. One scientist preferred the taste of the Jewel, but wasn't sure she could eat a whole one due to the intense syrupy taste. The result was unsurprisingly positive. (2). Japanese sweet potatoes are much sweeter (so it is used in many dessert recipes). Purple sweet potatoes are some of the most interesting and colorful vegetables you can cook. to sweet potato. [1] [2] The young shoots and leaves are sometimes eaten as greens.. We also add sweet potatoes into our beef stew or beef soup with other vegies and plantain. With distinct purple-ish or reddish color skin, inside the sweet potatoes are creamy white flesh that turns yellow after cooking. In some countries, purple sweet potatoes are used to color toppings on baked goods. According to, the orange sweet potatoes are called "moist-fleshed" and the yellow are "dry-fleshed.". This one started to grow a beautiful, delicate slip right in my fruit bowl, so I removed it and placed the slip and the potato in a jar. Sometimes referred to as the Ube sweet potato, this tuberous root is actually a type of purple yam. Hernandez sweet potatoes have red skin, an oval to oblong shape that tapers at one end, and moist orange flesh. A sweet potato was a sweet potato as far as I was concerned. Kathryn Grace from San Francisco on September 07, 2014: Thank you for all the information and for sharing your taste test results. FLESH – Whitish flesh that turns golden when baked. [1] As of 2013, there are approximately 7,000 sweet potato cultivars. As with all varieties of sweet potato, these are rich in fiber and vitamin C. Creamsicle sweet potatoes get their name from the cream-colored skins and extremely sweet flesh. Due to the smooth texture of the flesh, many chefs recommend using Hannah sweet potatoes to make sweet mash. PLU Code Commodity Variety Size Restrictions Additional Information 4816 SWEET POTATO/YAM/KUMARA Golden All Sizes 4074 SWEET POTATO/YAM/KUMARA Red/Orangy Red Flesh Small large size and smaller ". You can see in the photo below their different skin colors. Ube purple yams are a staple food in Asian countries and their sweet nutty taste goes well with desserts. In these countries, the orange and white flesh varieties are the most popular. The effects were immediate: I feel fuller throughout the work day and energized enough to go for evening runs. Their skin can be shades of dark red, purple, or dark brown. Cheers! If you see pictures of yams and sweet potatoes together, it may be hard to tell them apart. Varieties of sweet potato such as Beauregard and Jewel are very popular in many countries. "I thought I would have a clear favorite but they all have their own interesting story. The majority of processors operate small scale, low input operations within a home environment. Hannah sweet potatoes are slightly sweet with a dense, starchy texture similar in consistency to a traditional white potato. Yams – Most of us have probably never even eaten a real yam. ‘Ipomoea batatas’ is the botanical name for all varieties of sweet potato. I sometimes do the same for my girls. This makes Creamsicles a good choice in the kitchen to make fries, boil, or use in stews and casseroles. Also called Murasaki Imo, these purple potatoes from Japan have a long slender oblong shape. Sweet potatoes are a superfood, that is they pack a ton of nutrition into few calories. Stokes purple sweet potatoes are one of the most popular purple cultivars. all started one afternoon when my friend mentioned the Japanese Sweet Potato in passing On board I had two PhD scientists that agreed to participate in a taste test and provide extensive feedback. CrisSp from Sky Is The Limit Adventure on May 20, 2012: Fantastic hub! It is consistently sweet, unlike other sweet potatoes - I haven't tried the Japanese - which, occasionally, can be sour, and they are so delicious. The moist orange flesh is perfect for baking and using in desserts. One of the slight differences between jewels and garnets is that jewel sweet potatoes have copper colored skin, slightly lighter than garnets. The popular Hannah batata (sweet potato) has light tan skin and yellow flesh. The other scientist conceded that he could not choose. These are often grown in lesser quantities and popular with home gardeners. Their starchy flesh takes on a sweet and malty flavor when cooked. deep purple all the way thru. You want to be sure to bake your Japanese sweet potato for this recipe as opposed to steaming or boiling. ", personally, i love the purple passion sweet potatoe. Sweet potato was first domesticated in the Americas more than 5,000 years ago. Here are some of the most popular purple sweet potatoes that you can buy. The color of the sweet potato is yellow inside and purple outside. I never knew that about wrapping in a towel before microwaving. When baked, boiled, or fried, the smooth flesh has a sweet nutty taste. i grow mine in michigan. Brinkley White sweet potatoes have creamy white skin and white potato flesh. Simone Haruko Smith from San Francisco on May 14, 2012: I had not realized that there was so much variance in sweet potato flavors! This topic has been a point of confusion for many well meaning shoppers, such as myself, who know that the sweet potato is far more nutritious than the yam. An orange variety of sweet potato similar to Puerto Ricans is the Carolina Nugget. This sweet tuber has tan-colored skin and mildly sweet yellow-orange flesh. The yellow fleshed ones were more crumbly like white potatoes. Learn more about the amazingly versatile Japanese sweet potato, its health benefits and how to cook with it today! That's a great tip. The reason Beauregards are so popular is due to their very sweet taste and vibrant orange color. When cooked, Hannah sweet potatoes have a light yellow color. They are only slightly sweet. According to an article on, Japanese sweet potatoes and "American" sweet potatoes are similar, with Japanese sweet potatoes tasting sweeter. Another type of purple sweet potato from the family Convolvulaceae is the Okinawan cultivar. But the natural sweetness and flavor of Japanese sweet potato compliments the vanilla wonderfully, and means you don’t have to use very much maple syrup to get it frosting-sweet. Both are healthy relative to your regular white spud, but this is a category where the American style wins. The Hannah deserves a trophy in my house. There are a few varieties of sweet potatoes that are sold as Cordner cultivars. Ube yams (Dioscorea alata) shouldn’t be confused with sweet potatoes because they are from the family Dioscoreaceae. Korean sweet potatoes are some of the best examples of these Asian vegetables. Sweet potatoes are native to tropical countries in Central and South America. One of the most popular varieties of sweet potatoes that is grown in the US is the Beauregard variety. I chose a white sweet potato (such as an heirloom or Hannah) vs. a more yam-like, orange sweet potato (like the jewel, Japanese, or garnet). My favorite food of all time, I can easily eat 3 in one sitting ;). Of those four varieties, we like the garnet best at our house, but we do find that different sweet potatoes work better in some dishes than others. You can roast sweet potatoes, use them in casseroles, or bake with them. The more yellow or white ones are good in soups, for example. The four sweet potato varieties were: Garnet, Hannah, Jewel, and Japanese. Sometimes, this sweet potato cultivar is sold as ‘garnet yams’ in the U.S. For starters, a sweet potato isn't a potato at all, meaning it's not a member of the Solanum tuberosum potato family from which French fries, mashed potatoes, and latkes are made; their composition of simple sugars and complex starches are quite different. I am a sweet potato fanatic- I was already familiar with all four of these types but have yet to try the Hannah, which I plan on doing tonight! Jewel potatoes are one of the most popular orange varieties of sweet potato used for baking and making casseroles. A great hub has been published outlining their differences. Vitamin A is good for your skin and is found in a lot of beauty products. For example, the Okinawa purple sweet potato variety from Japan has beige skin and dark purple flesh. In this article, you will find descriptions of the most popular kinds of sweet potatoes. Danette Watt from Illinois on May 15, 2012: Like Simone, I didn't know there were different types of sweet potatoes. Unlike most other sweet potatoes, this Japanese variety has drier flesh. Many other countries around the world such as Australia, Asia, islands of the Pacific, and Europe now grow sweet potatoes. One of the most interesting varieties of sweet potatoes from Asia is the Murasaki sweet potato from Japan. The dense flesh holds up well during cooking and its sweet orange flesh makes delicious sweet potato wedges. Although Jerseys are sweeter than regular potatoes, they aren’t as sweet as many of the orange varieties of sweet potatoes. Maybe the delicious roasted with olive oil and italian seasonings . The flesh of these tubers is very smooth and baked Porto Rican sweet potatoes make a tasty buttery mash. I've GOT to try it! The sweet potato or sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the bindweed or morning glory family, Convolvulaceae.Its large, starchy, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots are a root vegetable. Traditional potatoes – the kinds used to make fries, potato mash, and roast potatoes – are from the nightshade family Solanaceae. Its nutty flavor makes it a popular type of sweet potato, and it can be grilled, baked, or Due to its intense purple skin and deep purple flesh, you could be mistaken for thinking that this long plump root is a beet. There is the Texan Cordner variety with copper-colored skin and medium orange flesh. They can come in all colors and shapes —from red and purple to orange and brown. You can also buy Ube yam powder, extract, purple Ube jam, or grated frozen roots. One type of sweet potato popular in the southern states in the U.S. is the ‘White Delight’ variety. The fresh purple yam flesh is pale purple with white specks through it. However, there are hundreds of different types of sweet potatoes. Another type of sweet potato not to be confused with regular potatoes is the O’Henry cultivar. One popular type of heirloom sweet potato is ‘Envy.’ This heritage sweet potato variety has light orange skin and flesh of a similar color. When fall season rolls in, this popular Japanese dessert “Sweet Potato” brings a nostalgic memory to many Japanese. You can see in the photo below their different skin colors. Even my son takes a pass on buttering them. With so many varieties of sweet potatoes available, all with different colors, shapes, tastes and textures, it's important to know how healthy they all are. Japanese Sweet Potatoes – With a deep purple skin and a white interior, these potatoes are super sweet. (Disclaimer: my uncharacteristic preference for less sweetness at this time was likely influenced by the fact that I had a large slice of cake for lunch.). Sweet potatoes have now been domesticated in many countries around the world that have a hot and humid climate. Batata sweet potatoes: This dry-fleshed sweet potato is rounder than American sweet potato types and has a mottled red-purple skin. Sweet potatoes are a popular vegetable in North America where they are also called yams. Their skin color is not an indication of the flesh color. Tara McNerney (author) from Washington, DC on May 20, 2012: Thanks CrisSp! They are nutritious for humans and many types of animals. Now a days, I would simply pop it into microwave for around 5-10 minutes depending on the size and there you go, I have my version of baked sweet potato. Seeing it as a chance to explore my favorite food more, I decided to investigate the taste and texture differences of these four varieties. Buy a sweet potato and while you are there you can impress the produce person with a little trivia. Sweet potatoes also satisfy my sweet tooth, and I swear, in the dead of winter my skin started looking tanner (beta-carotene effects). I believe the lighter sweet potatoes such as the one I chose take slightly longer to cook Another of the most popular varieties of sweet potato is the delicious Covington cultivar. Potato: The Nutritional Facts According to the USDA , one medium baked sweet potato with skin contains 103 calories, 2.29 grams of protein, 0.27 grams of fat, 23.6 grams of carbohydrates, 3.8 grams of fiber and 7.39 grams of sugar. These Hawaiian sweet potatoes have a delicate sweet taste and smooth texture. Sweet potatoes are a type of root vegetable that look and taste different from regular potatoes. but I also love the jewel and garnet, which I eat most often, and the purple-fleshed which wasn't in this article but that I recently tried and loved! This versatile starchy root vegetable is identified by its rose-colored skin and intense orange flesh. Diane sweet potatoes are one of the varieties that is often confused with yams. Traditionally, Korean sweet potatoes are roasted or steamed and served as a snack. The identifying feature of the Carolina Ruby is the deep reddish-purple smooth skin that covers bright orange flesh. This has reddish-purple skin and vibrant orange sweet flesh. I do enjoy sweet potatoes and I'll be more observant in the stores next time I buy some to see if I see a name type listed. The other cultivar is from Oklahoma and is called the Cordner’s Red. I grew up having sweet potato for snacks. They have light tan to creamy-colored skins with white flesh. For the record, he reported that all sweet potatoes "sounded the same. Seasons/Availability Hannah sweet potatoes are available year-round. Generally more round (“fatter”) than the Stokes purple variety, which are more elongated. I love the idea. Bush Porto Rico sweet potatoes are a popular type of sweet root vegetable that is also used to create many cultivars. And we make sweet potatoes with a little brown sugar for Thanksgiving every year and it's delicious, I can attest to that. I love this idea and I also love sweet potatoes, thanks for sharing! Oriental Sweet Potatoes Also called the Japanese sweet potato, this variety has a purplish-pink skin and is bright and white on the inside. The purple color comes from pigments called anthocyanins which are powerful antioxidants. However, it still has a sweet nutty taste that is common to all types of sweet potato. The flesh is vibrant purple that has a dry starchy texture. According to some studies, Hernandez’s sweet potatoes have more sugar content than Beauregard’s, Covington’s, and Diane’s. The orange fleshed sweet potatoes sliced easier as they had a smoother texture. In most Spanish speaking countries, sweet potatoes are known simply as batatas. When cooked, Envy sweet potatoes have a mildly sweet taste and moist flesh. You will learn about the color of their skin, flesh, and how they taste. When cooked, Japanese purple sweet potatoes become deliciously sweet and creamy with nutty overtones. For example, the Okinawa purple sweet potato variety from Japan has beige skin and dark purple flesh. The Japanese sweet potato is starchier, sweeter, and better for roasting, steaming, and using in all your favorite recipes. From the author Wrap in foil. When I was a kid, my mom would slice them into rounds and fry them and add brown sugar in the end of the frying time. Heirloom sweet potatoes refer to varieties of root vegetables that are old cultivars or heritage varieties. Hehee, you taste test evening is THE COOLEST. These sweet starchy root vegetables have light purple, sometimes red skin, and white flesh. Their sunny color reflects their mood enhancing properties; I literally feel more cheerful throughout the afternoon! It seems that it became popular to call sweet potatoes ‘yams’ in the US during the late 1800s. The Carolina Ruby sweet potato is a cultivar that was developed using Beauregards. These tuberous starchy roots belong to the family Convolvulaceae (morning glory) in the order Solanales. Even though your local store may have tubers named ‘yams,’ chances are that they are one of the many kinds of sweet potato. earthy taste of molasses with a silky, velvety texture, imagined to be good with white flaky fish, and this is the sweet potato I have been unknowingly choosing for my spinach salads, closest taste and texture to a white potato, tastes yellow, like honey butter, but is least sweet of the four, sweetest of the four, "wow" taste the first time but may not be doable in large quantities, texture was thinner, least velvety, very high moisture content, they yellow inside does not match the external dark red skin, unlike the other three, the red skin stood out in taste and texture not unpleasantly, it's asking to be dressed up in spices - good with cajun flavored fish (look for, 'listening' to the sweet potato. There is also a type of sweet potato called Red Garnet which has reddish-purple skin and orange flesh. These orange sweet potatoes have a deliciously sweet taste and a rosy-pink skin. 9 Unbelievable Health Benefits of Japanese Sweet Potato for Internal Disease Japanese yam is believed to give warmth to the body because of the sweetness and other nutrients that affect the body temperature so it is very good consumed bronchitis patients. Wafting the sweet potato scent is a technique taken by some. The University of California prohibits discrimination or harassment of any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy (including These small scale processors have relied on traditional knowledge to develop their operations and have been Sometimes called the Yellow Hannah or Sweet Hannah, this variety of sweet potato has lightly colored tan skin. The texture is harder when it’s cooked (doesn’t get so mushy). As part of a goal to pack in the veggies, I started eating salads for lunch. Some highlights of sweet potato nutrition: Conducting the taste testing were two PhD scientists (along with myself). Stores well. The popular Hannah batata (sweet potato) has light tan skin and yellow flesh. The taste of ‘Carolina Ruby’s is described as mildly sweet with delicious moist flesh. Their moist flesh is good for baking, mashing, or frying. In fact, in the U.S., it is very rare to find true yams for sale in the store. Recently I was at Whole Foods and saw that they had lined up four different varieties of sweet potato. This sweet potato variety gets its name from the ruby-colored skin that develops when cooked. Japanese sweet potatoes are called Satsumaimo (さつまいも, サツマイモ). Slicing into the cooked sweet potatoes, I was shocked to find that under it's red exterior the Japanese sweet potato had a yellow color similar to the Hannah's. Although their color is similar to regular starchy potatoes, they have an oblong shape that tapers at either end. Garnets are oblong tubers that have dark-orange to red skin with deep orange-colored flesh. The cooked sweet potato skin peels off to reveal dark sweet orange flesh. These varieties have light purple or reddish skins and sweet white flesh. (1). If you are looking for one of the sweetest types of potato, then this Hernandez variety is one of the best. And I also love the listening and wafting techniques. This variety of sweet potato was developed using Beauregard’s and has a distinct oblong shape and tapered ends. Components in Japanese Sweet Potato Tubers The phytonutrients associated with different colors in sweet potato … Traditional vs Japanese Sweet Potato To begin with, defining a traditional sweet potato isn’t a straightforward as you may think.