In the previous chapter, you presented your offerings in the Centaur Camp, and you were judged by Firenze, one of the members of their herd. You may opt out of using cookies through your browser's settings. Seen/Mentioned:First practiced by Harry in the home of the Dursleys,then used by Dumbledore to light up the cave of the Horcrux. Horton-Keitch Braking Charm – prevents players from *☆Ascendio – Lifts the targer high into air * Friconus maximus -a sanding charm mentioned in Helga Longbottom’s book, “A Guide to Cleaning the Messiest of Magical Messes” though it comes with the disclaimer “This sanding charm is to sanding charms what the fiendfyre curse is to incendio.” * Contristosempra – Depression hex 📬 This is YOUR Hogwarts journey. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the first game for kids in which players can create their own character and experience life as a Hogwarts student. What spells hide an area? Crescoramus – Causes the victim to sprout antlers. Can be cast on anyone’s spells, not just your own Furnunculus – Target is covered in boils stops the wand movement and the yarn production ceases too. Tonks becomes a … Keep the motion steady if you vary the speed the yarn may vary in thickness or strength and wont weave well. * Pixit- tap a book 3 times and pictures will show up to illustrate what is written It is also noted that one of the ways to create an Invisibility Cloak is to imbue a travelling cloak with a Disillusionment Charm, the charms on these cloaks wear off with time. * Revelio Simpli- A simple spell which will tell you where injuries - Amplifying Charm. *☆Jelly-Legs Counter-Jinx – “Expedio Crura” Causes victim’s legs to go back to their normal state Offendo – Causes target to trip and fall After his death, the charms faded away, allowing authorities to acknowledge the island's existence for the first time. *☆Aresto Momentum – Slows down an object or person Choose either above to see what others have said. Magic Spells, Potions & More - Attend classes to learn and master magical skills like casting spells and brewing potions. Scourgify – Cleaning charm ⓗ Additionally, your character will be able to develop 3 skills: Courage, Empathy, and Knowledge. It is primarily used in broomstick manufacturing to make the brooms more comfortable for riders * Defluo – Charms ink to be invisible, ink must be wet Glisseo – Causes the steps on a stairway to flatten and form a ramp or slide YOU decide! Although it's a free-to-play game, Hogwarts Mystery follows the path of almost every other F2P title with the inclusion of in-app purchases. ◈* Must be taught these spells in role play *: * Aparecium – Reveals invisible ink * Crura Gelare-Jelly-Legs Jinx – Renders victim’s legs temporarily useless, leaving him/her to wobble around helplessly until the effect wears off or the counter-jinx is performed. Fortis obex – Causes object unable to be penetrated by other objects Protego Totalum – Protego over a larger area I'll update this post with information on the spell once any is given to me. Taboo Jinx – may be placed upon a word or a name, so that whenever that word is spoken, a magical disturbance is created which either alerts the caster of the Taboo to the location of the speaker or has some other cursed effect, depending on what you wish it to do. Evanesco – Objects disappear but can be recovered Reparo – Repairs a broken object *☆Jelly-Brain Jinx – “Cerebrumus Gelare” Effects the target’s mental processes for an hour, target will act mentally instable. Incarcerous – Ties someone or something up with ropes * Locomotor – If aimed at an object, it will move it Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Five of Year Six of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. ☆Penitus Intorqueo – Innard twisting spell, can cause death. This is a community by fans, for fans, and we have no affiliation with any of these companies. Defodio – Causes deep gouges to appear in the object targeted HISTORY OF MAGIC class. 8 Damage + Courage. Locomotor Mortis – Leg-locking jinx When a charm is cast poorly it will fail and the caster runs the risk of it backfiring. * Treadlum – begin with a regular swaying motion with wand, to spit out woolen yarn like a spray can of silly string. Reducio – Reduction charm, counter-spell to Engorgio ☆Piertotum Locomotor – Animates suits of armor- can only be used by Hogwarts Professors when castle is under attack Nox – Counter-spell to Lumos Flying charm – cast on brooms Horcrux creation spell. Bat-Bogey hex – “Pipistrelle Mucus” Causes victim’s bogeys to sprout bat like wings and attack You can comment on the page with Disqus or Facebook. Concealing charmswere spells used to hide secret messages in parchment by magical means (as an alternative to Invisible Ink). Congelo – Freezing Charm Vox Dementis – Babbling jinx, * Adhaero – Superglue hex, sticks the victim or an object to a surface with the strength of strong superglue Unforgivables – If caught at any age, casting these will result in an instant one-ticket pass to Azkaban. Inferi-raising/creating spell. You access the in-game shop by clicking the "+" symbol next to either your energy meter, your coin counter, or your gem counter, all of which are located in the top right-hand corner of the screen (shown in the image above). * Transfiguro – Basic transfiguration spell Puserumpo – Causes the victim’s nose to erupt into a cascade of pus, which can only be stopped through magical means. * Kryoventus – Causes a strong blast of cold wind to emit out of the caster’s wand Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery is available to download on Android and iOS now, and has been for a few weeks. *☆Termino Commoveo – A medicinal spell which treats the patient for shock 22,491 talking about this. Scriboscipio – Animated ribbon used to write things in the air ☆Doleo Dolere – Entrail Expelling Curse, Kissing alarm Charm- Takes 2-should you kiss each other an alarm will sound. Descendo – Causes any targeted object to move downwards ☆Pia Pium – Anti-cheating spell *☆Injurious Revelio -The complex injury/illness assessment spell. Fans of the series are wondering if the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery plot follows the events of the books, offers something new, or doesn’t fit anywhere in the Harry Potter lore books. The successful casting of charm is achieved through concentration, precise wand movements, and the proper pronunciation of an incantation. Finite – A counter spell for spells that lack specific counter spells. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Thanks u/taltos19 for the details on the spell! Erecto – Erects a tent or other similar structure *☆Avada Kedavra ✖ Killing curse. * Sonorus – Magnifies the voice What charm reveals things? Welcome to Walkthrough for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Game. Hogwarts Mystery follows a player character entering the fictional school of Hogwarts and is set before the events of the novels. * Jacquardium- takes yarn and weave it into cloth. Petrificus Totalus – Full body-bind curse Lingucornus – Turns target’s tongue into a horn We have similar questions to this one that may have more answers for you: Show all. Repleo – Refills a container with the current contents Menu. Obscuro – Causes a blindfold to appear over the victim’s eyes ☆Expulso – Violent blasting curse, causes anything to explode on impact Caterwauling Charm – causing anyone entering the perimeter to set off a high-pitched shriek