Pour the delicious seasoned butter on rice or the liver. Another brilliant way to make it is to do the above, but put the whole mixture in the food processor and puree until creamy. Bad breath is caused by odor-producing bacteria that grow in the mouth. The most common causes of bad breath in dogs are bad oral hygiene and periodontal disease. I think most people will pick it up from the rest of the paragraph. I swear it is more easily hidden in a smoothie when it is raw rather than frozen. Chris, do you think that inclusion of salt and garlic helps prevent (or stave off) spoilage? If your dog is not a chewer and you do not regularly brush his teeth or have his teeth cleaned, then the most likely cause of his bad breath is plaque build-up. Diabetes causes high blood and urine sugars, which makes a dog consume more fluids and urinate more frequently than normal. Having read that many tribes in history and some still do wean their children onto raw liver, I literally shut my eyes and took a bite expecting the worst but the taste and tenderness was delicious.I now prefer my liver seared and browned in butter, no more than 20-30seconds each side, no more than 1 min in total and other customers have tried and are repeat customers to the extent that I am constantly oversold.Many of these health conscious women customers stated they could not eat liver because of taste but now really enjoy it. Perhaps the higher levels of fermented foods in their diets protects them from this kind of bacteria, though likely all killed when the meat is cooked. Bilirubin is largely responsible for the color of stool as well as some of the smell. I think the same rules apply. Curious, I sautéed a couple of unsoaked livers at the same time as ones that had been immersed in milk. Liver spoils very quickly, and a liver that is refrigerated in a supermarket is probably already going bad. It can be the food eaten, the bacteria in the colon1, and on occasion serious health problems. If a dog is scared or overly excited, the smell can get on the surrounding fur, causing bad odor. The latter goes away when washed. Another common dietary cause of flatulence in dogs is table scraps. I was hoping it would make my brain work better. I recently infected myself with human-adapted hookworm (necator americanus). In the morning, marinade it in something acidic, such as lemon or lime juice. If your hair smells bad within a few hours of washing well, you might be having ‘smelly hair syndrome’. Fetor hepaticus occurs when your breath has a strong, musty smell. I eat liver twice a week. Add oil or butter until dreamy, and call it homemade pate. While traditional to dredge the slices in seasoned flour, this time I just sprinkled with Celtic salt, fresh ground pepper, garlic powder, and Tony Chachere's Creole Seasoning (that doesn't taste at all creole to me), or Worcestershire is good too, but season as you like. The best way to do this in my experience is to thaw it out for a few hours or however long it takes to be able to barely cut through it. Two weeks or more is ideal. Foot Odor Causes: Causes of Stinky Feet. The canals are warm and dark. It also seems to me that it's an issue of 'learning to eat' liver, a process of learning to appreciate it. If you have ever received a vaccination, you know your arm may feel a bit sore for a few days after the fact. I thought it would be a good way to add to sauces and dishes but I find it fairly potent. Yesterday I had 240 g raw grass fed beef liver with seasalt and had some gasing, but not really any painful gut issues or severe bloating. Think about licking the pan. Not absent, just less. All grass-fed meats taste fishy, grassy, or gamy because of their high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. It is harder to find now; most of the liver in supermarkets seems to be beef liver–not tasty at all. If so, perhaps it wasn't frozen soon after slaughter. How long after applying PetArmor Can I bathe my dog? A popular trick for improving the taste is to soak the liver overnight in lemon juice (or water with a splash of white vinegar). Could you use milk kefir to soak the liver? It is seriously amazing, this recipe is soooooo good. I suspect oxidation of thiols contributes to the off-taste often experienced when eating liver. Additionally diarrhea and the presence of excess gas can cause bad odors. PS: I’m Brazilian and found that my liver recipe with beans tastes a little like a typical dish we have, called feijoada (a stew with black beans and different types of meat, some pork is key here, like bacon). However, that is more difficult, and for many people will be less sustainable. Maude's recipe is excellent–exactly the way my Mom cooked liver. But in terms of big categories, causes of increased ALP can be hepatic disease such as nodular hyperplasia (a very common, completely benign cause of increased ALP in older dogs), vacuolar hepatopathy (common with Cushing's disease), toxins, chronic hepatitis, neoplasia, biliary tract disease (such as a gallbladder. I've been reading how nutritious liver is and would like to incorporate more into our diet. Teething. This site provides scientific education and nothing on it is to be construed as a medical advice or as a substitute for medical advice. Price Foundation. Dog owners tend to dismiss bad dog breath as just “dog breath,” but there is usually a very good reason behind the odor. Bob's your uncle. I love liver… Just want to mention this rarely known fact that surprised me also: Toxicity from eating liver – While liver is often eaten, the vitamin A content of the liver of certain animals—including the polar bear, seal, walrus, moose, and husky—is highly hazardous.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypervitaminosis_Aor "one bite of his [polar bear] liver could be enough to send you to the hospital"https://science.howstuffworks.com/zoology/mammals/eat-polar-bear-liver.htm. They just don't tell him about it. Here is the link. Of course, some including my better half still over cook or will not try but all grand children love it 'half raw' now. I am curious though, I happen to adore foie gras, but I've never been a huge fan of plain old liver (I'm trying to change, don't judge me). when i went shopping the other da,y there was this really fat guy had greasy hair and didnt think much of himself, ... Foods rich in B12 are Yeast, liver, beef, eggs, kidney, pork, milk, cheese and fish. Pumpkin: Add a few spoonfuls of canned pumpkin to dog food. Here's how I cook liver. Thanks for this, I just took a 3 oz portion of chicken liver from the freezer and sauteed it in butter, chicken fat and sea salt for one minute on each side. And lots of people, including me, are avoiding wheat. flour, cornstarch, arrowroot, etc., slowly whisk in 1 cup half and half or milk, whisk out the lumps and heat till it starts to thicken. Too much plaque and tartar build-up can push the gums away from the teeth, exposing new areas for bacteria to develop. Wow, I accidentally stumbled onto this blog earlier today by doing a search for liver recipes and I'm very impressed! Many feline disorders are accompanied by diarrhea and foul smelling stools. Wonder how many will know what that means? Bad breath can occasionally stem from small stones that form in the tonsils and are covered with bacteria that produce odor. In fact, it might even be true that people can die of a broken heart. I have told him about it but he doesn't even smell it, he says it's just me that smells it. If the liver has been frozen for a week or two and is well-raised/grassfed what are your thoughts on raw consumption? I've eaten plenty of raw liver that way, but I don't think it's for everyone! Currently, I buy US Wellness Meats liverwurst, which is pre-cooked and made from beef liver, kidney, and heart. Theory: Pumpkin tastes good going in, but not so good in excrement. In my youth it was rarely on the menu, and the last time I ate it was half a year ago, when at my girlfriends. By the way, if you've never tried goat, I strongly recommend it. When comparing livers from beef, buffalo, lamb, and chicken, I like the taste of chicken liver best but find buffalo liver to be the best combination of taste and texture. A sulfur burp is simply a burp accompanied by a foul rotten egg smell. Neither the best option, but better than going without. Ear infections in dogs occur when that bacteria or yeast overgrows. I tried it once–ugh! Harsh-smelling stool can indicate a health issue. Demke said there could be a number of reasons why the liver tastes "bad." That sweat creates a prime environment for bacteria to grow, and their metabolic processes emit a certain odor. Kroger's is a nice dark red, though God know what they ate. Thanks! He eats a paleo type diet, and 3 times daily I make a drink using coconut oil, cranberry extract dark cherry extract blackcurrant extract blueberry fruits and turmeric. Dogs naturally lose old or damaged hair by shedding. I am one of those who have never liked liver because of the taste. This smell is that of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas. Chicken liver and beef/calf liver are the two most widely available types of liver in many countries. Urinary tract infection. The one near me has a butcher shop, run like any other. It's the perfect texture and the little bit of sweetness from the bacon and tomatoes is awesome! Over time, poor oral hygiene can lead to periodontal disease. If urine becomes highly concentrated — a high level of waste products with little water — your urine may have a strong ammonia odor. After making liver a couple times (always soaking it in water overnight first) I found a basic slow cooker recipe (liver, bacon, tomatoes, onions, S&P) in The Paleo Slow Cooker–and now I LOVE liver. Mom always had the works: liver, onions and bacon and all fried in bacon grease. There is also less bile and vitamin D in it because if there weren’t, then the disease process would not go forward. Cumin helps a lot in making it more palatable. Or the liver might be older. UTIs often cause changes in the appearance or smell of the urine. So I like the idea of the half raw method. Tip 1: Grass-Fed Liver First off, start with grass-fed liver. You've convinced me to try to get my family to eat some liver on a regular basis. Apart from what you are doing, phlebotomy is also a very useful way to deal with iron overload. Infections in the urinary tract may cause a buildup of bacteria, pus, or even blood in the urine, which could potentially change the smell. Liver starts to smell bad after spoilage at refrigeration temperature, which doesn't seem to me to take long. Foul-smelling breath: Bad breath is never normal for a dog or cat, but a tumor can smell like rotten meat because it contains dead tissue. My grandmother rubbed liver with ground sage and broiled gently, serving with onions sauteed in butter. Second, find a liver that is sold frozen. Thanks Chris, How much & how often do you eat liver? Marinate overnight in Greek lemon yogurt. I had been told not to cook for long it it will be tough. Now I cook it in a little coconut oil or butter, gently, and add a bit of balsamic vinegar. Smell like beef gone bad is primarily due to proteolysis (break down of proteins to small components, many of which have unpleasant to offensive odor). This is why they suffer so from chronic disease. I have noticed that my husband who has Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, has a horrible smell. Thanks for the comments on keeping liver fresh. I was raw vegan for 3 years and vegetarian for 10 years before that, and have been Paleo for 8 months now and am feeling awesome. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon.A fantastic presentation. Hyperactivity is probably just part of being a puppy. The sulfur compounds released by these bacteria make your breath smell. Does anyone know what I am talking about? Your email address will not be published. I grew up eating goat liver. I also don't want to remove liver from my diet! Liver is rich in many other nutrients, including B6 and copper, which both protect against iron overload by supporting its utilization to synthesize heme proteins and by keep it in a less dangerous oxidative state. As a parent changing your baby's wet diaper, you may notice a light smell of ammonia and other normal waste from the kidneys. Then I cooked it lightly with onions, garlic, butter, cumin, salt, and a piece of bacon. Also known as "Fetor hepaticus," the sweet, musty aroma is caused by dimethyl sulfide, not ketones. I have a question for you. Liver has been marinating in lemon juice with salt, pepper, garlic powder, Italian herbs, Worcestershire sauce. If you stop after the 1 minute cooking in your instructions, and portion it into what you want to eat daily, you can freeze anything you won’t eat this week. The bitter taste can overwhelm your taste buds and turn you away from enjoying the meat. Since he probably has high circulating levels of quercetin which act as a shuttle for labile iron and binds it to transferrin, is the iron absorbed from the liver in a chelated form already or can it directly form Fe2+ or Fe3 upon absorption and via fenton reacton cause hydroxyl radical formation? Why does liver smell so bad? Even liver "haters" can manage it. Have any of you seen changes in health or mental health since eating it? Fish odor syndrome (trimethylaminuria) is a genetic disease; symptoms are often present from birth. And I did buy the dark red grassfed stuff and a bunch of good ingredients went into the recipe like bacon bits and cooking wine. Simply so, what disease makes you smell bad? Why does my breath smell so bad even after brushing? Recently, I’ve stopped eating raw liver and have noticed that my eyes had gotten very sensitive. The flavor of coconut oil doesn't always agree with me, but this is one place where I really like to use coconut oil. Although, you were talking about oxidation… so maybe lemon or lime juice would be even better than vinegar (/acetic acid) — antioxidants and [citric] acid to keep the thiols protonated? Does soaking the liver cause the loss of any nutrients? Why does my female cat's pee smell so bad? I am not an expert on this subject, but I think we can make a reasonable assumption that foie gras and the human liver disease NASH have some things in common. Dog food is made out of some pretty gross parts of animals not approved for human consumption. Add whatever spices you want or additional ingredients (such as sauteed garlic and onions, if that's your thing). If your old dog smells bad, take him to the vet for an examination. This is caused by elevated ketone levels. Possible causes for smelly stool include parasites, infections in the digestive tract, irritable bowel syndrome and malabsorption syndrome. Often the smell is accompanied by excessive ear scratching by your dog, which can cause further injury to the ear area. Why Is Liver Good for You? Liver is high in fat and cholesterol – that’s bad for you! I think once a week is a good starting point, but I think each person needs to adjust according to how their body reacts. I'm going to eat it though. Yum. One test for age would be to sniff the liver — an off or ammonia-like odor is a warning sign. If I make too much, I reheat it in a glass dish placed in a bamboo steamer. Cook liver, food process w/ hard boiled eggs, onions & animal fat. How would you rank the liver choices found in typical supermarkets: Beef (conventional), Calf (conventional)Chicken (conventional), Chicken (organic)? In my (ignorant) opinion, seeing it as a kind of supplement for Vitamin A, taking it everyday must be different from taking a lot of Vitamin A in just one day. One of our favorites is to thaw, soak in wine or lime juice for several hours, salt to your preference, then slow cook (covered) in oven at 275-300 for about 2 hours. I follow the recipe on the PerfectHealthDiet and soak the thawed grass fed liver in raw milk for a few hours, saute in ghee with onions. The smell of wet-dog, Brunning says, comes from moisture evaporation that carries some of those compounds with it. Poor diet can contribute to this condition and can also be the cause of other problems including yeast infections, which also give off a foul odor. Over time, poor oral hygiene can lead to periodontal disease. Thanks for sharing. I plan to see my Dr. Soon.I am over 60 and have had nasal surgery. After a while, bacteria decompose the urea and give off an ammoniacal odour characteristic of stale old urine. Gives me lots of new ideas on how to get more of it into my diet. Since then until recently rarely ate it because of 'iron' taste. The only beneficial way to eat liver is the way you will eat liver, and since most people won’t eat liver at all, making it easy is important to making it sustainable. People taking antibiotics may experience temporary stomach upset and foul-smelling stool. Oh, your poor dog… There are other reasons for a strong urine smell, like kidney stones, diabetes, or maybe even some type of fungal infection, all requiring immediate medical attention. (I had previously cut up the thawed liver with scissors into thin strips) 🙂 Definitely appreciate the preparation and storage tips! Other medical problems associated with bad breath include sinusitis (inflamed sinuses), pneumonia, bronchitis, postnasal drip and acid reflux. I just bought liver over the weekend and was wondering how to prepare it. I make savory smoothies with parsley, garlic, salt, lime, green bell pepper, jalapeno, raw goat kefir, coconut oil, flax seeds, cumin seeds, and raw grass fed beef liver and heart. So this might be just the ticket. (Although I might make a last minute, at the table addition of egg yolk, I never add it and then store it.). Nasty disgusting process of forcefully overfeeding geese to make their liver fatty. Beef liver is very low in calories. It is caused by having something cold touch the roof of the mouth, and is believed to result from a nerve response causing rapid constriction and swelling of blood vessels or a "referring" of pain from the roof of the mouth to the head. Start by slicing the liver in slightly larger than bite-sized pieces to allow for shrinkage, then wrap the liver pieces in bacon 1/2 or 1/3 of a bacon strip with a water chestnut slice added, then pierce with a toothpick to hold each one together and broil them. beef heart for 0.5 lbs. Many foods could be ruined by wrong cooking, not only a liver – turkey and chicken breasts are good examples(my mom, who is from the country without a tradition to make turkeys for holidays, gave up on a turkey after her first try). I then add the beef heart (chunks) and cover and cook for 45 minutes to 1 hour on low heat. Why does my Yorkie's breath smell so bad? I can eat some venison liver the flavor is almost sweet but the aftertaste gets me everytime. Many cats experiencing a bladder or kidney problem will urinate outside the litterbox4. I want to include grass fed liver in his diet because of all the extremely valuable nutrients, but am very afraid he will absorb too much iron. Goat liver, however, is different. Luckily, I grew up liking liver. If your pup smells like urine, he could have a urinary tract infection. Chopped liver. I thaw a few of the cubes at a time, storing them in the refrigerator. Seasonal or food allergies can cause inflammation of the skin which leads to excessive secretion of oil from certain glands in the skin, producing a musty smell. The lemon juice marinade made my liver decidedly less tasty. I like adding some salt (I do recommend sea salt/rock salt WITHOUT additives based on my experience that my body 'just feels better' afterwards) and pepper, adjusted to ones taste. I still feel burnt out over tossing everything in my fridge and freezer after hurricane Sandy so I've been picking up fresh liver on regular grocery trips since then. I eat this on 3 or 4 days of the week, usually for breakfast with a couple of scrambled eggs and a glass of raw milk. When bacteria cause structural and chemical changes in pork, they cause degradation of meat quality. You may have been given a strong-tasting beef liver rather than the milder calf's liver. ', https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/aliquot#Verb. I've been trying to incorporate more organ meats but the taste was not appealing to my palate at first! My secret to enjoying chicken liver, which I cut up and very slightly sauté, is combining it with peach slices which I also sauté. You may have been given a strong-tasting beef liver rather than the milder calf's liver. I am making my own kefir–with raw milk. When your feet are covered close-toed shoes and you run around all day, your feet sweat. These poorly digestible diets cause excessive fermentation in the colon and subsequent gas formation. It can also depend on the season-many dogs develop thick coats in the winter that are then shed in the spring. Is that part of their rules? Kinda grosses me out. Right now I'm really busy and I need a sustainable way to get liver in my diet that requires less time. Lack of house-training usually stems from giving the puppy too much freedom too quickly. I'm glad the timing worked out and wish you the best! I’m not sure whether if would work for you, because I’m not sensitive to the aftertaste you mention. Is there any nutritional difference between the two insofar as what you've discussed in your blog? I was anemic and she knew to feed me well to address it. I have to say that my favorite type of liver dish has to be foie gras! These "omg-why-does-my-poop-smell-so-bad" situations can be caused by any number of things, such as a gluten allergy or a bacterial overgrowth in your intestines. It’s mine! Would it be acidic enough to do what you explain? Quinoa has a high protein content, sweet and nutty flavor, and distinct texture. It is quite sustaining without being heavy. Yes, I slice it thin and throw out anything that gets in the way of my slicing. Guess I'm lucky. However, if the dog is on an unbalanced or poor diet, then good food lights up their brains like Xmas. Liver from younger animals such as lamb contain fewer toxins. Liver is possibly the easiest food to work with as long as you prepare it ahead and store it frozen after a little precooking. You can also subscribe without commenting. Yes. Why does my dog's breath smell so bad lately? Is it bad if my puppy is breathing fast while sleeping. Causes. so you basically puree it in a food processor? I started to take fermented cod liver oil in hopes that it would help. It's true that over time, an egg's quality begins to decline as the air pocket inside gets larger and the whites get thinner. If you dont mind the taste does not matter. Also, dogs cannot actually taste sweet. What are the medical causes of a smelly dog? Late-stage liver failure can also cause bad breath. Even better, find a Middle Eastern grocery store selling Halal meats, which are usually raised locally, on smaller farms, due to dietary requirements. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Haha! It smelled so bad that I regretted the few bites I managed to get myself through! The cause for foul smelling stools in cats or humans can be very similar. If you don't have access to the quality of liver Chris recommends, mainstream groceries likely have some frozen. Dog owners tend to dismiss bad dog breath as just “dog breath,” but there is usually a very good reason behind the odor. I felt a little better and then remembered that I use to eat raw liver. I make smoothies with full-fat coconut milk, frozen bananas, raw partially defrosted grass-fed beef liver, and a few other things.